Another Bombshell

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All ...

Sorry again I've not been about much the past couple of days ... Nathan not been to well ... Has a very heavy cold .. but on the plus side seems to be on the mend today and bg remained stable .. and only a trace of ketones .. which I suspect are starvation ones.

What this really about though ... I had a conversation with his DSN before ... and suddenly she announced you do realise he is also type 2 diabetic, as well as being type 1, and that he will need to go on to Byetta injections as soon as he hits 18. She refered to it as Double Diabetes.

The thing is how on earth do I tell Nathan .. who is struggling with teenage angst, let alone being type 1???

please excuse my ignorance, but what what what? why does he have to go on those? what makes him a double diabetic? what IS a double diabetic, how is it possible?

/end questions, sorry!
Hi All ...

Sorry again I've not been about much the past couple of days ... Nathan not been to well ... Has a very heavy cold .. but on the plus side seems to be on the mend today and bg remained stable .. and only a trace of ketones .. which I suspect are starvation ones.

What this really about though ... I had a conversation with his DSN before ... and suddenly she announced you do realise he is also type 2 diabetic, as well as being type 1, and that he will need to go on to Byetta injections as soon as he hits 18. She refered to it as Double Diabetes.

The thing is how on earth do I tell Nathan .. who is struggling with teenage angst, let alone being type 1???


Oh Heidi, this is so much for you to cope with. I must admit - I didnt even know you could have both? How do they determine that if his beta cells have packed up then how can he be type 2 aswell?😱Bev x
Sorry if this sounds a bit dim, but if you are type 1 there is no function in the pancreas and if you are type 2 there is some function in the pancreas and you need some additional help to use the glucose in the blood stream.
Oh Heidi, this is so much for you to cope with. I must admit - I didnt even know you could have both? How do they determine that if his beta cells have packed up then how can he be type 2 aswell?😱Bev x

Insulin resistance plus no pancreatic function. Sorry to hear this Heidi. I think we have one or two members in a similar position, so hopefully they can offer advice.
Insulin resistance plus no pancreatic function. Sorry to hear this Heidi. I think we have one or two members in a similar position, so hopefully they can offer advice.

I think we were posting at the same time or very close as my reply is above yours. There is still much to learn!
please excuse my ignorance, but what what what? why does he have to go on those? what makes him a double diabetic? what IS a double diabetic, how is it possible?

/end questions, sorry!

Hi Shiv ...

Hey no worries with the ???'s ....🙂

What, what, what has been racing through my mind most of the afternoon.

Double diabetic according to DSN ... Is when you have both type 1 ... no insulin production .... and type 2 .... insulin resistance ... sorry folks if I have the type 2 bit wrong.

Basically Nathan's daily insulin requirements are through the roof .... 70 units Lantus ... and slightly more of Nova Rapid. They have Nathan already on Metformin 500mg twice a day ... that will increase to 3 next week and 4 next month .. this is to try to make him more sensitive to the insulin and therefore require less

Apparently it is quite rare for diabetics to have both diabetes

So sorry to hear this Heidi wish i could give you as hug I do hope you can find a time to tell him your a brill mum and im sure you will put the best way you can in this kind of situation x x im so sorry if you want a chat you know you can om me anytime
wow heidi. now you say it i think i have heard of it before.

i'm sending you massive hugs. we will be here for you when you do need to tell him. best of luck! xx
Hi Shiv ...

Hey no worries with the ???'s ....🙂

What, what, what has been racing through my mind most of the afternoon.

Double diabetic according to DSN ... Is when you have both type 1 ... no insulin production .... and type 2 .... insulin resistance ... sorry folks if I have the type 2 bit wrong.

