A somewhat unexpected.. Hello

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Welcome to the forum @WhenLifeGivesYouLemons

Rather surprised that you weren’t given insulin from the off myself - even though holidays are out of routine, it’s all going to be a bit of guesswork to begin with anyway, and it’s likely they will start you on fairly conservative doses which will be increased gradually as your levels begin to improve.

If it is suggested you start on a mixed insulin twice a day (”because it is easier for you”), I would say you should politely, but firmly request to be put on a proper flexible basal:bolus system from the start (with a background insulin and a separate fast acting one for meals/snacks). To my mind there’s no point struggling to get your head around an inflexible mixed system only to have to start over a short while down the line when its limitations become clear.

Look forward to hearing how you get on over the coming weeks, and keep us posted with any questions you have as they crop up 🙂
@rebrascora - Appreciate all the info and time you taken with your posts. So much useful information!

@everydayupsanddowns - Yeah I was a little surprised, given my hbac (sp?) result and high BG, but I don't feel like I know enough yet to question it. However, this community and the excellent resources on this site are already giving me much information so I am more informed when speaking to the doctor next. I have a call with the diabetic nurse tomorrow, so hopefully get more idea of what the plan is.
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