Am I leaning towards or already, Type 1 Diabetic or LADA?

I just wonder how much fluids you actually drink, my daughter had a problem and the GP said she was drinking too much caffeine as she drank lots of tea. By reducing the cups of tea the problem disappeared.
I know people say that you need to stay well hydrated but the colour of your pee is usually a good guidance as to whether it is about right. I believe there is a colour chart somewhere on line.
There is another form of diabetes, Diabetes insipidus, that causes frequent urination and is unrelated to Type I or II. An important issue is the volume. Low volumes tend to suggest OBS (Overactive Bladder Syndrome) or a UTI. You need to contact your GP or your local Urology service may have a walk in service.
I just wonder how much fluids you actually drink, my daughter had a problem and the GP said she was drinking too much caffeine as she drank lots of tea. By reducing the cups of tea the problem disappeared.
I know people say that you need to stay well hydrated but the colour of your pee is usually a good guidance as to whether it is about right. I believe there is a colour chart somewhere on line.
I drink 5-6 cups of fluid a day and i only drink coffee / tea 4 days per week, but this wee problem started 1 year before, as I only drinmk caffeine at work and i wasn't working for a year and that'w when the issuen started. My pee is usually light yellow, can be darker, has been lighter, but usually light yellow.
There is another form of diabetes, Diabetes insipidus, that causes frequent urination and is unrelated to Type I or II. An important issue is the volume. Low volumes tend to suggest OBS (Overactive Bladder Syndrome) or a UTI. You need to contact your GP or your local Urology service may have a walk in service.
Hi. I don't pee too much volume, I've measured it. So, i thinjk that rules out D Insipidus. FDocot thoiught it was OBS, I had tablets but they didn't work. He then wasn't sure, as I don't have an urge, I can hold my bladder for a long time and don't leak. And the tests I had, were normal. That made me think of Diabetes and why I had my Fasting Insulin & Glucose done. Thanks for your input.
It may now be what is normal for you if all medical investigations don't reveal anything.
It may help if you keep a food diary to see if it is linked to any particular foods. I know some foods have a diuretic effect.