Accu-Chek Combo and Insight to be discontinued

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Yes @SB2015 It was designed with the help of #wearenotwaiting specifically so that it could loop without additional components. I do not loop so apologies if I explain wrongly, but it uses OpenAPS to loop. This is a popular DIY loop and seems simple from what I’ve read.

There’s also the option of an ‘official’ loop (whose name escapes me - I’ll look it up for you) but this costs money. The people I know of that loop with a DANA use APS.
Thanks @Inka

I shall be hoping that they have an option of an I phone in the future, as I bought a new phone for my Medtronic to work the app!! If only life were simple. Still when you think of all the changes we have seen in the last few years, we have no idea what will be available at our next swap over.

I am glad that you like your Dana and that it works well for you.
Thanks @SB2015 🙂 Yes, I like my DANA very much. Even without using the looping facility, I find it a tiny, sturdy and reliable pump. I know I keep mentioning the sets and cannulas too, but to me they’re such a crucial part of a pump and rubbishy ones can ruin things. Another point for anyone else reading is that I’ve never had any issues with the supply of consumables.

Sorry you have the ‘wrong’ phone. I’m not sure if there’s a work round for that as regards Android APS. I thought you might be able to use the official loop that they charge for (I think this is the one being used in the recent looping trial) but it seems to use Android too. Some information here:

Thanks @SB2015 🙂 Yes, I like my DANA very much. Even without using the looping facility, I find it a tiny, sturdy and reliable pump. I know I keep mentioning the sets and cannulas too, but to me they’re such a crucial part of a pump and rubbishy ones can ruin things. Another point for anyone else reading is that I’ve never had any issues with the supply of consumables.

Sorry you have the ‘wrong’ phone. I’m not sure if there’s a work round for that as regards Android APS. I thought you might be able to use the official loop that they charge for (I think this is the one being used in the recent looping trial) but it seems to use Android too. Some information here:

No worries at the moment. I have got used to my Medtronic pump and have cannulas that work for me so content with my looping system and the positive benefits it gives me.

having spent this week in manual mode with a replacement pump it has highlighted just how much the looping has helped me, so I will definitely be looking for that whichever pump I choose in the future. I suspect that quite a few of the pumps will have that by then. So glad I was diagnosed so late on and was able to go straight in with the pens, then Libre, pump and now looping.
If I could afford a Dexcom, I’d loop too. My DSN says a number of people are looping at my clinic with the DANA and she said they all said it had removed some of the mental effort of Type 1. I could really do with that.

I think it’s sad that we can’t get proper CGMs on the NHS. Yes, I know they cost money but hopefully the looping trial will show it’s worth it.
If I could afford a Dexcom, I’d loop too. My DSN says a number of people are looping at my clinic with the DANA and she said they all said it had removed some of the mental effort of Type 1. I could really do with that.

I think it’s sad that we can’t get proper CGMs on the NHS. Yes, I know they cost money but hopefully the looping trial will show it’s worth it.
I am amazed at the impact it has had on my attitude towards my diabetes.
Here’s hoping that there is more access via the NHS in the future.
I found some patience - eventually - and sorted it, Vic! so still here to haunt the forum a bit longer.
AND A damm good you can still haunt the forum, your wisdom and humour is all what need
i had one month in ADDENBROOKS FOR A BIG OPERATION LYMPHNOMA and NURSES AND DOCS all said my humour is good i said as kid of 12 years in west suffolk huts 1957 aug to feb 1958 that was my training ground still here my dear but very nearly a goner but heck smile
regards and keep up the good work vic
well now have a very big choice what pump doing use very little in the way of sites only tummy as legs and arms are full of lumps ref to much use of needles over 63years of insulin use maybe can anyone beat that no doubt hundreds can do not like the use of great patches within mini insulin pumps think may have to scheme another ACC CHEK Happy Easter tp ALL vic
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