Basically Nathan's daily insulin requirements are through the roof .... 70 units Lantus ... and slightly more of Nova Rapid. They have Nathan already on Metformin 500mg twice a day ... that will increase to 3 next week and 4 next month .. this is to try to make him more sensitive to the insulin and therefore require less

Apparently it is quite rare for diabetics to have both diabetes


Heidi, without sounding judgemental at all - is Nathan overweight? Its just that I read somewhere that if your BMI is higher than average you can become insulin resistant - so if he is a little overweight - perhaps it would help with his resistance to lose some weight? Alex is on 25 units in total - that includes his basal and his bolus. I know he is younger - but I am wondering whether there is a weight issue.🙂Bev x
Err!*? What is this woman on. If you follow this link to the manufacturer's prescribing notes it states:-

i) Byetta should NOT be used with Type I.

ii) The concurrent use of Byetta and insulin cannot be recommended.

This is a recent document not a historical one. Also in Type I no insulin is produced and one of Byetta's actions is to stimulate it's production!
Good lord Heidi! And poor Nathan. I didn't know that it was even possible for someone to have both kinds. I don't know what to say, but I send you both huge virtual hugs.
Heidi, without sounding judgemental at all - is Nathan overweight? Its just that I read somewhere that if your BMI is higher than average you can become insulin resistant - so if he is a little overweight - perhaps it would help with his resistance to lose some weight? Alex is on 25 units in total - that includes his basal and his bolus. I know he is younger - but I am wondering whether there is a weight issue.🙂Bev x

Hi Bev ...

Nathan is a little overweight ... although it has'nt helped him been put on Lantus ... Sorry not wanting to get into a debate over Levemir/Lantus.

I have drastically tried to cut portions etc down and gain a control over what he eats ... But it has'nt helped either a cycle of feeding insulin ..if you understand.

Having said that Nathan's build is not slight .. and thats genetically ... I'm quiet tiny .. his dad and that side of his family are squat and stocky .. all the men play rugby .. that is'nt an excuse on my part .. Unfortunately I cannot alter his genetic body shape ...

Also Nathan is in full flight growth hormone surges .. which again present a issue regarding insulin resistance .. as the hormones knock out the insulin function.

Err!*? What is this woman on. If you follow this link to the manufacturer's prescribing notes it states:-

i) Byetta should NOT be used with Type I.

ii) The concurrent use of Byetta and insulin cannot be recommended.

This is a recent document not a historical one. Also in Type I no insulin is produced and one of Byetta's actions is to stimulate it's production!

Double Ds normally have metformin ( makes the injected insulin go farther, encourages uptake of glucose in the extremities and you need a bit less insulin because it is said to be "insulin sparing")
Err!*? What is this woman on. If you follow this link to the manufacturer's prescribing notes it states:-

i) Byetta should NOT be used with Type I.

ii) The concurrent use of Byetta and insulin cannot be recommended.

This is a recent document not a historical one. Also in Type I no insulin is produced and one of Byetta's actions is to stimulate it's production!

Hi Falcon ...

Hmmm ... now thats interesting ... the reason I say this is the DSN had allegedly spoken to the adult consultant regarding Nathan changing to Hypurine (different topic) ... and this consultant had said she has a couple of diabetics on this injection

Meant to also say regarding the use of Byetta ... it is not recommended for use in the under 18's ... now either it is not suitable or licensed or trialed in this age group ... Please correct me if I am wrong on this

Heidi, I just asked on the other forum about this and apparently it does exist. There are a few people who have both - but it is very rare. There is another forum where there are adults who have both - do you want me to find out what the forum is so you can join and ask questions there? It is also nothing to do with weight - not sure what the reason is for it - but it sucks either way! Poor Nathan and poor you. pm me if you want.🙂Bev xxx
Hey Heidi,

I'm so sorry to hear that, your consultant sounds pretty ropey and I really do help it's just the fact that Nathan is a teenager.

My best wishes to both of you,

Heidi, I just asked on the other forum about this and apparently it does exist. There are a few people who have both - but it is very rare. There is another forum where there are adults who have both - do you want me to find out what the forum is so you can join and ask questions there? It is also nothing to do with weight - not sure what the reason is for it - but it sucks either way! Poor Nathan and poor you. pm me if you want.🙂Bev xxx

Hey Bev ..

That would be brill if you could ..

Thanks 🙂

OMG Heidi, what a lot to take on board, id never heard of it until now either, hope you get the answers you need, take care xx
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