Afon Technology Questionnaire

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Personally I would not be wanting to pay for this technology, I'd want it to be provided as an option by the NHS - freestyle, Dexcom, occuity, afon. The price point therefore needs to be less than the historical finger pricking cost.
I thought it was a bit OTT going on about the “pain” of a CGM. I find inserting my Dexcom painless. Even if there was slight discomfort, the accuracy it has is worth it. I’m a bit dubious about this tech.
The singular advantage I see of a non-invasive device (when they appear, whether the aforementioned one works or not) over an invasive device (and however you look at it, poking a hole in your arm is at least a little bit invasive) is the ability to take the device off to play sports.

I'd certainly want to see some actual test data, journal papers and some independent reviews before I thought about spending £1200+ on a device.

I do think this is in a different league to the £30 "Blood glucose" watches available on EBay, etc. (which do nothing except draw a pretty line with no sensor doing anything at all), but it remains to be seen what they come up with and how well it works.

I just thought it was of vague interest to see (perhaps) where they are thinking of pitching their price.
The singular advantage I see of a non-invasive device (when they appear, whether the aforementioned one works or not) over an invasive device (and however you look at it, poking a hole in your arm is at least a little bit invasive) is the ability to take the device off to play sports.

I'd certainly want to see some actual test data, journal papers and some independent reviews before I thought about spending £1200+ on a device.

I do think this is in a different league to the £30 "Blood glucose" watches available on EBay, etc. (which do nothing except draw a pretty line with no sensor doing anything at all), but it remains to be seen what they come up with and how well it works.

I just thought it was of vague interest to see (perhaps) where they are thinking of pitching their price.
I think what they are doing is trying to gather data for a pricing model to use to support a pitch for the $$$ gadzillion funding they would need to commercialise this thing or get it to a point where a major company would buy/license them.
Quite possibly, though they weren't asking how much I'd pay for the device, but rather which of the pricing structures I'd prefer. To my mind that give them some information about the person answering the questionnaire re their preference for upfront vs monthly costs (and/or the ability to do basic maths to work out what is cheaper/whether they can afford the upfront cost part) and seems to indicate that this is roughly where they think it will sit price-wise.
Quite possibly, though they weren't asking how much I'd pay for the device, but rather which of the pricing structures I'd prefer. To my mind that give them some information about the person answering the questionnaire re their preference for upfront vs monthly costs (and/or the ability to do basic maths to work out what is cheaper/whether they can afford the upfront cost part) and seems to indicate that this is roughly where they think it will sit price-wise.
That's a classic element in trying to work out a business model for something like this: do you charge up front or do you charge a recurring fee? Which drives better uptake, what are the implications for cash flow & funding requirements, can you get a higher present value from a recurrent model vs upfront, etc etc.

These would be key questions for the company and for any potential investor and they would need to have at least a preliminary model worked out.
That's a classic element in trying to work out a business model for something like this: do you charge up front or do you charge a recurring fee? Which drives better uptake, what are the implications for cash flow & funding requirements, can you get a higher present value from a recurrent model vs upfront, etc etc.

These would be key questions for the company and for any potential investor and they would need to have at least a preliminary model worked out.
I keep coming back to the economics of these NI BG meter plays ...

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