64 Days with the MiniMed 640G

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Thanks Mike. Just to clarify: that 3.9 upper limit? Does that mean that Smartguard will not be triggered in any circumstance (i.e. whatever the apparent rate of BG fall) if you're above 7.9?

And Flower, good to hear that you're getting those extra days from the sensor. Still a bit to go though before competing with the Libre or Dexcom sensors.

Yes, that is my understanding. And of course it depends on where you set your 'low limit'. If you set at 3.0 then it would only intervene when sensor glucose below 6.9 and if dropping rapidly enough to drop you below 4.1 within 30 minutes (1.1 above low limit). Whereas if you set low limit to 5.0 then anything below 8.9 would be being monitored.

And you could set different low limits (or disable entirely) at different times of the day for greater/lesser SmartGuarding.
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