• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.



Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
morning everone ,

Back in November i had to have an op to remove 2 absesses under my right armpit it was horrible , it was all a sucsess but i would say about Sunday time i was in the bath and i felt a lump had appeared under my other armpit, Now me being me i have kept quiet i know i know its bad but im the type that jus sweeps it under the carpet , well this happened once before you see and they gave me anti-biotics and it worked but the nurse who was treating me said look now you have a lump under this arm we are going to take blood tests as we suspect it could be diabetes, I was just wondering if any body else has experienced any absesses and it was related to there diabetes ..
I have had absesse under my teeth before. I would say they are not directly related to the diabetes, but the diabetes doesn't help.

Since an untreated absess will make you very ill if left for too long please do get help. It is better to have them lanced and drained or removed than get something else because you ignored it. I am told one of the complications of an untreated absess is blood poisoning, so I can't stress enough you need to get it seen to.
yes i did leave the last 1 so i am being very silly i know but something always holds me back you know , thanks caroline
Hi Steff

Summer 07 just before we went on holiday I noticed 3 lumps in my right armpit that weren't painful but a little uncomfortable as caused pressure. They were still there when I came home so off I trotted to the doctors. He thought they were infected sebaceous cysts and, after a course of antibiotics, they disappeared so I didn't take up the offer for them to be removed under local anaesthetic. Early November, I got two similar lumps under my left armpit so went back to the GP - he said that he wanted to test me for diabetes. The rest, as they say, is history!

Took two lots of antibiotics to clear the second lot though and my GP was very assertive with me that I would have as many courses as necessary until all the infection had gone because of the higher risks to me due to the diabetes. Since I've got my diabetes under better control I've not had any further problems (touch wood).

I later spoke to a diabetes specialist nurse on the local DESMOND equivalent course who advised me that skin infections were a common sign of undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes and usually meant that the person had been diabetic without knowing it for about 6 years.

I'd also had a history of dental abcesses and, once diagnosed, my dentist said that the diabetes explained why I was so prone as the bacteria love higher sugar levels in dark, warm places!

Please get to the docs as soon as you can and get treatment - as Caroline says you do run the risk of more serious complications plus any infection messes up our blood glucose levels in any case

Take care of yourself - you are worth it
Steff! Go to see your doctor today and get it examined!

Northerner, being all assertive for once!:)

Alex had an absess on his bottom - it had to be surgically removed as it was so deep. This was exactly 1 year before he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. So, i would say - go to the doctors today - you dont want any complications do you?
So, is the idea that absesses can trigger diabetes - or that undiagnosed diabetes triggers absesses due to the higher sugar levels? Bev
thanks guys i have been on to the docs have appt @ 4 o clock x
Since my early teens I've had a number of abcess' on my teeth. Each time I was given antibiotics and to be honest I didn't always take the whole course. A couple of years before my diagnosis I had a really big one and was given a combined course of 2 antibiotics. I couldn't keep any food down and was as sick as a dog - so much so that I lost a stone and a half in a week. Then about 6 months before diagnosis I had another, by this time I was with a new dentist, and was given a x-ray which did my whole head, not just individual teeth. It showed up loads of residual infections from all the previous abcess'. I'm guessing that this may have been due to me not completing the full courses of treatment. Also at this time I was under a lot of stress at work. My theory is that the combination of all that could well have led to my Type 1.
Either way, please go and get these looked at.
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Steff glad to hear you are seeing the doc. DO complete any course of treatment he give you, and if neccessary KEEP GOING BACK untill the whole thing has cleared up.

You are doing this for you are worth it. And appologies if I sound like a nagging mum, it is one of the things I do, we are here to help.
no hun u dnt i do some times just need a kick up the butt !
hiya everyone

been to docs im on course of anti-biotics for 7 days
Well done - hope you soon recover. Should help settle your blood glucose too
cheers now all i gotta do is crush um and swallow , i cant swallow pills whole its a nightmare :mad::mad:
hiya everyone

been to docs im on course of anti-biotics for 7 days

Make sure you complete the course and if necessary go back for more. Hope you're feeling beter too.
Steff - please check the patient information leaflet before crushing your tablets - some have coatings to ensure they pass through the stomach intake before breaking up further down the gut. If the leaflet's not clear, then ask a pharmacist.
In case you haven't tried these tips, it is sometimes easier to swallow tablets if you are sitting or standing up, never lying down; drink some water (or anything else) before trying to swallow tablet, so that your throat is wet. But, I find I have to physically place tablets at the back of my tongue, then drink lots to get them down.