adjusting basal rate overnight and bolus ratio late evening

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No no... not boring at all!

You may need to bear that in mind if your basal does end up rising as you will (naturally) have more IOB when exercising.

For 45 mins-ish of cardio I currently set a 70% TBR for an hour before and discinnect entirely for the exercise. Effectively 35% basal for 2 hours. That means I need to 'top up' with relatively few fruit pastilles.
It's not boring. It's really useful to see how everyone else tackles basal changes because its something I have struggled with. I would have a night off if I were you though because when I am tired my levels go wacky anyway.
oh i very very much like the idea of disconnecting for classes! At the moment I am putting the pump in my trouser pocket but given its weight, it does tend to leave me having to hoist up my trousers at several points during the class! not great when you're trying to do a side kick-step out-side kick-karate block 😉

I tihnk I'll get the 'basic' basal rate sorted first, then do the bolus/correctional ratios and then focus on the sport basals.....this really is all a lot for me to take on (as I've said, never had this level of support or explanation) but I'm so relieved that I've found al of you as it reassures me that my thoughts on things (like protein causing my sugars to rise, needing a different ratio depending on the size of your portions etc) are actually not stupid!

I can't thank you all enough....
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Tweaks required for exercise will be entirely individual to you, of course.

I think many pumps have options of neoprene belts/holsters for sporty types.

I'm experimenting with lower TBR still attached for longer runs at the mo, cos the half marathon is likely to be 2 hours and I get the feeling it's not so good to detach for that long.
I tried most of the belts that roche gave with the starter kit and looked at what else was on offer on their website and didn't really see anything suitable; the problem with the belts is that when i jump up and down (a lot in both the combat and dance classes) the belt (and pump) does too! really puts me off my technique which is dangerous as you can land wrong, mis-step, kick people mistakenly (which I have done before! but because they were standig too close, not because of my pump😱).....

i was told that you should really be off the pump for no longe than an hour so your idea of reduced TBR with retained attachment is probably right. only thing i noticed with the reduced TBR when I did it for my classes is that i'd come home and my reading would be high although would then return to normal after a few hours. never hung round long enough to do proper assessment of that but guessing that theoretically I could do an increased TBR for during the class then do a reduced one to kick in say, an hour after i get home, for a couple of hours. But hey, that's much further down the line, basics first. and of course, high impact short course doesn't have the same effect as a 2 hour marathon!

How are you finding it with training?
Training is going well thanks... Fortunately I was in touch with some clever Northern bloke who sorted me out with a brilliant schedule - eh Alan!

Your increased insulin need with high impact is quite common I think - and your 'during/after' mix sounds like a great place to start. might be a good place to look, but high impact can be a bit more anaerobic (glucose released from muscle store) than cardio plodding
i have one of these:

but am a little too large to wear it without it riding up at the moment :(

but the problem with belts etc is that you are very conscious of it - doing combat classes where you're doing high kicks and jump kicks and when you're doing dance classes doing spins, plies etc is a lot different to the motion you make whilst running. i used to run too and i was fine with the belt when running but can certify that it's completely different when doing lots of complex movements! 🙂
Dory, can you not attach your pump to your bra or nestle it in the middle? It should be safe in there as contact in that area was a complete no no when I practiced Karate many years ago. There are plenty of clips available to attache pump to said garment.
What Is Going On????

Hi Sue yes I attach it using a phone sock style holder with clip to my bra - it gets very hot and sweaty tho - not good for insulin!!

Guys, I am a bit worried - reading before dinner tonight at 5.30pm was 5.8....had my dinner using same bolus ratio as yesterday, checked it at 7pm and it was 8.0...fine i thought, post meal rise, excellent.....

checked it half an hour ago and I'm down to 4.4. I've done nothing different since yesterday in terms of bolus/correctional ratios, the basal rate changes i made won't kick in until 10pm so it can't be them that's changed things tonight... exerise has been about the same..... so why on earth have i had such a different reaction tonight to last night?!

See, this is what I mean when I say that there is NO predictability to what the flip my sugar levels do!!!!!!!!!!! :( i'm pretty sure it's going lower too - haven't checked yet want to leave it another 15 minutes just to check :(

I am physically exhausted with this now! I can't do this on my own anymore :(
Hi Sue yes I attach it using a phone sock style holder with clip to my bra - it gets very hot and sweaty tho - not good for insulin!!
It wont come to any harm for an hour or two stop worrying.
Guys, I am a bit worried - reading before dinner tonight at 5.30pm was 5.8....had my dinner using same bolus ratio as yesterday, checked it at 7pm and it was 8.0...fine i thought, post meal rise, excellent.....

