Am i being selfish?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This probably sounds really selfish but i just cant help getting angry at peoples facebook statuses recently!

When i see a status along the lines of "iv had the worse day ever....first im late for work then i broke a nail..could my life get any worse" or things like "i hate my life (because of some rediculous reason) " it just makes me angry and i just want to slap them and say at least you dont have this awful disease to contend with every day of your life, think yourself lucky!

It takes all my strength not to comment on statuses like this selfish of me?

I just feel like these people have no reason to hate thier lives and they should be so thankful that they have thier health. i know everyone has thier problems dont get me wrong about that but sometimes i just think...oh your nail broke...try walking in my shoes for a day!

Anyone else feel this way or just me........?
No DG sounds quite resonable to me and not at all selfish , i dont have facebook for these kind of reasons so i stay well clear of statuses lol...she should count herself very lucky a broken nail is her biggest problem of the day.🙄
I often feel the same as you! Given my health situation lately (and everything else that has happened over the last year) I get particularly incensed when people say 'oh I am so tired', or 'oh, I really don't like my job'....and have pretty much the same reaction as you. Walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me how bad you feel. I'm trying to hold my tongue tho as I don't want anyone to start feeling sorry for me!
Nope...Not being selfish hun, just some people don't realise how lucky they are! The most status' that infuriate me, is that posted by MY own family members!!...I see all their holiday pictures, 2/3 holidays in one year and yet they still will write things like...'I need a break' or say what a difficult day that have had rushing about and trying to get organised for the next night out!!...I think 'What's a holiday' and 'what's a night out'

My only night out is when I am layed up in hospital with severe Gall bladder or Pancreatus pain....Sometimes staying in for 4 nights...and NO visitors but my Partner!

The last time I was taken in my son wrote on his Facebook wall that I was ill again...He said how no one had come to visit me...The only reply was from my cousin who explined how 'we are all busy with own own problems!'

Whilst I can understand this, I think, too busy for a half hour hospital visit?...When your 10 minuste away in a car???....Well, you can't choose your family can you!....No, they are the selfish one's...If they ever become ill they will know how it feels...When I told some of my family about my Diabtes, a couple of remarks I had was 'Oh, lots of people have Diabetes'

There's caring for ya!
I feel like this sometimes too.

It is really mean, but the posts from the ladies who have just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes on my baby forum, get me quite annoyed. I know rationally being diagnosed with GD part way through your pregnancy must be a real shock and very scary, but part of me just wants to tell them to shut up and that they dont know how lucky they are to only be having to deal with it for a few weeks.

I dont say this though, I bite my tongue and help them with their diet, blood testing queries as much as I can
Agreed, it's frustrating.
At least with Facebook, you can choose to reduce the number of updates from people who irritate you. Status updates reach everyone, regardless of long term health conditions, so they're not aiming at you specifically. It's just a feature of social networking sites that some people want to post lots, and have such minor news that breaking a nail makes news. Guess it's a case of glass half full / half empty, but agreed, I'd be annoyed if no-one visted me in hospital, especially if they lived close. But a willing friend is better than someone acting only out of duty - the pressed man / volunteer principle in armed forces. Actually, when I was knocked off my bike and spent 2 nights in hospital, my partner was away and out of phone contact, so I had to phone our lodger and ask him to bring in a change of clothes, glasses and extra insulin; phoned my mum, but over 100 miles away, couldn't come over for 2 days. Not nice, but completely understandable. Poor partner - first he knew of my injury was feeling a bandage on my arm when he got into bed late at night.
mmmmm im gonna put the cat amongst the pidgeons now....

we all deal with stress and troubles differently.. some like to shout it from the rooftops and other plod on minding their own business dealing with their issues.

Facebook has created more of an awareness of blooming moaners and jelousy and envy and all those feelings that we all either love or hate.

Maybe the person who has no other worries apart from breaking a nail has no real worries... now im jealous, I really am...

yet the person who had gestational diabetes is frantically worried about her unborn child.. I feel really bad for her and cant imagine how she feels, even if it is only for a few weeks/months.

There are ppl on every site, this one included, who I just suspect to not having a life apart from the internet and do nothing but moan to anyone who will read and provoke a response because they may be lacking some sort of attention.. it goes further than needing support and advice>> and I really feel sorry for them!

people keep responding.... creating the feeling that they are important and fuelling the fire that creates such strong feelings.

im sure we can all think of maybe one or 2 people who you think.. god what are they moaning about now! lol

off my box 🙂
It is frustrating when people have a bad day over trivial things. We all have bad days for one reason or another.

For me personally because I have problems with crowds and confnied spaces, if I am late for work it is more stressfull as there are more crowds. We are all different so view things differently
mmmmm im gonna put the cat amongst the pidgeons now....

we all deal with stress and troubles differently.. some like to shout it from the rooftops and other plod on minding their own business dealing with their issues.

Facebook has created more of an awareness of blooming moaners and jelousy and envy and all those feelings that we all either love or hate.

Maybe the person who has no other worries apart from breaking a nail has no real worries... now im jealous, I really am...

yet the person who had gestational diabetes is frantically worried about her unborn child.. I feel really bad for her and cant imagine how she feels, even if it is only for a few weeks/months.

There are ppl on every site, this one included, who I just suspect to not having a life apart from the internet and do nothing but moan to anyone who will read and provoke a response because they may be lacking some sort of attention.. it goes further than needing support and advice>> and I really feel sorry for them!

people keep responding.... creating the feeling that they are important and fuelling the fire that creates such strong feelings.

im sure we can all think of maybe one or 2 people who you think.. god what are they moaning about now! lol

off my box 🙂

Well said reason number 2 why i dont do facebook/twitter etc.
really bugs me too...seriously. If they actually had something to moan about then I would feel a little more sympathy towards them 😡 but alas, I am a bit of a b**** :D so sympathy doesn't come often from me XD
D_G just put on your status Dilligaf!!! lol if you dont know what this means I will pm you with the answer lol....
its for this reason i deleted my facebook account, seems to be all unemployed or single mothers at home updating their status 10 times a day.

some of them go like this,

shaun - is hungry
shaun - is eating
shaun - is full
shaun - needs the toilet
shaun - is weeing.

its basically for attention seekers.
I dont think you can be selfish for thinking that,

but honestly do you think your life is so bad, I just joined today and there seems to be a lot of grown men and woman struggling to come to terms with this CONDITION (prefer not to call it disease).

If you test your blood every day (ever meal time) your in the best position to get a good control, and that means HbA1c result, trying to get on target every time you test is a good goal but unrealistic.

Lighten up.............
its for this reason i deleted my facebook account, seems to be all unemployed or single mothers at home updating their status 10 times a day.

some of them go like this,

shaun - is hungry
shaun - is eating
shaun - is full
shaun - needs the toilet
shaun - is weeing.

its basically for attention seekers.

I'm sure some single fathers do it to.🙄
It doesn't make you selfish but you are obviously much more mature than the others. You have had to mature quicker than them because of the health issue and some people will never, ever be as mature as you.

As someone else has said, if one of your Facebook friends is doing a one liner every time they move, stop showing their posts.

For someone who is new to this forum I feel you should keep your opions to yourself, There are a lot of ppl who have joined this forum for help to come to terms with this Illness, wether they are type1 or type 2....... ppl like myself have had this for nearly 10yrs or more and I joined because my diabetes was out of controll, and before you say its my fault it wasn't, I didnt have a good Diabetic nurse or good doctors but I have now and they advised me of this forum where everybody who has diabetes can seek information and make friends. So word of advise dont judge ppl on here there are new ppl on here that need help and friendship to help them cope.....
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