About Lancets and 'looking like a diabetic'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I always thought that if I shook hands with Sherlock Holmes or Jonathan Creek or similar, they'd know I was diabetic because my finger-tips are speckled with black micro lancet-holes through testing so much. (Was planning to work it into a novel some day).

Then I read the Lancets page and nobody mentioned this - is it just me? WHat about those of ou who hardly change theirs? Don't you get it?
I always thought that if I shook hands with Sherlock Holmes or Jonathan Creek or similar, they'd know I was diabetic because my finger-tips are speckled with black micro lancet-holes through testing so much. (Was planning to work it into a novel some day).

Then I read the Lancets page and nobody mentioned this - is it just me? WHat about those of ou who hardly change theirs? Don't you get it?

my fingers look horrible like i have tried to burn my finger prints off or something... 21 years of testing though 🙄
My fingertips are looking a bit worse for wear aswell! And if anyone was to see my tummy they'd see a fair few bruises too :(
Yeah I got em too.
Am rotating fingers and hands, but still got the holy fingers.
Then again it has been 18 years.
I haven't been at this a year yet and I'm still using the lowest setting on the pricker, so I can't see any changes. It still hurts like nobody's business though. Does that ever change?
Alison- I can hardly feel it now and I've had diabetes for 6 years
Though there is always the occasional one that makes you swear, wave your hand around and pull faces! lol!
For some reason I always squeeze my eyes shut just before I press the button and wince when the needle hits, I'm such a wuss.
half the time I don't feel it and I use the same 2 fingers, I hardly ever swap hands and I have been testing for nearly 11 years... it's funny I was waiting at my DSN appt today and was looking at the little black marks on my fingers, and wondered if it makes any difference to our fingerprints??
half the time I don't feel it and I use the same 2 fingers, I hardly ever swap hands and I have been testing for nearly 11 years... it's funny I was waiting at my DSN appt today and was looking at the little black marks on my fingers, and wondered if it makes any difference to our fingerprints??

Interesting thought!
My finger ends are a mess, right hand fingertips more so then the left like.
i'm thankful that from a young age i was told never to test on the tips of my fingers - 19 years down the line and i only have one small spot of scar tissue on my left middle finger, although the sides of my fingers are a bit worse for wear. i'm trying to get into the habit of testing on my right hand to save any further damage to them.
This was taken before I was told about using the sides of my fingers (yes, I know after 14 years I should have known, but I didn't because my care team were idiots)

Now they look much better :D I can barely see the dots - i thank that lush stuff "I snap the whip" for that

Ouch! Glad to hear they're on the mend!

LOL yep, they hurt a lot. But now you can barely notice. Aceness :D I did start loosing feeling in them for a while but since turning the gauge down and using the sides they're all hunky dory again
LOL yep, they hurt a lot. But now you can barely notice. Aceness :D I did start loosing feeling in them for a while but since turning the gauge down and using the sides they're all hunky dory again

i got my mum to stroke the sides of my fingers tonight, and told her she has to do it again in a week - i'm using You Snap The Whip religiously at the moment and i want to see if it has any effects! (even if it doesn't, i'll keep using it. the blackcurrant smell is sooooooo good)
I cant do it the sides of my fingers it hurts way too much :(
I sometimes have those little black dots, but just checked and can't see any at the moment, I use almost the lowest setting and have 6 fingers that I use.
Does anyone use the sides in the middle or at the bottom of your fingers, just wandering?
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