8 yr old diagnosed T1 4 days ago

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Oops I'm a bit late, but just wanted to say welcome aboard, I hope we can help with any questions or worries you have and ease the whirlwind a bit :D x
Glad things are getting better for you. It's such a rollercoaster of a ride, all the ups and downs, glad the school are receptive to your needs.
Good to see that your son is keeping up his football, the sooner you get in routine or back to normal as you possibly can the better. With regards to the highs and lows we also experienced that (still do but less frequent), it will get better especially if he has stopping eating for England as we experienced.

Keep smiling
Hi Caryn,

Just to let you know that nearly all the children i know of who are diabetic (lots) - all go hypo in the first few days of starting school again. Its the adrenalin - but you may also have to change his ratios or his basal - but see if there is a pattern first! And do check with your dsn!:DBev
Never feel guilty if you do not get it right! Diabetes has a law all of its own sometimes, no matter how much effort you put in to get it right!

I sometimes find it hard to keep up with all the posts on all the various threads, so please feel free to pm me anytime and i will respond.

Keep strong! xx 🙂
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