A very odd overnight basal test

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Even though I can empathise with what you going through, as I?ve been through similar in my past, a divorce with 3 young children...

But what ever crisis you are facing it doesn?t excuse your attitude to those you ask for help from and who try to give it...

Sadly as you?ve got other factors at play affecting your control, this is probably not the place to be asking for help at the moment, due to the personally side of your private life... You need to contact your diabetic team explain what?s happening in your private life, and ask for more input to help you out, I also suggest when you do this, don?t give them the attitude you?ve given here as they will not be able to help you through this difficult period either...

Hope you find resolve in both your control and your personal life

whilst i thank you for your empathy, i really dont think harping on about my "attitude" is helping here either Ellie. I agree it's probably not the best time or place for me to be coming here right now - but I do wish people had asked if anything else was at play if i've been a little off kilter personality wise before jumping down my neck at having "attitude" problems. Things are difficult enough as it is, not just diabetes wise and probably more so in my personal life and I do think there are other things at play that are affecting both sugar levels and mood swings.

AS I said earlier, after this evening I won't be posting here again. It seems as if I won't be missed. It's a shame, but in some ways I won't miss it as things can be taken in such the wrong way from the written word.

Don't worry, you won't be hearing from me again.

And to those of you who i have gotten to know well through this forum, thank you. you have all been brilliant.
hey Sam you know how to get hold of me ...please try and calm down im getting seriously worried about you ....ok we all know of your issues but hun this is getting worrying x
hey Sam you know how to get hold of me ...please try and calm down im getting seriously worried about you ....ok we all know of your issues but hun this is getting worrying x
I am also concerned, and think too much content in this thread has crossed a line.

any mods awake?
hey Sam you know how to get hold of me ...please try and calm down im getting seriously worried about you ....ok we all know of your issues but hun this is getting worrying x

don't worry about me am, i'm fine. I'm just coming to realise that there's a little bit more to life than what is said on a forum

i'm on facebook if you wanna chat. drop me a message, i'm not on the chat thing.
Hi Sam hope you sort everthing out sharpish, and going back to the origins of this, there is surely (my opinion) a possible simple answer, drink more beer! (Obviously not medically advised!) 😉

Cheers and chin up the world can be a great place for us all to live in in harmony! 🙂

Rossi 🙂
I'm going to close this thread now, as it has drifted far off topic. Take care Sam, I hope your situation improves and that you are able to view this in a different light.
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