Active Insulin Time? Post prandial spikes?

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Hmm the porridge thing is a mystery! Thanks for all the info.

Interestingly my hypo last night was after a kind of oaty bake thing (SW recipe, higher protein, sweetener not sugar etc) and the results from that would suggest that the insulin worked far too fast, dropped to a hypo then released much more slowly overnight! 🙄 Different time of day though, it's morning that are awful for me! Been reading a bit more about it today, I will be trialing split boluses and square wave too the more obvious 20-30 minute bolus before eating.

For now I am still absolutely tearing my hair out with these basals :(:(:(
Porridge is definitely worth sorting in my mind. I have it most active mornings now.

I have porridge, bolus before ( about 20 min or how long it takes to make and get round to eating) to deal with spike from honey and milk in it, but do multi wave 50/50 over two hours. Seems to keep me level through Pilates etc for which I also do 30% TBR as I leave the house for 20 min walk there, It took time working this all out, but as others have said before there is no point fiddling with tweaks to ratios and timings until you have basal sorted out.

Keep at it, and keep asking. It is well worth it.
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