abuse from other parents

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grahams mum

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
hi everybody i have been to a party today was one of graham school friends and i specify that the mum of the girl she is diabetic and when i did graham injecton one of the mums moved her boy from graham side saing [she is got a dirty needle !!!!]this mum she is a NURSE at the end of the party you could imagine what happen and i told her she should be ashamed of being a nurse then she told another mum that she left her daughter there so she did not see what happen and she start on me as well shouting i was so shocked that i did not know what to say to her any suggestion for tomorrow morning i would like to tell the teacers what happened because i dont want any bulling episodes to my boy thanks daniela😡😡😡
rsorry for spelling mistakes i am still very angry😡😡
goodness me that is outragous what a bloody great example of ignorance that is , the worse thing is she is a nurse fgs she ought to be given a right telling off you need to tell the teachers , saying its a dirty needle you must of felt so upset .
Daniela, that is terrible, I dont blame you for being angry, I would have blown my top but you are obviously more polite than me.

I cant advise on what to say tomorrow,is it school? I know others here will be able to help you. I would just say remain calm, these people are just ignorant, having said that thy should not be allowed to get away with this kind of treatment.
rsorry for spelling mistakes i am still very angry😡😡

its totally understandable you need to tell people , if some one like a nurse makes a comment like that how on earth are you supposed to have any confidence in the NHS
hi everybody i have been to a party today was one of graham school friends and i specify that the mum of the girl she is diabetic and when i did graham injecton one of the mums moved her boy from graham side saing [she is got a dirty needle !!!!]this mum she is a NURSE at the end of the party you could imagine what happen and i told her she should be ashamed of being a nurse then she told another mum that she left her daughter there so she did not see what happen and she start on me as well shouting i was so shocked that i did not know what to say to her any suggestion for tomorrow morning i would like to tell the teacers what happened because i dont want any bulling episodes to my boy thanks daniela😡😡😡

Thats outrageous! Poor Graham, did he hear those horrible comments?

I would definately tell the school, and ask them to keep an eye on him. Im sure he'll be feeling a little but self conscious after such irresponsile comments.

Hope he and you are ok xxxx
wooooaa sweetie not surprised your a mum and its natural to be protective...im sure other parents on forum will kick into action very soon with advice...however... deep breathes ..it will all be ok..Rant away if you need its good for you!! good luck
graham did not realise at the time when i left the party i was talking to my friend and then realise what happened and he said :dont worry mum just ignor them : what a great thing is a child innocence!!!or maybe is clever than me even if is only 5
awww we often forget just how sensible our children can be even at such a young age , but he is totally right just ignore her its there problem not yours xx
graham did not realise at the time when i left the party i was talking to my friend and then realise what happened and he said :dont worry mum just ignor them : what a great thing is a child innocence!!!or maybe is clever than me even if is only 5

Bless him - what a little star 🙂
graham did not realise at the time when i left the party i was talking to my friend and then realise what happened and he said :dont worry mum just ignor them : what a great thing is a child innocence!!!or maybe is clever than me even if is only 5

You should be so proud of him!
Outrageous!! Once again, another show of ignorance from someone in the 'caring profession'.

And what a wonderful response from your li'l 5year old, puts the grown ups to shame!!

Graham is a little gem isn't he? There's no excuse for that woman's behaviour, and she was a nurse? I'm disgusted.
if you get on with the head or teacher just have a little quiet chat if it would reassure you a bit....children can pick up their rotten parents bad habits ... but you got a little star there!
oh my! that is horrible! that woman is lucky you only shouted at her :grr: Graham sounds like a lovely, intelligent boy. Don't let them get you down, I hope graham is ok 🙂
the funny thing is that one of graham good friends play with rufus the bear[JDRF TRAINING BEAR] SO HE CAN HELP GRAHAM WHEN they will go out together so why some parents are so ignorant this is the first time that something like that happen to me especially i would not be expetting this from his school friends everybody knows that graham is diabetic
the funny thing is that one of graham good friends play with rufus the bear[JDRF TRAINING BEAR] SO HE CAN HELP GRAHAM WHEN they will go out together so why some parents are so ignorant this is the first time that something like that happen to me especially i would not be expetting this from his school friends everybody knows that graham is diabetic

unfortunately there are some people in this world who are just not nice...
This is so shocking! I may be rocking the boat a bit here and you may not want to do this for the sake of making matters worse but, is there anyway of making an anonymous complaint about her to the NHS outlet she works for (hospital or GP etc)? Like many have said on this thread, it is appalling that an NHS worker is so ignorant and uncaring, it seems she needs re-training! But although i'm not yet a mother, I understand you may not want to action anything as your sons welfare is paramount. Let's hope she gets her come-uppance one day soon!
That is truly shocking to hear.

You're not near Birkenhead are you? Or is this just a 'thing' with no it all nurses who clearly know nothing at all?

Pleased Graham has the ability to lift himself above his friends parents.

One day these people will realise. Well, we can live in hope can't we? But it does make you wonder, if this is the opinion of the medical 'profession' what chance do ordinary people have...

Take care,
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