Am i being selfish?

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All users, new or established, are welcome to express opinions - disagreement and recognising difference is fine!
Maybe the "lighten up" exit line could have been left unsaid.

However, as Copepod says, all are welcome unless they become offensive.
Maybe the "lighten up" could of been left out.........I apologise if I offended (any newly diagnosed members).

But this is a forum and if one was seasoned to online communities you would know all opinions are welcome......

I am not here to kick up any trouble, I was purely expressing my opinon that diabetes is not the end of the world, especially in this day and age....there is much worse I can assure you.

Unfortunatley when you are diagnosed with it, no one is there to educate you on how everything works, why its happened, what you need to do now......

That should be everyones goal here...........
Maybe the "lighten up" could of been left out.........I apologise if I offended (any newly diagnosed members).

But this is a forum and if one was seasoned to online communities you would know all opinions are welcome......

I am not here to kick up any trouble, I was purely expressing my opinon that diabetes is not the end of the world, especially in this day and age....there is much worse I can assure you.

Unfortunatley when you are diagnosed with it, no one is there to educate you on how everything works, why its happened, what you need to do now......

That should be everyones goal here...........

i agree with you
Maybe the "lighten up" could of been left out.........I apologise if I offended (any newly diagnosed members).

But this is a forum and if one was seasoned to online communities you would know all opinions are welcome......

I am not here to kick up any trouble, I was purely expressing my opinon that diabetes is not the end of the world, especially in this day and age....there is much worse I can assure you.

Unfortunatley when you are diagnosed with it, no one is there to educate you on how everything works, why its happened, what you need to do now......

That should be everyones goal here...........

Thanks for the apology. Whilst it is true that some forums may contain 'blunt' and 'forthright' contributions, not everyone is seasoned to this, indeed this may be the first and only forum some people have joined, so we ask our members to be courteous and respectful to other members and not to include potentially inflammatory phrases. Whilst it's true that there are worst things in life than diabetes, it is all relative - for people new or struggling with their diabetes management it can be most debilitating and upsetting.
i think this whole thread has been taken out of context now and is on a slippery slide for some arguing.

If i remember, there was no mention of diabetes in the first was about how some people react and deal with life in different ways and how other people are annoyed that views and thoughts are not similar.

I suspect if novorapidboi had been a seasoned contributor already, there would have been no reaction by anyone and it wouldnt have required an apology.

Most sites are "clicky".. this one is no different

I dont feel that anyone has been nasty.... just taken out of context.... 🙂
I don't think you or anyone D_G is being selfish getting angry with those thoughts, just try, and not take them to heart. We all use these different sites differently and generally no one means any harm.

Also I wouldn't want you to spend a day in my shoes, although big a spacious not very clean/fresh!😉
Rossi :D
I am with you on your final line Hotchop - think it is a case of something you say not being the same when written on a forum. Misunderstanding.

Surprised about the clicky comment though as I don't feel it on here. I am relatively new and have not felt excluded. I don't understand all the threads on Type 1 things but then there is no reason why I should.

We don't know how the original poster was feeling when they read the Facebook entries - perhaps normally they would hardly have noticed but something must have touched a nerve.

Anyway, welcome rapidboi - like your avatar.
its for this reason i deleted my facebook account, seems to be all unemployed or single mothers at home updating their status 10 times a day.

some of them go like this,

shaun - is hungry
shaun - is eating
shaun - is full
shaun - needs the toilet
shaun - is weeing.

its basically for attention seekers.

Strange, I only see posts from 'Friends' on facebook, do you have a lot of unemployed or single mothers as friends. If not how did you see them?
Maybe the "lighten up" could of been left out.........I apologise if I offended (any newly diagnosed members).

But this is a forum and if one was seasoned to online communities you would know all opinions are welcome......

I am not here to kick up any trouble, I was purely expressing my opinon that diabetes is not the end of the world, especially in this day and age....there is much worse I can assure you.

Unfortunatley when you are diagnosed with it, no one is there to educate you on how everything works, why its happened, what you need to do now......

That should be everyones goal here...........

