A major whinge/moment of self pity/diabetes hatred

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It was good of them to phone me to tell me rather than letting me go to Longmoor for the selection and be failed by the medical there.


There! I think you may have turned a corner, lol, you're starting to see positives rather than just negatives now......... 😉

Look forward to seeing the new sideburns at the meet! For some reason my son decided he'd like to grow 'mutton chops' so I'm sure yours won't be as bad as that!!

Hi Tom
I have come to this thread a little late but i just want to say that i am sorry for how you are feeling at the moment. I hope that when you are well again that you will bounce back up to your normal positive self. I feel so much for you.

I hope that you enjoy your weekend and are well again soon.

Mand 🙂
Look forward to seeing the new sideburns at the meet! For some reason my son decided he'd like to grow 'mutton chops' so I'm sure yours won't be as bad as that!!


Sadly I haven't got the facilities to grow mutton chops! But one day I will grow them!
I'm glad you seem to be feeling better Tom. I am all for growing facial hair as rebellion/defiance. Have a good weekend, I hope being home helps 🙂
Hi Tom,

Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time...that damn diabetes gremlin gets us all from time to time - hopefully this is just a hiccup due to the massive life change you are going through - uni is a big step! Hopefully with a bit of tweaking of doses things will calm down in the next few weeks. 🙂

I really, really wanted to join the RAF when I was younger...I went through the whole Air Cadets thing up to CWO, got my Pilot Nav schol & at that selection board was told despite meeting & exceeding all other criteria the RAF would never have me as a regular due to the diabetes. I was totally gutted.

I still went on & did engineering at uni, got a full time job as an engineer and joined the RAF Volunteer Reserve (Training Branch) ...basically this meant I was a non deployable reservist working as a volunteer on Air Cadet Sqns. Whilst it was totally not the "real thing", and I am the first to admit a lot of VR(T) officers are not all we could wish (don't get me started...), working with the cadets was most of time incredibly fulfilling & gave me countless opportunities to stretch myself that I would not have had if I hadn't bothered with even this "civi" version. If you can accept the fact that being a volunteer organisation there's always a bit of political nonsense involved, it can be very rewarding (obviously that's not in a fiscal sense!). I was just wondering if you'd ever considered something like that re the Army cadets? It would give you a chance to explore your interest in the military whilst helping keep a number of teenagers off the streets & gainfully occupied! 😉

As an added extra, it was through cadets I met my husband...if I'd been accepted in the RAF, chances are I'd never have met him...sometimes things happen for a reason, even if it seems like a totally **** one at the time! 🙄

Hope you're feeling much better after being at home this weekend, all the best,

Twitchy x
Bit late to this thread but it seems you are feeling a bit better now than when you first posted which is good to hear. I hope the trip home helped and seeing your family.

I hated my first couple of weeks at uni, found it very emotional and did take some time to adjust. It seemed like everyone else was loving it and totally care free and I was the only one finding it difficult. But talking to people later it was pretty common for people to have not found it as easy as it appeared.

take care Tom
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