Am i still doing the right thing ????

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Hi Mark, I'm fairly recently diagnosed and struggling with learning about healthy eating but after reading lots on here about monitors and testing I bought a monitor from Boots cos it was half price so only around ?7.50 (Freestyle Lite). I've found it invaluable in telling me what foods give me higher readings, unfortunately its meant that I've had to practically give up bread cos that gave me readings of over 12 every time (2 slices). I test first thing in the morning then 2 hours after every meal. I also keep a food diary and put the readings in too so I can keep an eye on what makes me spike. The test strips cost me ?25 for ?50. My GP said he wont prescribe them cos I'm not on any meds but your GP may be more amenable. I'm going to go and see him again, taking my food diary to show him to see if he'll prescribe once I explain how helpful the testing is for me, after all the longer I can go without meds the cheaper I'll be for the NHS.

Good look with your testing

this is excellent advice practice who previously had no problems giving me strips is now allowing 100 strips a year for T2 non insulin ..i take 500mg metformin once a day will be allowed 100 strips ...I have known on the forum there are people who are diet and exercise who have managed to eventually get strips by showing their food diary's and how serious they are about getting their levels stable ....
slightly off subject but it did crack me up when i recently saw my DSN for anti bios... i had to see nursey cos i have been so unwell with nasty nasty cold and she asked me how was the ole d and i said i dont really know as im being careful with my strips !!! i can only use < 2 a week !!
yeah i just feel again a bit out of the water again. Im trying to balance my diet too. And not eating sweets and stuff. I will get a machine but all this talk of food diary and all this stuff is getting me down againi thought last night what kind of a life is this????? Is it all trial and error with food then ?

I mean everything i eat i always look at the sugar in it and keep it to a minimum. But again last night i had pizza and salad for tea then felt guilty for having it...

Hi Mark

The food diary would just need to be for a short while, so you can see for yourself exactly what you're eating and you can then relate it to how you feel or your blood sugars.

The sugar content is only a part of the story. The total carbohydrate is what the insulin works on. But you do want to keep the sugar part of that to a minimum so your blood sugars don't peak to high. That's advice that can apply to everyone, not just diabetics. Go back 50 or 100 years and there wasn't so much processed food with refined sugars in. Sadly, we've got used to eating sweet and fatty stuff but would do better going back to more basic foods. Obviously, I don't necessarily take my own advice ! 🙄

You can still eat pizza, but don't have too much of it and not too often. If you're eating what would be classed as a "healthy, varied diet" then you're doing fine, but just need to eat portions that won't send your weight back up too much.

As has been said, you're pretty active, so you have an advantage over most. That burns off a lot of the calories. Don't go beating yourself up or feeling like you have to live like a monk. Just make gradual changes and you'll barely notice it happening.

yeah i just feel again a bit out of the water again. Im trying to balance my diet too. And not eating sweets and stuff. I will get a machine but all this talk of food diary and all this stuff is getting me down againi thought last night what kind of a life is this????? Is it all trial and error with food then ?

I mean everything i eat i always look at the sugar in it and keep it to a minimum. But again last night i had pizza and salad for tea then felt guilty for having it...


The point about food diaries is that you do them only for as long as they are teaching you something. As soon as your levels are sorted, the diary becomes unnecessary. The same can be said for testing your bg too.

Once you've got all the information you need about your diet, you can put those feelings of guilt aside, because you will KNOW what pizza is doing to you (for example). You may even find that pizza doesn't affect you that badly anyway (the fat content alone will slow the absorption of glucose into the blood stream and with all the exercise that you do, the fat content may not be a problem either).

Andy 🙂
yeah i see the point of it really. But ay the mo i still feel in the dark?
Today i had sshredded wheat for my breakfast with banana on it as i do every morning.

Lunch a cheese and tomato sandwich(Brown bread)

I admit cheese aint good but i dont eat alot of it now..

And my dinner i had spaghetti bolonaise with wholemeal spaghetti
But again im let thinking is that bad ????

On average now i have brown bread sandwich eveyday for lunch with either chicken or real ham on. And a proper meal in the evening. I did all this in July/ August and my test came back 6.5 which the nurse was happy with ??

I feel like this is the hardest thing to manage again...

Wholemeal is better for you then plain I think.. have you bought a diabetic cookbook? That might give you some ideas/advice x
Oh no i will get one of them.

I also checked my weight again today and im still 17st i used to be 19 1/2 so i still keep managing to keep the weight off.. ANd ive been going on my cross trainer too.

I may even have a beer tonight with my fianc? just know ill feel guilty in the morning though..

I don't think one beer will hurt, I've had a couple of malibu's before but limited myself and didn't feel too bad in the morning x
have a beer ..don't feel guilty have some fun ...its good for stress levels which is also good for the BS ... alcohol can make you bs drop... so if ive had a drink ..(whiskey and coke in hand... diet of course) ..i will have some carbs before i go to bed just to even things out a bit .... also you doing well with you weight loss and HbA1c ..i didn't keep a food diary ....i just noticed what I had eaten and what made the ole BS rise too much sadly fruit and bread for me ...doesn't mean you cant have it ...just in moderation !! well done mark you are doing so well x🙂
Mark, dont feel guilty, you should see how many beers we have when we all meet up 😉 :D
(and how many I had last night, not advised I can assure you 😱)
Ha ha thanks again all. Sometimes i feel like a bloody junky when i have a beer and stuff like im commiting a crime. Tonight though im having vodka and slimline tonic water. Looked at the bottle and there is nothing in it so im well happy...

Right were is that ice..

Have a top weekend all..

when i was first Dx my GP said slimline gin and tonic ....😱gin ....same thing really !!! have fun xx try and relax a bit cos you are doing sooo well xx🙂
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