Another Bombshell

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I really think that your team need to give you more information - or at least make themselves available for questions. You were probably so shell-shocked that you didn't think of the questions you need answers too.

I had been told that it is quite common to become resistant to the insulin that you inject, I guess in the same way as the body can become resistant to other drugs you take for a long time. Your body sees it as not normal. I would have hoped that changing to another insulin would improve the situation as its not the same as the one it has become resistant to.

I can't comment on byetta as I have not read anything about it.

Can you get a list of your questions together and speak to the DSN next week ?
Hey Bev ..

That would be brill if you could ..

Thanks 🙂


I dont have the link - but the forum is called 'diabetes daily' and there are a few members who have 'double diabetes' on there.🙂Bev xxx
Oh Heidi,

So sorry sweety, what a rough ride you have endurred so far, you seem to cope so well but it must take the wind out of your sales...

I had never heard either of having both types of diabetes, it is a strange thought just to read of it for the first time so I am afraid I have no constructive/useful advice, sorry. But my thoughts and support are with you. Hope you work throught it all ok.

Take care
Louisa x
Just thinking about this Bev (had a look over on the other forum) surely this boy has just developed temporary insulin resistance because he is growing (Just as Claire, Sue, Debbie have described.) They do put some teenagers on Metformin but I don't think it means you have double-diabetes (or will have forever), just temporary resistance caused by growth and sex-hormones .

The man on Diabetes Daily is called Richard, he only developed DD after many years. He has no complications and is a Joslin Medalist.

This is the site

The woman is called Kate (Tiger Lily) and posts here now.

Both of them are very helpful.

I'm stunned!:confused:

know not what to speak, so I'll say take care,

Take care,

Rossi 🙂
I agree with Bev. Sorry come in to this quite late.

Before you accept this diagnosis, find out more about hormones. There are kids on the other email group where the levels are way out of control. Some have come through the other end ie when hormones have settles other are having 90 odd units a day and still swinging.

Have a chat with the others on the email list. It sounds identical and its just them damned hormones which are sent to test us.......
Just catching up. So sorry to hear about this, Heidi. I have never heard of double diabetes before.

Do please keep us up to date with how things are progressing.

Gosh, you certainly have a lot on your plate. Take care. x
Hi All ...

Many thanks for your replies and views .... :D

I have argued the point of growth hormones several times with both DSN and Consultant ... they reply " With a hmmm and a possible".

While Nathan's hb remains stable and 6.5 - 7.3 ish ... hard work .. lol ... its the swinging bg levels in between that cause me a lot of concern ... but I have put that down to his age etc ... and the odd sneaked treat ...😱 .. that give Nathan his due .. he always tells me about after it has been eaten.

I have thought long and hard about the DD and your thoughts over night and have decided not to tell Nathan at the moment until it has definately been proved to me that he has in fact got type 2 .. Nathan is already taking metformin .. and has been told this is to aid his resistance to insulin .. Nor do I want to cause him any more upset and worry, with another condition that has not been proved.

I also think a change of Consultant and DSN might be in order as at present I have little faith in there capabilties ... One remark yesterday that was made by the DSN did however crush me as a mam, and have me doubting and feeling of loss of confidence was ..... "Well, Heidi, We all know Nathan's HB is as good as it is, is because of the amount of insulin he takes" .... Granted the insulin keeps him alive and does its job ... but as we all know its not just about that ... its damn hardwork ... food ... exercise ... nearly 15 year old hormonal kevin the teenager ... the tears I see Nathan cry .. the tears I have inside .... I was gutted.

On the plus side .. If that is possible .... Nathan will be changing Insulin as of next saturday ...after lots of discussion, and Nathan wanting to change etc ... a reluctant Consultant and DSN ... have agreed he can start on Hypurine neutral and isophane.

Hi Heidi. Youpoor things - what a lot to deal with! I don't know enough to comment really, but I do remember a point when I was in my full on teenage years (hormones etc) where I was told I had a possible insulin resistnace... I don't now, so fingers crossed it might be something that settles down when Nathan's older... Definitely seek a second opinion though. It's hard knowing who to trust sometimes.

You poor things - you must be fed up with this.

Obviously there isn't much you can do about the growth hormone surges apart from sit it out.

However, I just wondered, have you ever put Nathan on a strict low carb diet? He could try that instead to improve his numbers and wouldn't have to take such vast quantities of insulin. The more insulin he takes, the larger he will get and the more insulin resistant he will become.

take care
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