abuse from other parents

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This is so shocking! I may be rocking the boat a bit here and you may not want to do this for the sake of making matters worse but, is there anyway of making an anonymous complaint about her to the NHS outlet she works for (hospital or GP etc)? Like many have said on this thread, it is appalling that an NHS worker is so ignorant and uncaring, it seems she needs re-training! But although i'm not yet a mother, I understand you may not want to action anything as your sons welfare is paramount. Let's hope she gets her come-uppance one day soon!

when she was at me she said something about a cairing for diabetes training that she did have and i reply ;i live with diabetes so you dont have a clue of what he means to care for a diabetic;
no i am in bexhill on sea

I didn't expect you to be, there was a famous or infamous 'nurse' who on two occassions in Balance accused insulin dependant diabetics of being 'insulin junkies' she was from Birkenhead, just thought they might have trained together or been sisters 😱
oh yes the Balance article!!!!🙄🙄
when she was at me she said something about a cairing for diabetes training that she did have and i reply ;i live with diabetes so you dont have a clue of what he means to care for a diabetic;
Omg! I do only have faith in a handful of healthcare professionals and this is a demonstration why!!! Doc once said to me after I said I had emotional difficulties in injecting 'just take you insulin'!?!

As for insulin junkies...what an idiot! Junkie usually refers to someone who's addicted, we're not addicted to insulin, we have it to survive! I'm soooo mad now at the NHS and I've only just woken up! Grr!
This woman is totally out of order I'd be very cross too. Graham sounds brilliant, but I'd still have a chat to his teachers, just to be on the safe side.

As a type one adult I don't fully understand what it is to care for a child that needs regular injections, but accept this has to happen to keep them healthy. I don't think too many people understand the realities of diabetes, not even medically trained people.

You are angry so don't worry about spelling mistakes, we all make them from titme to time. I wish I could give you and Graham a huge hug to feel better with.
hi there daniela i hope things go ok this morning for you x
Hi Daniela and Graham,

Is there any possibility that you could go into school with your DSN and give little talk about diabetes and show the children the pens and needles etc. This often stops people from being 'scared' or 'ignorant' of what it is like to be diabetic. Education is the key.

This foul woman is not worth your anger or Graham's - she is the lowest of the low. Who would want to make a little boy feel different or alienated? Focus your energies on doing something positive and educational and hopefully people like this mental woman will eventually get the message! You cant catch diabetes and the needles etc are sterile - they are not dirty.

The best thing that has come out of this is that you have the most amazing beautiful little boy - he has shown great maturity and dignity - you should be very proud of him and you should be very proud of your mothering skills - you have obviously brought him up to be happy, secure, caring and understanding.

I do hope you can move on from this and show this woman the contempt she deserves. She is no more than scum. Rise above it and be proud that you and Graham are a billion times nicer than her.

I hope you are both feeling better today and give Graham a huge big hug off me and tell him he is wonderful!:DBev xxx
Hi, unfortuneately I am not overly surprised by this as unfortuneately some nurses are both ignorant and uncaring. I posted yesterday about being told (after eight years in the job) to check my blood sugar in the (grubby) loo rather than my desk. I was told by the director that he had spoken to a nurse and she felt it was a perfectly reasnoble request! Talking about this to a part-qualified nurse yesterday evening she made comments about the nurse who made this statement. It is probably best that I do not replicate her words here - suffice to say they implied that "she is not fit for purpose!".
hope it all went well for you this morning X
Hi Daniela and Graham,

Is there any possibility that you could go into school with your DSN and give little talk about diabetes and show the children the pens and needles etc. This often stops people from being 'scared' or 'ignorant' of what it is like to be diabetic. Education is the key.

This foul woman is not worth your anger or Graham's - she is the lowest of the low. Who would want to make a little boy feel different or alienated? Focus your energies on doing something positive and educational and hopefully people like this mental woman will eventually get the message! You cant catch diabetes and the needles etc are sterile - they are not dirty.

The best thing that has come out of this is that you have the most amazing beautiful little boy - he has shown great maturity and dignity - you should be very proud of him and you should be very proud of your mothering skills - you have obviously brought him up to be happy, secure, caring and understanding.

I do hope you can move on from this and show this woman the contempt she deserves. She is no more than scum. Rise above it and be proud that you and Graham are a billion times nicer than her.

