A few questions from a pumper to be(hopefully!)

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Err do they really Sue? Because there certainly isn't one for the Coventry area, or if there is, it must be a secret.
Err do they really Sue? Because there certainly isn't one for the Coventry area, or if there is, it must be a secret.

Yep there are meetings all over the place. Just enquire from input or ask on the pumpers forum. Most hospitals arrange informal meetings/get togethers as well.
Yep there are meetings all over the place. Just enquire from input or ask on the pumpers forum. Most hospitals arrange informal meetings/get togethers as well.

I was considering pumping for around 2 years before I actually asked about it and this sort of thing was never mentioned (mind you I didn't look into INPUT because my area is so pro-pump I knew I would most likely have little problem if I decided to go for it).

Not sure how those meet-ups could be publicised more, but my clinic certainly didn't mention them when they knew I was thinking about it but had reservations.
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