Actually low carbing?

Do you actually do low carb (<130g a day)

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 75.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 24.1%

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was wondering how many people are actually doing low carb. (As opposed to managing carbs.) I was told on a carbohydrate awareness session that the minimum was 130g a day. So let's take less than that as being low carb.
I know some here have posted that they go as low as 50g or less. (Extremely low carbs.)
I was wondering how many people are actually doing low carb. (As opposed to managing carbs.) I was told on a carbohydrate awareness session that the minimum was 130g a day. So let's take less than that as being low carb.
I know some here have posted that they go as low as 50g or less. (Extremely low carbs.)
I am low carb, always less than 70g and sometimes less than 50g.
Not super-low. Typically about 100g.
I don't actually count the carbs but I reckon I'm about the same as Radders (I check every food label!).
Almost always under 100, sometimes less, depending on the day. Too low and I have problems balancing insulin because my body converts protein to glucose, but too slowly for my insulin.
I’m about 145g on average over the last 30 days, and that includes some fish and chip suppers(!), so I find the 130g an intriguing number. I don’t consider myself low carb at all - more of a moderate carber.
I have my Nutracheck set to 87.5 g and very rarely do I ever go higher and frequently lower...!
I aim and try and stay between 60-75gr per day. That is deliberate. My average is 60gr/day
I try not to have more than 60g a day, but the lower the better for me. The lowest I've managed is 30g in a day but couldn't stay that low in the long term.
I aim for 30g per meal. OH has just presented me with a meal with 29.7 g of carbs. Impressive or what!!
I try and stay around 100-110g a day, spread out over meals if I can. It does vary but it's mostly that.
I try and aim for around 80g per day the last six months but won't stick to that rigidly - though rarely go above 110g.
I probably average about 100 a day, some days more some less. Today after two meals I have had 24. Spag Bol for tea, about 40. So today will be low. Tomorrow I might have chips! I deliberately try and stay off high carb foods ie beige foods. I try and have a similar amount of bolus as basal ie about 13 units of each per day. My morning ratio is twice as high as my lunch which is twice as high as my dinner! 😱
Usually below 50, more typically 10-40 depending on my choice of veggies....
Usually around 150-200g. Although yesterday on the Pedal for 7 I must have had a lot more than that although didn't bolus for most of them. Forget the low carb rubbish in endurance sports. Carbs for fuel #properT1.
I tend to have about 120g - 130g a day. No real target, that's just what it seems to be. Around 30-40g most meals. All depends where I am and what I'm doing, but can be a bit more or a bit less. Seems to suit me.
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