Accu Chek Tenderlink

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Yes, Sue, I realised I should have done that - after !! LOL

I'm happy with the results, I have about a million spare Flexlinks at the moment (don't ask why it's a long story) but I'll certainly have a play a few more times before I order again, to see if I really want to go down that route or not.
So, day 6 with my tenderlink cannulas, and my 1st fail. Actually not that happy putting in my stomach,my fail was evident after 3 hours with my BG up to 13, back to my thigh and fine again. Also, the last one i took out of my stomach left me sore and probably infected (had been in for 2 and a bit days) ......overall still much better though. 🙂
Well 2 days on the first one - marvellous. Replaced it with another one elsewhere on my tum - I've either hit one of the many bad spots or it's not in right. Just tested again and it's over 11 (10.8 is the lowest today) which I'm not at all happy with so I've bunged yet another in I a different place. It still hurts as it punctures my skin, that was ever the trouble, hence why I prefer the applicator cos bang! and its done, so fast it doesn't hurt. I just can't get up to that speed and never could even with a pen. This one was actually worse cos having looked at the instructions again LOL Sue - it tells you to pinch up which I haven't done for about 20 years but worth a try. Owwww!

I've had a correction by syringe and we'll see how this one goes ........

Oh and I have assumed its 1.3ml prime for them as they are 13mm cannulas, hope that's right but anyway if it's wrong that's not going to make that much difference, not all day after various boluses and basal dripping through anyway.
Well I'm happy with Flexlinks anyway - so not bothered about trying a different make, unless this one is like the first one LOL

But I can get results like that from a Flexlink if it's in one of the 'right' places. Trouble is, not many of em and I have to find em.
Well I'm happy with Flexlinks anyway - so not bothered about trying a different make, unless this one is like the first one LOL

But I can get results like that from a Flexlink if it's in one of the 'right' places. Trouble is, not many of em and I have to find em.

Yep, my problem too, i think i get less fails in my thigh. I changed mine again today as was leaking from the patch......tunnelling i reckon as it seemed to be inserted properly and lasted for 30 hours, probably still an improvement on my steels though.
The good news is, not tested since immediately before evening meal, and I'm now 6.3.

The bad news is, just before that I went to the loo and the thing was over 50% unstuck, no sticky at all left. So it's now taped up majorly - I've never ever had to do that before ! it was the part that the tubing attached to so the cannula itself was still firmly in, by the looks of it - we'll see when I test just before bed.

Have a feeling we don't get on, LOL
TenderLinks 13mm should be 0.7 prime I was told & I think it's on box or insert booklet or somewhere else too..

I bent some TL cannulas into stupid shapes getting them in, and at all sorts of too shallow and too steep angles, but never had fails or absorption probs. I got the overall impression they were much tougher cookies than FlexLinks/straight teflons & there's a paper/stats somewhere showing much lower failure rate for angled sets. So maybe it is more likely to be dodgy sites when there is poor absorption? I can't use upper thighs or bum due to overuse on MDI, have noticeably different type of fatty tissue in those areas and absorption is just, well, crap ;-) . I really wanted the TLs to work for me cos I could put them in leaner areas, like closer to hip/ribs, than any straight sets, but because they took longer to heal, left bigger scars and were fiddly to put in, I decided to part company with them in the end. I know they work well for some peeps who are extremely lean/muscular. And ok, I admit they were just a tad horrid to insert (I've never had a psychological prob with injecting/sticking needles in and really wanted to find a manually insertable set to use, but those 13mm's worth were not fun! There's a limit to how much needle you're comfortable with pushing in in one go!)
The good news is, not tested since immediately before evening meal, and I'm now 6.3.

The bad news is, just before that I went to the loo and the thing was over 50% unstuck, no sticky at all left. So it's now taped up majorly - I've never ever had to do that before ! it was the part that the tubing attached to so the cannula itself was still firmly in, by the looks of it - we'll see when I test just before bed.

Have a feeling we don't get on, LOL

You might find that the stick has gone due to the age of them. Did you not mention that you had had them a few years?
Oh yes Sue, its just that cos the other two were quite sticky enough, it came as more of a surprise that this one wasn't. I had realised 'why' as soon as I saw the thing - fortunately my granny knickers had kept it where it should be until then!
& these are called "Tenderlink" Hope they work & you get sorted 😉
Gone back to Flexlinks, much easier to bung in and no worse results generally.

Incidentally that last one - I peeled all the tape off, ow! and then had to pick at the damn cannula sticky for ages as per normal with the Flex - to get a bit of the edge 'up' to pull the thing off !

Must have just needed to warm up some more or something.
I am sure Laura 87 from Leeds had a problem with this & problems with skin ?
Oh they never irritate my skin, either tape, nor tape (I've even been known to stick a bit of duct tape on something that bled, as a temporary measure and then forgot about it. No probs when I remembered to pull it off and have a look!

My general prob is absorption, lack thereof, rather than the outside of skin directly!
No Tw if you have a read of her post it sounded bad. Her skin seemed to be getting a hard time for some reason & it may be something to do with cannulas. Who knows 🙂
Hobie, she's had terrible problems I know, but I've not had anything of all she lists. It sounds to me like a violent reaction to the adhesive but presumably her clinic are looking into that.

I've not had a single drop of blood in tubing or the cannula anywhere and as it's the same tape on the Flexlinks, if I was gonna be allergic I'd have known about it before know.
I have only ever used the tenderlink and find it okay never had a problem with it in 2 years can't feel it at all hope it goes well for you too
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