A bit of a drama...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok, I changed my cannula at eight thinking I would be fine after wokrin out what to do. An hour and a half later I'm at 23.6. Just tested and got 27. I've put an eight unit correction in.

I am a little panicky here so what should I do?

First of all don't panic!

Have you checked for ketones?

Is there anything obviously wrong with the site? Can you seen blood, any air bubbles, that kind of thing?

Drink plenty of water, and keep and eye on your blood sugar and ketones to see if they're going in the right direction. If it was me, I'd also stick on a temp basal for an our, but that's because I know I need extra help to come down when I'm that high.

If you're not coming down soon, I'd seriously consider changing out the cannula and putting a fresh one in, or change back to your old site if you still have it in.

Keep us posted!
I bolused through the old cannula and when I took that out I had a little blood come out. I've had ten units to bring things down and I'm going to do a new reservoir in a little. I mean I can't see why I went that high so quickly. I mean I bolused the correct amount for tea. What's going wrong?

Did you bolus for dinner after you changed the cannula? If there's something wrong with it, for example if it's kinked, you probably didn't get anywhere near enough insulin to cover the carbs, in addition to not getting enough basal over the past couple of hours, and that can easily send your blood sugars to the moon. I've had a similar thing happen, and the pump doesn't always give an occlusion warning (no idea where the insulin goes though!).
I bolused for tea before I changed the cannula. I can't see what's gone wrong and made me go up this high. So damn angry with myself for getting that high.

Check ketones. Do an injection for the high level. I suspect your old site has a little infection and you might need anti-biotics for it - does it feel hot? Is your insulin in date? Do you have bubbles in tubing? You could be sickening for something - if you are still high after 1 hour - put yourself on 150% for 2 hours and see if this helps - but set your alarm just in case. Dont panic!🙂Bev
Don't blame yourself, sometimes these things happen and there's nothing we can do, it's this damn disease. :(

It might be a combination of things, maybe there was something a bit off with the old cannula and you didn't get enough for tea. The important thing is to get your blood sugar back down again, and keep and eye on it to make sure the new cannula is ok.
The story of events is that I had my tea and bolused appropriately for it. Then a few hours later I went to change my cannula and reservoir. An hour and a half later I had gone to twenty three. Ten minutes later I was twenty seven. I am just so damn angry about it as it all seemed like it was going well. Want to pack it all in right now.

I've got a temporary basal of 200% and no ketones have shown up yet.

The story of events is that I had my tea and bolused appropriately for it. Then a few hours later I went to change my cannula and reservoir. An hour and a half later I had gone to twenty three. Ten minutes later I was twenty seven. I am just so damn angry about it as it all seemed like it was going well. Want to pack it all in right now.

I've got a temporary basal of 200% and no ketones have shown up yet.


Your just going through the 'I want to throw my pump out of the window' phase - all very normal. You have given yourself a lot of correction doses so I would be happier if you set your alarm for 3am and take your 200% off before you go to bed. See what level you are and take it from there.🙂Bev
The worst thing about diabetes is that things can go so horribly unpredictably wrong, and trying to manage it feels so much more like an art than a science. 😡 Packing it all in is so tempting, and we've all been there. I think when you feel like that, it's hard for anyone to really tell you it's all going to be ok, so rant on here about it as much as you need to - I'm all in favour of getting things out in the open! I hope your blood sugars start behaving themselves soon.
Hi Tom

This has sometimes happens to Harrison normally if he has a bath before hand. I think you've done to much increasing your basal cause the times it's happened normal correction has cause harry to go low. Im no expert and my son is only 4 so it could be totally different in an adult. But I think you should cancel your basal rate! xx
I am just so fed up with this damn illness. I have far too much to deal with at the moment. I can't be dealing with this right now. I mean I had it just so before tea and then all this happens. I've been sat on my arse all day then this comes at me out of the blue. I mean I am asking was there something that I could have and should have done? Argh rage.

Whatever minute consolation it is I am now at 25.4 Oh happiness, like hell.
Hey Tom, sorry to hear it's being so cantankerous. CAn't offer any wisdom as pumps are an arcane mystery to me, but I hope that things sort themselves out soon.
I am just so fed up with this damn illness. I have far too much to deal with at the moment. I can't be dealing with this right now. I mean I had it just so before tea and then all this happens. I've been sat on my arse all day then this comes at me out of the blue. I mean I am asking was there something that I could have and should have done? Argh rage.

Whatever minute consolation it is I am now at 25.4 Oh happiness, like hell.

hey tom are you at home or uni ? stress cant help ??
I am under stress at the moment but I've been able to get things ok. How this came about I don't know. It's something I don't need to have to deal with but my life being as crap as it is means that it will mean I have to worry about it.
I am under stress at the moment but I've been able to get things ok. How this came about I don't know. It's something I don't need to have to deal with but my life being as crap as it is means that it will mean I have to worry about it.

Massive hug to you Tom. Have you checked them again to see if your still coming down, let me know xx:D :confused:
doesn't help does it ...sympathy 😡 🙂 good luck tom tonight... there are people here to help you through re the pump stuff ...try and relax ..sillyas it might seem i know ..hugs
Hi Tom

If it was me with Harrison I would probably do another pump change in a different spot just incase there was a prob with the canula. Have u tried a fake set up to make sure the insulins coming though the tube??
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