Hi I totally agree with you, there are alot worse things in life than Diabetes,eg Cancer, Parkinsons disease, Debilitating lung conditions, Child abuse, Alzheimers,people waiting for transplants. At least we can have good to reasonable control and hopefully live a long and healthy life, which i'm afraid there are thousands or millions of people out there who do not have much to look forward to. No, diabetes is not the end of the world, it's a right pain in the backside at times, and causes problems, but hey, thats the hand we were dealt with and I'm afraid we just have to deal with it the best way we can.Sheena
Lets finish with this topic..............respect to all..............
Hi all,

I just wanted to put my two penneth in!🙂

We are all individuals and so we all deal with stress and illness in an individual way. What may be very traumatic for one person may not be a bother for others.

Stress, and the effects of stress, are not a 'measureable' entity. So saying that having diabetes for one person is ok and they just get on with it is wonderful. However, I find it rather arrogant to want to apply this perception across the board. Some people would get highly agitated over breaking a nail and others wouldnt care. Some people get highly agitated over being diagnosed with diabetes and others dont. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' about how we all deal with bad news - but I think we should all be tolerant of each others feelings. Being judgemental about how somebody deals with stress and bad news is never healthy as it appears that one has to 'prove' that the news we have had has to be scored on a rating of 1 to 10 and if it isnt a 10 then we are not allowed to be upset or traumatised by it - but who says that there is a rating about how we all deal with life events? If some people find that a diagnosis is acceptable and can just be blase about it then I envy you - because I cant accept this diagnosis for Alex and I will never be 'comfortable' about it under any circumstances. Luckily I think he accepts it more than I do and that makes me happy - but it doesnt negate my unhappiness about it all and I would prefer not to be judged for my outrage at my child being diagnosed with a life long chronic illness.🙂Bev
No you're not being selfish D_G, I know how you feel sometimes. Having said that, I think it is all relative and depends what is going on in your life at the time. For example, a friend died of cancer only 3 days after the symptoms appeared, leaving his wife and 2 young daughters. Obviously that was absolutely horrific, and makes me think about how I should appreciate life more, and I can't imagine how hard life must be for his family. But then there are still every day thing that get me down or are frustrating, e.g. the morning I found a slug in my kitchen I was quite upset and posted on here about it, even though I know that it's really not that terrible in the grand scheme of things!

When I got diabetes I kept telling myself that I shouldn't be upset that I had to control my diet when there are people in the world without food and medicine, but in the end my boyfriend made me see that it was natural to be upset about it because it's a big change in my life.

So I think it's normal for anyone to feel down about things sometimes, and those things may seem trivial to us, but then our problems are small compared to someone else too....
This probably sounds really selfish but i just cant help getting angry at peoples facebook statuses recently!

Anyone else feel this way or just me........?

You have got to realise that people use Facebook/Twitter and even this board for their own reasons. The written word does not always convey the meaning that was intended by the writer. I am sure we have all got angry at something that has been written on this board, but here we must remember that people here react differently to their diabetes (and I don't mean their BG readings). This is a good blog about Facebook:

So No you are not selfish, but I don't think you should be angry either, just take them off your Xmas card list or on Facebook Hide them.
Unfortunatley when you are diagnosed with it, no one is there to educate you on how everything works, why its happened, what you need to do now......

That's not strictly correct. There are courses run by the NHS (certainly darn sarf). Diabetes X-pert being one.

However, I do think that whether anyone newly diagnosed is actually told about them is another matter! That seems to be a little patchy and I think that I got lucky when I was admitted to St Mary's hospital in London when diagnosed. They were simply excellent there.

Andy 🙂
More or less everything I know about diabetes I have learned on here.
More or less everything I know about diabetes I have learned on here.

Yoour one of about 100 that willl say the same hun im the same, got all i needed to know mainly off here x
I understand all of your feelings toward it, sadly sometimes its take someone's illnesses or disablialties to realised how lucky they are and become less selfish themselves. I agreed they can be so annoying but I guess diabetes made us a better people, just keep smiling 🙂
D_G just put on your status Dilligaf!!! lol if you dont know what this means I will pm you with the answer lol....

Lol yep i love this saying...and the song! will use this in future hehe thanks! 🙂

wow i just logged back on since the weekend and have so many new posts on this thread lol well i guess that answers my question about me not being the only one feelin like this!


EDIT: Just read the posts and maybe went slightly off topic...i hope i havent started anything though i wasnt too happy with the "lighten up" comment! but i shall say nothing about it as i hate arguing...
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Just read the posts and maybe went slightly off topic...i hope i havent started anything though i wasnt too happy with the "lighten up" comment! but i shall say nothing about it as i hate arguing...

I get the impression that it was all dealt with amicably in the end (well I darned well hope so!!). 🙂

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