alternatives to glucotabs?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, the new glucotabs are HORRIBLE. I'm running out and loathe to get any more of them. Anyone know any other types of hypo stuff that's affordable and isn't destrose or lucozade tablets? I'm being sent a sample of Hypo-Fit (flavoured gels) to try - picking them up from the PO next week some time.

I'm just looking for something decent and nice that I can buy now yknow - as I'm running very very low on hypo supplies 😱
could you use jelly babies? thats what i use, i just take a fair few out and put them in a resealable see through bag in my handbag and use 3 or 4 for a low.

Or maybe just carry around some lucozade or those mini cans of coke, or juice boxes?
could you use jelly babies? thats what i use, i just take a fair few out and put them in a resealable see through bag in my handbag and use 3 or 4 for a low.

Or maybe just carry around some lucozade or those mini cans of coke, or juice boxes?

usually do go for juice boxes, but because I hypo so often at the moment i'd end up filling my handbag up 😱
I'm not sure how quickly something like straburst or wine gums would act. maybe they could be a possible alternative.

I have seen dextrose and lucozade tablets in a few places, I think SUperdrugs is one place you can get them. Lots of pharmacies do them, but they are well hidden in some so you may have to ask.
been thinking on this overnight

what about plain glucose powder measured into a small pot - prob looks a bit dodgy cos its a fine white powder so if you put it in a small double layered sandwich bag it you might have to justify to someone thats its just glucose!!!!

fruit pastells are one of the sweets kids can eat in hypoland.

would sugar cubes work? maybe too hard.

what about packets of sugar - the kind you get into cafes and resturants - says what it is on the label, easy to tear open, easy to measure, light to carry.

genious - would it work quick enough?

Sainsburys sell liquid glucose in a tube you find it in the baking section not sure if that if that is of any use.
So, the new glucotabs are HORRIBLE. I'm running out and loathe to get any more of them. Anyone know any other types of hypo stuff that's affordable and isn't destrose or lucozade tablets? I'm being sent a sample of Hypo-Fit (flavoured gels) to try - picking them up from the PO next week some time.

I'm just looking for something decent and nice that I can buy now yknow - as I'm running very very low on hypo supplies 😱

I thought there were only 2 flavours of Glucotabs, orange and raspberry.
I prefer the orange ones.

You say the new ones are horrible, which flavour are they?
I thought there were only 2 flavours of Glucotabs, orange and raspberry.
I prefer the orange ones.

You say the new ones are horrible, which flavour are they?

still orange and raspberry, but they've changed the recipes and made them not artificially coloured or whatever, less e-numbers. Now they fall apart in your mouth and taste like talcum powder :( They come in white tubs now. Nasty horrible things, seriously gone off them.
Have you tried Dextro Energy tablets, I got mine from the pharmacy in Sainsbury's and I think Boots sell them.
Never tasted Glucotabs, I only ever Hypo'd when asleep and then it's Morrison's Assorted jellies or Haribo jelly sweets they are 60% glucose syrup, glucotabs and Dextro are 88% so you would just have to eat more jellies, whoopie:D
Have you tried Dextro Energy tablets, I got mine from the pharmacy in Sainsbury's and I think Boots sell them.
Never tasted Glucotabs, I only ever Hypo'd when asleep and then it's Morrison's Assorted jellies or Haribo jelly sweets they are 60% glucose syrup, glucotabs and Dextro are 88% so you would just have to eat more jellies, whoopie:D

yeah i have and i hate them - hence why I said anything BUT dextrose sweets or lucozade tablets. i hate how dextrose turn to mush if you leave them in coat pockets or handbags :(

not a fan of jeely babies either :/ may have to stick to the manky glucotabs :(
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not a fan of jeely babies either :/ may have to stick to the manky glucotabs
I'm the same, but the advantage with tabs is that you don't overdo them.

My naughty 'treatment' from the UK (and I wouldn't trust it for fast drops or low lows) is pepermint aero. I think the pepermint part is relative fast sugar. I stock up when I'm in the UK

Here in the hospital they give you only barely diluted syrop de menthe, horrible stuff but works well. Other flavours aren't too bad, (cassis, peche, grenadine etc) You have to check that its made with sucrose and not glucose/fructose. Obviously its really only of use at home and if you are compos mentis enough to make it.
Looked for it on google UK, it's horrendously expensive. Maybe worth looking out for on any cross channel excursions.
I'm picking up a sample of hypo-fit when the post office is open late next week - sent to me for free by someone who read my rant about glucotabs on my blog. Orange and tropical flavour, so we'll see what happens with those. I'm hoping they're nice but we'll see!
There are lots of other jelly sweets to try, apart from jelly babies, often sold as children's sweets eg cola bottles, midget gems, Haribo imitations etc. I've just had a weekend mountain marathon, largely fueled by Sainsbury's midget gems (for regular intakes of sugar rather than hypos, particularly on uphill stretches), which only cost about 35p for about 200g - packet not to hand, as I decanted them into small ziplock bags, which was important for the extemely wet Sunday.
Sweets for Alex dont work. I used to give him jelly babies - but after a few weeks of these it was apparent that they just drag out the hypo longer than necessary. I think its the 'gelling' agent in the sweets that delays absorption - so not ideal for a hypo. Raspberry glucotabs and mini cans of coke are by far the quickest things to have if hypo. He did try the 'glucojuice' once but hated it - but you might like them.🙂Bev
Sweets for Alex dont work. I used to give him jelly babies - but after a few weeks of these it was apparent that they just drag out the hypo longer than necessary. I think its the 'gelling' agent in the sweets that delays absorption - so not ideal for a hypo. Raspberry glucotabs and mini cans of coke are by far the quickest things to have if hypo. He did try the 'glucojuice' once but hated it - but you might like them.🙂Bev

has alex tried the new version of the raspberry ones? If he likes them, then kudos to him but I refuse to get those now :/ I don't like the orange ones, but they're the best of two evils.
This just came to my mind randomly, iv not tried it myself but what about sherbet? surely that is like 100% sugar?? and always tasty! :D
I've never got on with glucotabs either. Yuk!

Are there any sweet type things you can cope with?

Skittles are good in hot weather (virtually indesctuctible) a handful is about right
Fruit pastilles have almost no fat and 4 or 5 are good for starters.

If you are less scrupulous about the fat-content-slows-down-absorption thing, pretty much any fun-sized bar is 10-12g cho, portable and individually wrapped. A couple of those usually sort me out.

Mmmmmm half sized curly wurlys... 🙂
Alternative to gluco tabs


I hate all things like like that. But we went and founs some gluco tabs. they sound horrible but in America you can get things like :
Fruit Punch
They also come in little pots which makes them eaiser to carry round in a handbag and they do not go powerery. 😎😎
Also you could use coke or a jam samwitch.
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