Actually low carbing?

Do you actually do low carb (<130g a day)

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 75.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 24.1%

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The last 6 months I have been around 80g a day, I do have the odd day where I will go over the 100g mark. I feel much better since I started doing lower carbs and my BG control is the best it has ever been.
Usually around 150-200g. Although yesterday on the Pedal for 7 I must have had a lot more than that although didn't bolus for most of them. Forget the low carb rubbish in endurance sports. Carbs for fuel #properT1.
Im the same when doing distance walks, need the extra carbs to complete a 26.2 mile walk.
For me let's say variable and not quite as disaplined as some. Though lower now than when diagnosed (and the first year after).
I have dropped down to 40 gm per day from the 50 which got me into normal figures - I am trying to lose more fat.

Carbohydrate awareness? What a misnomer. There are no essential carbs and no need to eat any at all. I like having salads and roasted low carb veges, so I do.
I'm looking at reducing my carbs, lots of conflicting info (diagnosed T1 in December so still learning)
I've only got a bit of an idea about insulin. I believe you've to balance your food with your insultin. Remember to watch for hypo's.
Not super-low. Typically about 100g.

Same here. 🙂 I make sure I have enough protein and healthy fats too, not just mountains of veg (although I do eat a lot of plant-matter - I’m the Queen of Salads LOL).😛

Oddly, if I have less than 3 units of insulin for a meal, the insulin isn’t as effective, so my current ICR for each meal dictates the amount of the mo (things can change!).
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