checked it half an hour ago and I'm down to 4.4. I've done nothing different since yesterday in terms of bolus/correctional ratios, the basal rate changes i made won't kick in until 10pm so it can't be them that's changed things tonight... exerise has been about the same..... so why on earth have i had such a different reaction tonight to last night?!
So what did you eat what time did you inject and then eat and at what time have you changed your basal?
See, this is what I mean when I say that there is NO predictability to what the flip my sugar levels do!!!!!!!!!!! :( i'm pretty sure it's going lower too - haven't checked yet want to leave it another 15 minutes just to check :(

I am physically exhausted with this now! I can't do this on my own anymore :(

Yes you can sort it and you are not alone you have the forum members to help you.
Did I miss where you were going to miss your evening meal so no bolus or corrections to confuse things?
Exhustion........... have a good nights sleep and basal test another night 🙂
good news re pump in bra - that solves all my worries - thanks.
i ate at 5.30pm, bolused at the same time as i was eating - exactly routine as yesterday. Dinner yesterday was chicken korma (slimming world recipe) with cauliflower rice and some tangerines/sharon fruit. dinner tonight was homemade pork burgers (again, slimming world friendly), roasted butternut squash, green beans and a mullerlight yoghurt and alpen cereal bar for dessert. reading before dinner today was a lot lower (5mmol) than yesterday. but yesterday's readings post eating dinner showed the readings to stay at the same level from 5.30pm onwards - whereas tonight they've dropped. That's what i don't understand :(

Did I miss where you were going to miss your evening meal so no bolus or corrections to confuse things?

I wasn't going to miss my evening meal as was doing the overnight fasting rather than the evening meal fasting - I've always been told to do the over night first as that affects the entire next day (although my thought on that is that you could say that about any fasting/testing period because the whole system is circular).

It's so hard for me to do the over night testing during the week as most days i don't even get home until 7-8pm so don't eat dinner until 8-9pm (which rules out an overnight test) :(

I've just checked reading now and an hour has passed and it's dropped to 4.1. I may see how i get on. If it's ok when i go to bed I'll continue with the overnight, if not I'll cancel. I might do an evening fast/test tomorrow (I'll need to read up on the periods to eat/fast/test etc for that period though)
Looking at what you ate, I would suspect your insulin has worked before the carbs have hit your system. Hence your hypo 🙂 Slow release carbs and fat would require an extended bolus or a split bolus.
This is why I so wanted you to get some sf jelly and have that as a snack instead of your evening meal. It takes out all the hassel of whats gone wrong and why when you bolus for your meal 🙂
ok. i'm completey lost now.

if i ate pork burgers (using the low fat pork remember ,everythng i eat is low fat so even the 'oil' i use to cook with is fry light) with butternut squash and a yoghurt, i should do an extended bolus? and is that because the protein slows down the release of the carbs in the squash and yoghurt?
in that case, why the same thing not happen ast night? surely the chicken in the korma woud have slowed down the release of carbs in the tangerine/sharon fruit?

your suggestion of only having some jelly instead of a meal before the fast period would mean i don't eat anything from lunchtime (1/2pm) until the next morning at 6-7am....that's a lot to ask - that's like rolling the evening fast-test and overnight fast-test into one? is that a healthy thing to do?

if it's ok to go without a whole meal from lunch till breakfast the next day, then i can do that tomorrow as I have sf jelly??
****contemplating just admitting myself to hospital so they can do all this as I seemingly can't do it on my own as it never goes right****
Could exhaution be part of the problem? Can you live with giving yourself a couple of days rest before having another go?

Sorry if this sounds simplistic. I have no experience of insulin, but can still remember what sleepless nights did to me when I was a new Mum many years ago... and I was not diabetic at the time.

test abandoned - readng now 3.6

Thanks LeeLee.

You're completely right; I am stressed and exhausted. Ideally I need to be able to work from home (at most) throughout all this but I'm so worried that my boss thinks I'm trying to pull the wool over his eyes and am taking teh mick that I'm trying to sort this as quick as possible.

I might see if I can get an agreement to work from home for the next 2 weeks. Things like fasting tests will be a lot easier to manage from home and will mean less stress.
Did you have any hypos yesterday - even just little low-level dips can be followed by a bit of BG randomness as the liver belatedly 'helps out' when it fancies it.
Thanks LeeLee.

You're completely right; I am stressed and exhausted. Ideally I need to be able to work from home (at most) throughout all this but I'm so worried that my boss thinks I'm trying to pull the wool over his eyes and am taking teh mick that I'm trying to sort this as quick as possible.

I might see if I can get an agreement to work from home for the next 2 weeks. Things like fasting tests will be a lot easier to manage from home and will mean less stress.

That sounds like a plan to me Dory. These things can't be rushed and stress/exhaustion will upset your hormone balance anyway. Give yourself lots of credit for the hard work you've done so far, regroup and recover your strength and sanity before resuming 🙂
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