Am now an official pumper!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Two hour appointment with pump dsn this afternoon, and I am now connected and pumping!🙂

I feel 'different' already - not sure why, but relieved, that I'm finally more in control and have a powerful tool to beat the diabetes fairy with.

Its an Animas vibe, metallic green, and I can't take my hands off it! I'm sure I'll have lots of questions, problems, indecisions, so thank you all in advance🙂
Congratulations Casper good luck pet x :D
Welcome to the team!

Hope your transition goes smoothly 🙂
Exciting isn't it?!! 🙂
Good stuff Casper.

A pump is a great bit of technology to help beat the dastardly diabetes fairy with. Hoping it goes nice and smoothly for you.
Congratulations on your new pump and a new start to managing the D, good luck & best wishes 🙂
Well done YOU ! give it a couple of weeks & you will wounder why you didnt get one years ago 🙂🙂
Yayyyyy!!!!! What a great feeling, eh?

I have your twin - my Animas Vibe is metallic green too (originally went for a pink one but have had to have this replaced a couple of times & I changed to green cos the pink was not bright fluorescent like I'd hoped but middle-aged rose pink lol).

Any vibey specific questions, I'll try my best with 🙂
Oh dear Ingrid - I actually have liked "middle aged rose pink" (as long as it's 'dusky' not 'rosebud') ever since I was about 6 .........

I don't loathe shocking pink as a concept for other people - but defo not for me!

Metallic green sounds v pretty though!

British Racing green or that Peugeot pale one - Crystal Green is it? Either of them would do me fine!
Congratulations Casper, was wondering how it went we have the same pump but I think Ingrid sounds like the expert 🙂 good luck with it first set change for me today! 🙂
Well, eventful day! Tested at 3am, 12.6, unfortunately rolled back to sleep, woke at 7.30 at 19.9😱 with a strange screen on the pump, blue with an egg timer:confused:
Stayed high all morning despite doing injections as well as normal bolus, highest got to 21.2, then by lunch was down to 7.9. Disconnected and primed to make sure insulin was flowing, connected and filled cannula, bolused for lunch, and have kept a close eye on climbing levels this afternoon. Went into basal rate and increased the amount per hour, by now totally confused as to using the ezCarb/ezbolus, as tea calculated as 160g carbs, 6cp for which I would have injected 6 units, but pump telling me 17 units. I know I've gone wrong somewhere, but brain is a bit fuddled.

Did normal bolus for tea, and will be testing frequently throughout the night. I have appointment with pump dsn tomorrow, which will include first set change, and lots of questions:confused:

Hope above makes sense to anyone reading!
Hi casper 6 cps is 60 carbs 160 carbs is 16cps hence if you bolused for 160 carbs and have 1/10 carb ratio plus a correction = 17 units 😱
Hi casper 6 cps is 60 carbs 160 carbs is 16cps hence if you bolused for 160 carbs and have 1/10 carb ratio plus a correction = 17 units 😱

Duh!! I was using the weight of the bun/chips, 😱 160grams in weight, 😱

I am doing 1/10 ratio, so yes, your calc works out and I am dozy🙄
Duh!! I was using the weight of the bun/chips, 😱 160grams in weight, 😱

I am doing 1/10 ratio, so yes, your calc works out and I am dozy🙄

No you are not dozy, it's been a long day with a lot to learn and take in, hence the blip.

But you realised what the pump was telling you regarding insulin dosage wasn't right so you took the correct action by giving a normal dose. IE. you are thinking for yourself and being proactive 🙂
No you are not dozy, it's been a long day with a lot to learn and take in, hence the blip.

But you realised what the pump was telling you regarding insulin dosage wasn't right so you took the correct action by giving a normal dose. IE. you are thinking for yourself and being proactive 🙂

Thanks for the kind words🙂
Hi Casper, steep learning curve, innit?! Information overload to begin with along with panic stations at every turn. Sounds like you still had your head screwed on ok to over-ride what the pump suggested, thank goodness 🙂

D'you think you have the ezCarb/ezBG sorted now, as it was just that it was the wrong amount of carb that gave the funny result? I think the screen is mostly self-explanatory though some of them jump around to unexpected places and you have to scroll back up or down to the bit you want, and you have to keep pressing OK before & after just about everything, which takes a bit of getting used to.

Well done so far, you're still alive 😉

Btw You only fill the cannula when you change the cannula itself. If you disconnect and prime, you shouldn't fill the cannula when you reconnect cos it's already full.
"strange screen on the pump, blue with an egg timer"

??? never had one of those!!!!

I occasionally get a screen showing a blue rectangle and telling me how much IOB there is...I think it happens when I accidentally press something in the cgm menu (I don't use cgm). I'm jealous - I want an egg timer on my pump!!
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