A winge and a request for some help

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When you increase the dose for a bigger meal, do you apply the increase to the whole dose or just for the insulin for the carbs in excess of your weight in Kg? I could do that as two separate deliveries if necessary.

I have a different ratio if I go mega carb as I affectionately call it. In the evening I normally do 1:20 for example, and I'm quite predictable with carbs having between 40 and 60. If I go above 70g which is rare but does happen at this time of the year I go to 1:18 and that does the trick for me. At lunch time I normally do a 1:15 ratio so if I'm going mega carb above 60 at that stage in the day I do 1:13. If I was a bit low before the meal which is also common for me I'd split the difference and do 1:19 or 1:14. I also split doses for a big meal because I'm insulin sensitive so such large doses would be a disaster otherwise. I inject for starter and main just before I eat the main course (I usually eat salad as a starter though) and then inject for the pud after I've eaten it (straight after) because my pudding choices tend to be high fat and with the volume of food involved in three courses my metabolism seems to go a bit off kilter. I digest food quickly (another condition nothing to do with diabetes) normally but when faced with lots of food it seems to do a sort of quickstep routine, with a quick, quick slow routine, hence the after pudding injection. Also my eyes can be bigger than my belly when it comes to pudding so I often quit half way through.

Hope you start to feel a bit better about things, I hate those "haven't a clue" periods, they're the pits. You just think you've got it licked and you at least understand what's going on and then it floors you with a new flavour of weirdness. Made me feel a bit better though, I thought I was the only one who had to do something different for big meals, not much compensation for you I realise but you've helped me feel more positive this week, so thank you 🙂
Thanks Kookycat and Mike
After an excellent meal out and a walk home, here is the overnight result.
You have both given me strategies to use. It always helps to have a plan (and a yummy pud).

Useful advice, more sleep, some understanding of what might have caused problems during November (being away more then I was at home during that time!!) and knowing that times like this get to most of us at times, has all helped me to feel a lot better.


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Fantastic @SB2015! A Libre line to be proud of after a big meal out 🙂
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