Adults with pumps - genuine questions

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I guess you could use a frio if you werent moving about so much (say you were lounging!), something I certainly would do is take it out with me in that kind of situation.

If you want to you can always take a holiday from your pump and return to injections- its very flexible and you do whatever you want to!

There other thing if you want to disconnect and feel confident enough is to keep it in your bag like you would your insulin pens and just connect it for a quick bolus and then take it off- easy!

When you get into the swing of it, pumping is so flexible it is so easy to adapy to every situation...

Hope that helps x
One concern I have is the max bolus. Whilst it is only a mild concern as it can be amended, the pump I've been given to "play with" was set up as if I was actually using it but the max bolus is set to 10. I know for a fact that there are times where this will not be enough, I regularly take more than 10 units so even taking into account a 25% drop there will still be the odd occasion that a higher dose is required.

Has anyone else had an issue with this?
It is easily ammended! I have that on my pump, medtronic veo. Its mainly I would guess for youngsters, or people getting used to it, stop any accidental large maths muck-ups!

certainly if I have pizza or past I need more than 10 units so it is set quite higher. <y inital concerns was that there couldnt possibly be enough insulin in this syringe for what I would need, and there is more than enough!

When do you start on insulin in the pump?
Cool, I figured it was something like that but then had a panic when I told it to dose me for 14 units and it told me I could only have 10! Heh

I start on the 16th of March. 1 whole week tomorrow 🙂
Yeah 10 units is the factory settings!

Its not a problem, you change it to something like 20-25 so it never reminds you again (if you dont want to be reminded that is!)

Not long till you start- how exciting!
What do you do with your pump say if you were on holiday and going in and out of the pool all day? Also if you were in a hot country would you have to keep your pump in a cold pouch (like the Frio)???

I normally just detach it when I go in the pool and reattach as soon as I get out - test if I've been in a while, bolus if required and then detach again when I go back in.

In a hot country I haven't ever kept it in a cold pouch (don't own one) but do keep it shaded when not attached. But I guess it's not quite the same as we normally stay at a house with a pool so I can just leave the pump indoors or under the shaded area next to the pool where it's cooler.
Thanks guys for your replies - it makes more sense now. I was imagining that I could never have lazy days by the pool on holiday ever again! A bit dramatic I know...🙄
Target Range

Okay, so at the moment my target range is 7.0 - 7.5 which whilst still early days is working out quite nicely but I gather form reading other threads that a lot of type 2's may consider 7 to be too high. I was curious to what target other type 1's have. Did you decide this yourself or with your DSN?
Okay, so at the moment my target range is 7.0 - 7.5 which whilst still early days is working out quite nicely but I gather form reading other threads that a lot of type 2's may consider 7 to be too high. I was curious to what target other type 1's have. Did you decide this yourself or with your DSN?

Personally I like to be between five and ten millimoles per litres. I don't like going under five as that's getting a little too close to hypo for comfort I think.
Okay, so at the moment my target range is 7.0 - 7.5 which whilst still early days is working out quite nicely but I gather form reading other threads that a lot of type 2's may consider 7 to be too high. I was curious to what target other type 1's have. Did you decide this yourself or with your DSN?

When I started pumping I had a target of 8, but that was mainly to err on the side of caution since I'd been having a lot of hypos. That's since been moved own to 6-6.5, with a slightly higher target of 7 before bed. I think it's something you need to discuss with your DSN, and decide what you're comfortable with. I think targets tend to be different depending on whether or not you're on insulin, since then you need to be wary of hypos. 🙂
I thought I'd already replied to this! Sorry, thanks for your comments, its really put my mind at rest 🙂 My DSN has said to aim for 7 for the time being so I feel comfortable with that.
hi i started my pump yesterday so i have been talking to people online about it to get as much info as possible, one person says it makes her put loads weight on all the time so its got to the point she stops her pump.. I have been diabetic for a 11 years and not really had a problem with injections making me put weight on, but with the pump being 24 hrs insulin will it make me put loads weight on? thanks
hi i started my pump yesterday so i have been talking to people online about it to get as much info as possible, one person says it makes her put loads weight on all the time so its got to the point she stops her pump.. I have been diabetic for a 11 years and not really had a problem with injections making me put weight on, but with the pump being 24 hrs insulin will it make me put loads weight on? thanks

Hi Stacey,

I see no reason whatsoever why being on a pump should make you put n weight.
The chances are that you will be taking in less insulin overall than you did when on MDI therapy.
In fact, I have lost 8lbs in the two months that I have been on a pump because I had had less severe hypos to correct and the pump allows you to eat when you want rather than having to eat to maintain BG levels.
You should have absolutely nothing to worry about.

Hi Stace, Hi Owen 🙂

Dont forget to post on me group girl hehe!

I have gained weight since my pump, but only because snacking doesnt involve a needle each time now, so it's my own fault...pumping as a diff way of dealing with diabetes will not make you put on weight, its down to the owner heheeh!!! x
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