Annual review

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, I'm finally off for my annual review on Tuesday, which is a bit odd as I was diagnosed in May 2008, not November! Anyone care to take a stab at my HbA1c? I expect everything to have gone skywards this time - A1c, chol, BP. I've had a particularly bad month with inactivity, stress, insomnia, cold etc. and probably comfort eating/drinking a bit as well :( If they'd done this when they were supposed to, at the beginning of October, I would be feeling more confident as I was doing quite well up until then - but that's life, and I suppose it helps to know what can happen when you can't quite keep things under the best of control all the time.

You can probably tell that I'm expecting something higher than my past 2 5.6%s...😱
I'll go with 5.8 after reading the above, but good luck anyway!🙂
Oooh! Haven't done one of these for a bit. Hang on while I give my noggin a bit of a shake .........


Andy 🙂
I'll say 6.0%, but wouldn't be surprised if it's lower than that. I'm always so envious of your control!

Best of luck - and hope things look up for you soon!
It's creeping up! I hope not too many people answer or it'll be over 8! 😉
Hope you are pleasantly surprised, I was with mine this week, not that they did my hba!??

Relax till you get the numbers, then get back on track mister!


5.7% Alan 🙂as it takes the last 3 months doesn't it. I agree with previous comment- get the results, get your leg right and then get running again! I hope it isn't as bad as you expect.
I am going to go for 5.9
You sound like baby🙂
And the winners are....Andy and Sheilagh! HbA1c was 5.9%, so still in the 5% club! Yayyy!!! 🙂

I had the best consultant visit I've had since diagnosis. Really nice bloke who listened to everything I had to say, didn't rush me out of the door, discussed everything with me instead of just looking at my numbers and saying 'Yeah, you're fine'. He said my control was excellent, the best he would expect to see all day, approved my diet etc. He was a little concerned about my cholesterol and blood pressure - chol up to 5.2% and BP not good (but explained it's better when measured at home). He was mainly concerned with the chol because he was under the illusion that I had been diagnosed after being admitted with a heart attack, but I quickly explained this was wrong so he wasn't quite so fired up to order me back on the statins. Although chol on the high side, my HDL (the so-called 'good' stuff) was high too.

So, the outcome was that he wasn't going to increase my medication, but just to review it in 6 months. I also asked him about a pump and he was actually in favour of someone like me getting a pump since I clearly work hard to achieve good levels (well, I don't have to work as hard as some of you lot, I admit!). However, Southampton don't fund pumps - he said he had written his business case for them for the past 6 years and not got anywhere :( . He said he would have to send me to Bournemouth where they would probably turn me down on the criteria.

He thinks I probably have some residual beta cell function because of my low lantus requirements, and I have to agree. I think that this is what helps me to have such good control generally.

So, I was well impressed and glad that, after all the business about my last clinic closing etc., I've actually ended up with something much better. :D

I also put in a plug for the forum and I'm going to pop a poster in for him so he can recommend us to his other patients.
Great news Northe, its a good feeling when you have a positive reaction from the professionals who understand all your hard work! 🙂
Great news Alan.

nice work on plugging this place x



Actually, it's brilliant news!

Bit of a bum about the cholesterol, but perhaps you're just one of those people who produce it naturally?
Fantastic news Alan - and well done on the plug too!
Congrats on your HBA1C amazing result, If mine were 5.9 it would have meant a lot of hypos!! 😉
Congrats on your HBA1C amazing result, If mine were 5.9 it would have meant a lot of hypos!! 😉

Thanks guys 🙂 The consultant did press me quite a bit about hypos, but I really haven't had that many, it's mainly that my higher numbers are never that high. When I had a 5.2% A1c that was largely down to a lot of lows and he did say that he would have been very concerned if I'd shown up today with that - funny that the previous, uninterested, consultants never questioned it or gave any advice. I was really impressed with this guy. What I also discovered was that he also runs a clinic at the hospital I used to go to and said I could go there if more convenient - the NHS is such a mish-mash at times!
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