Alcohol and BG and food

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I'm wondering if anyone can help me....

I tend to socialise / eat out a lot... I was told to never inject for alcohol and have a snack before bed , but I find that my blood glucose levels are high all night?????? I drink rose if I a am having wine and may occasionally have a few vodka sodas.

I try and make sure I have low carbs dinner when out as I'm often eating a lot later and go to bed on a full stomach.... but still my bloods run high?

Am I drink rose being diabetic? I used to drink gin and slim but same thing happened bloods high all night?

How do I get best blood glucose levels when eating drinking out???

Many thanks,


My thoughts are...(my thoughts don't mean Jack!)

Best thing to do is to be careful test and trial and make sure your mates know you're diabetic and know what to do if things go a bit Pete tong (I've met him you know!) I didn't used to inject for alcohol but I do now (after lots of testing etc) when eating out it is very hard to know carb content? Also is it diet soda with the voddies? If you're not hungry when go to bed and levels ok/mid then don't eat a snack (maybe) and set alarm for 4hrs to see where you are? I find the worst problem that I don't need much insulin the following day, esp. If active!

Anyway good luck and play safe but make sure you play!!
Such a valued and refreshing reply!! Thank you ....

Yep I do try and set an alarm and have tended to stop taking a snack now as my bloods really don't drop! ?

It's just soda water and vodka.... so v little carbs/sugar but still rising effect?

Yes. I've Leane about the next day... how much do you tend to inject for alcohol? I only drink rose wine, champagne and vodka/soda water.


No probs but gotta be careful not being to loose with advice as we all so different!

I went off wine a while back, had my quota! So now a beer bloke only, but move onto whisky also, but really not a big drinker anymore a few reasons but little people in house a big part of that!

I inject a varied amount but generally as a result of a high reading not in preparation to the next couple of beers. I won't say how much as we all take different amounts!


I don't drink at all now, but when I did alcohol always raised my BG. There's a lot of calories in alcohol, that's where the beer belly comes from. As with anything you eat, see how your BG responds, and act accordingly.

Just ask Northerner - he lost weight easily when he gave up the beer. So did I, though I've never been a big beer drinker. Wine and spirits.
I'm don't drink often (Christmas and sometimes when writing with my best friend) but when I do drink, I drink wine. I actually find I do need a little bit of insulin with it.

As others have said, do some trials. Give yourself a little bit of insulin with your wine and just test every hour or so. Maybe try it at home first. Invite some friends round for a night in.
Thank you everyone..... I love this forum.... makes you realise you're not alone and not everyone is a 'text book' diabetic.

I've always set my alarm every 2 or so hours when I drink just to be on the safe side and have found that a little insulin helps.... pleased to hear others do this as well.

Thank you xx
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