Another question

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just got a question on changing injection site. Was told to change the needle bit every 2~3 days and the tubing from the pump every 6 days. So when I change the needle thingy that is in me I can use the same tubing that had has already been primed. However I'm sure I had to bolus 1 unit into the needle thingy to fill that up also. is that correct and how do you bolus 1 unit in without it.thinking you have actually bolused 1 unit in you that could affect dose suggestions.
We change the whole lot each time as that is what we have been told to do.

However your pump may have a " fill cannula" option in "reservoir and settings"?( not sure on your pump but something to that effect if not Medtronic). If you use that and put in the dose needed to fill the cannula it would not mess up your bolusing via pump accounting for the active insulin.
We change the whole lot each time as that is what we have been told to do.

However your pump may have a " fill cannula" option in "reservoir and settings"?( not sure on your pump but something to that effect if not Medtronic). If you use that and put in the dose needed to fill the cannula it would not mess up your bolusing via pump accounting for the active insulin.

Thanks for the quick reply, using accu chek combo. Can only see setting to prime the tubing, not an option to fill reservoir.
Ok so Accu Chek are the only company who say you can use the same tubing for 6 days, all other pump company say every 2 to 3 days change the lot. This is not a money spinner but because insulin and plastic do not mix very well and especially if only bolusing small amounts and/or small basals then the insulin starts to crystallise or whatever in the tubing.

This is always a long conversation on the CWD email lists as accu chek say something different. Interestingly Medtronic used to sell just tubing years ago but now they sell the whole lot as they realised what was happening.

So just be aware if you start to see numbers rising towards the end of your 6 days of the same tubing this could be the issue - you may not see it but just be aware.

We have medtronic so wording different but priming would be right. You need to prime the canula (the bit inside you). You need to prime enough so that if fills the new canula. On the smaller length mio canulas (Medtronic) it is only 0.3 units but I have indeed heard others say 1 unit for the accu chek (no idea what set mind you). Priming it through would be ok
Thanks for that info adrienne, think I will change the lot as I do only use small amounts, so won't risk any possible problems with the insulin sticking inside, I know where the setting is to prime it so will prime the lot before inserting the needle in me.
Anyone using accu chek combo, how do you fill flexlink cannula without having to bolus 1 unit ?
We need another Combo user really. I'm sure there are quite a few.

TW changes tubing and cannula separately as you describe so there must be a way!
We need another Combo user really. I'm sure there are quite a few.

TW changes tubing and cannula separately as you describe so there must be a way!

Hi, its quite annoying, I know how to change them separately but both ways involve bolusing 1 unit to prime the cannula. This would make the pump think you have bolused 1 unit. First snag I've come across and very happy with the pump. Do think they should of has an option to prime cannula and able to set dose for the various types of cannula.
Like the previous post, there seems to be this option on other pumps.
Might be worth a phonecall to the company to see if there are any ways around it ?
Hi, its quite annoying, I know how to change them separately but both ways involve bolusing 1 unit to prime the cannula. This would make the pump think you have bolused 1 unit. First snag I've come across and very happy with the pump. Do think they should of has an option to prime cannula and able to set dose for the various types of cannula.
Like the previous post, there seems to be this option on other pumps.

Medtronic has an option called 'Fill cannula' which would be must what you need!
Seems like only option is to prime infusion set while connected to cannula. it is an automatic 25 units but can be stopped any time . So next time will do this and push stop at 24 units. Should work, as long as I'm not distracted and end up priming 25 units into me lol
Brett please explain in one straightforward paragraph what you mean (I know what you mean but in the language of the Accu chek pump as I don't understand that as we have medtronic). I should be able to get you an answer tonight or tomorrow. I would have to cut and paste your paragraph and show a few people, would that be ok. 🙂
Brett please explain in one straightforward paragraph what you mean (I know what you mean but in the language of the Accu chek pump as I don't understand that as we have medtronic). I should be able to get you an answer tonight or tomorrow. I would have to cut and paste your paragraph and show a few people, would that be ok. 🙂

I will try lol, thats fine 🙂

When changing infusion set first step is to stop pump and disconnect infusion set, remove cannula. Insert new cannula, and connect new infusion set to pump. Before connecting new infusion set to canula the infusion set needs to be primed. Select option on pump to prime infusion set, at which point 25 units is primed from pump until insulin is coming out the end. Connect Innfusion set to canula. Now 1 unit needs to be bolused to fill new canula. This is done by manually selecting to bolus 1 unit. Problem is pump then thinks 1 unit hasbeen bolused into me and is showing on meter as ~1 unit I think it will affect future bolus advice by deducting that 1 unit should I enter.carbs being eaten.

I've copied and pasted but they may have gone to bed now (till test time 😉) but will get back to you once I have an answer 🙂

Ooops gotta go Jessica is now beeping .... She's high
Thanks adrienne x
Actually I'm getting a few replies through now. Us mums stay up late :D

Just asking more questions that have come up from their answers.
Wow,.I'm impressed. Also I mums do stay up late lol. Think ill be up late too, 5.5 and a but anxious to go to sleep, although by the last couple of days that should be fine. Just not used to going to sleep on such low numbers lol
Wow,.I'm impressed. Also I mums do stay up late lol. Think ill be up late too, 5.5 and a but anxious to go to sleep, although by the last couple of days that should be fine. Just not used to going to sleep on such low numbers lol

Yep I understand that. Its funny but we are now reliant on sensors which I know are hard for adults (and now children) to get. I'm happy to let Jessica to to sleep in the 4's and 5's but without a sensor I am more worried unless in the 6's yet nothing is different
I will try lol, thats fine 🙂

When changing infusion set first step is to stop pump and disconnect infusion set, remove cannula. Insert new cannula, and connect new infusion set to pump. Before connecting new infusion set to canula the infusion set needs to be primed. Select option on pump to prime infusion set, at which point 25 units is primed from pump until insulin is coming out the end. Connect Innfusion set to canula. Now 1 unit needs to be bolused to fill new canula. This is done by manually selecting to bolus 1 unit. Problem is pump then thinks 1 unit hasbeen bolused into me and is showing on meter as ~1 unit I think it will affect future bolus advice by deducting that 1 unit should I enter.carbs being eaten.

Ok you are right. This is what I've been told by a few mums using Accu Chek with their kids.

There are 3 ways you can do this. As you say doing it like you are the pump will think there is 1 unit active insulin or IOB (insulin on board) or BOB (bolus on board) - whatever you call it. If you are then high or whatever it will take notice of that 1 unit which won't help you at all.

So you can:

1. Work out how many carbs would equate to 1 unit for you and enter the carbs (this is what you said).

2. You can use the prime, which is set at 25 as default and watch it count up or down (whatever it does) and get ready to press the stop button when its given one. One of the mums does this which to me seems very hit and miss but she says its practice and is the quickest way.

3. This is what I suggested and think I would do. You can prime the 25 units through to fill the tubing, then reset the default prime from 25 to 1 unit. Then connect the pump. You can then prime safely knowing it will only give you 1 unit and you don't have to get ready to press that stop button. It won't then count as IOB.

One mum said but you would have to change it back to 25 units. I disagree. You wouldn't have to do that until it was time to do the next set change. So you could keep it on 1 unit as default whilst wearing it. Once you do your next set change, change it to 25 units and then back to 1 unit to prime the cannula and so on

Does any of that make sense and does it help? No idea but hope it does a bit. You were absolutely along the right lines.

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