I hope you are both feeling better today and give Graham a huge big hug off me and tell him he is wonderful!:DBev xxx

Hiya Bev

Daniela and Graham live where I do and unfortunately our DSN is pants. She is on secondment at the moment anyway and we have a sort of replacement who does 2 days. Our normal DSN should not be a DSN, I know more than she does. She says that schools don't have to test if they don't want to and there is nothing she can say to them, she does not give any sort of training and won't start any kids on pumps and specifically puts kids on mixes and I quote 'because it is easier for the school' my ar*e, she makes me mad so unfortunately Daniela is on her own there.

Daniela, have you spoken to our mutual friend at your school, with the other diabetic child. Ask her what she thinks, does she know this nurse woman by any chance.

I'm told your school is a fab school so you should be able to talk to the head and get reasonable answers. Don't go in guns blazing as I know you want to, as would.

Let us know what happens. Email me if you want.
the SENCO teacer wasbusy with assembly i will see her at 3 o clock
Hi Adrienne,

Im horrifed that a so called nurse would make treament decision purely becuase it made life easier for a school??

My mum is a head teacher in a large junior school and they have an enormous variety of medical conditions to deal with. I know she and the other staff are more than willing to do whatever it takes to work with parents to best meet the kids needs. Obviously she is a bit biased towards the T1 families because she knows some of what theyre going through (I was 23 when i was diagnosed so its not quite the same as having to take full responsibility for your child, but i dont think she worries any less 😉)

Recently one of the classroom assistants went on a special training course and worked with a family for about 6 weeks so that the little girl could go on the 1 week year 5 trip without feeling held back by her diabetes and so that her parents didnt have to worry!

That woman does not sound like she should be working with anyone let alone children.

Daniela i hope that if you had a chance to talk to the head this morning they have reassured you that Graham will be fine at school. He sounds like he handles tough situations wonderfully and hes a credit to you! It just a shame he has to be.

Let us know how he gets on today xx
hi i was waiting for you adrienne not no i havent see the other mum this morning but i will ask how M does at school with the class and when other parents are around what the reaction is
hi daniela good luck for 3 o clock x come back on and let us all know what happened x
Daniela, just throwing my support behind you for this too. How awful for you and Graham. I'm sorry you are having to deal with it on top of everything else.

Good luck Daniela. I hope the meeting goes well.
hi i was waiting for you adrienne not no i havent see the other mum this morning but i will ask how M does at school with the class and when other parents are around what the reaction is

I have never ever heard a story where a mum whether a nurse or not, has ever said what you have been told. It is totally outreageous. If it were me and I knew where she worked then I would be making a formal written complaint to her manager. Her conduct, as a nurse, outside of work, is totally and utterly in contempt of her code of ethics. I wonder if I know her or I wonder if our mutual friend knows her, she is a nurse herself after all. You should ask her.
ohhhh this would make me SO ANGRY. good luck with the school etc!

adrienne - half the reason i want to go into nursing (specifically paediatric nursing, probably ending up as dsn!) is because of stories like that. don't get me wrong, 99.9999% of nurses are AMAZING (i had a fabulous team when i was still under the care of the children's) but one or two seem to have slipped through the net. ugh!
Hiya Shiv

Believe me its a bit more than a few that have gone under the net. If you had heard the stories that me and Becca have heard and we ahve both had bad experiences as well (me with two hospitals) you would not believe. Some hospitals do listen. Look at Bev and her hospital, they were behind but they had a new consultant and he and now the DSN as well (and she didn't listen before) listen to Bev and have taken on board what she knows. There are so many hospitals out there that won't listen. I have a list of hospitals that are good and bad, I need to update it actually.

Its great to know that you are doing this. I hope Jessica goes into it as well actually. It is only living with it, yourself or as a carer that you really know what its like. I would love to be a DSN but there is no way I will or can train as a nurse. The Law is in my blood not nursing I'm afraid and believe me these medical professionals are criminals !

ohhhh this would make me SO ANGRY. good luck with the school etc!

adrienne - half the reason i want to go into nursing (specifically paediatric nursing, probably ending up as dsn!) is because of stories like that. don't get me wrong, 99.9999% of nurses are AMAZING (i had a fabulous team when i was still under the care of the children's) but one or two seem to have slipped through the net. ugh!
meeting with SENCO teacher went REALLY WELL she couldnot believe what happenedand we will have a meeting with the head teacher and THIS parents then my friend she talk to this mum[nurse] and she said that she already spoke to the other mum and they are all with her because i used sharps in the presence of children i should have a sharps box with me because beeing quite small i was on such level to hurt the children [ iam small 4 foot 8 inches but i am an adult and i dont go around stabbing children with the novopen] 😛 does any of you have the sarp box with you all time i put graham needle in his special bag when we go out and i clear up every thing and refill for the next day usually in the late evening
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