• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


Abcesses are quite a common occurance in people with undiagnosed diabetes, and you can get them anywhere. I have known people have them in the groin, in more inimate areas, under the arms etc... also being itch down there is a sign as well.

When I was first diagnosed and went to the diabetic clinic the 6 of us that were newly diagnosed all had different symptoms, one woman had problems with itching (as mentioned), one lady kept falling asleep and was always tired, one of the gentleman had the problem of peeing frequently and being thirsty... I went into A&E with chest pains and on checking my bloods my glucose level was raised, I was on my way to having an echocardiogram and i was reading my notes and saaw that my glucose level was above normal and thought oh **** I am diabetic.

yeah he put m on course of anti-biotics for 7 days .
said it wasnt a hard lump it was soft so it should disperse if thats the right word lol