5 Top Tips for Better Diabetesing

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Always think THE most important thing to ask yourself is 'Who treats my diabetes?' - the only real answer to which is, 'I do!'. OK, we all need help from various medical personnel in order to do it successfully but that can range from brilliant to dire and even when it's brilliant and they give you really good advice or prescribe the best course of drugs etc - WE have to administer them and take whatever other steps we're advised to take - the medic can't.
So …. What would I have said to me 10 years ago when I first got that Diabetes Type 2 diagnosis that shocked me to the core.

  • Firstly – STOP the denial, and anger, and self-blame. Stop pretending it’s not really a problem and ignoring it. Get a grip and find out what you can do to help yourself. (This would have saved a year or so of the problem getting worse)
  • Read, research and find out more about how to live with diabetes. Challenge information and advice, and see if there are any alternative view points and try to work out what might work for you. Try out some of the ideas.(I did this eventually, and moved to low-carb eating and the beginning of more positive results and to feeling much better both physically and emotionally)
  • Get more active. Yes you lead a very busy life, but you need to find that time to get fitter, and it needs to come up the importance level (It did eventually!)
  • Be patient It takes a while to find a solution that is sustainable and there will be ups and downs and setbacks – but have a recovery plan. Remember the 80/20 rule. – If you get it right most of the time you are doing really well.
  • Keep it all in proportion. Take the time to find the solution that works for you and is sustainable. Then make sure it fits into your lifestyle, and is almost ‘automatic’ and background to every day life, and doesn’t rule the day. Then just get on and enjoy life. Each day is precious.
  • ( I wonder if I would have listened!)
The best you can do is be kind to your body, know what works and what doesn't that way you know how to fix it when you have too many naughties, of course better to not have too many naughties but by being the best friend to your body / your body will be a best friend to you, after all we are partners and when the body is happy all things will go smoothly.
My Top 5:

1) You can do everything right and still get out of range numbers and it’s not your fault
2) Don’t put yourself down - you can still do lots with your life. You’re not ‘sick’ or ‘weak’ or ‘rubbish’.
3) Don’t hate certain foods or carbs or anything - enjoy your meals.
4) Be your own expert - learn as much as you can about Type 1 and your body
5) You’re not alone
1.I’d like to believe its not my fault.
2. Is not putting me down an option what have I to be feel good about?
3.Oh if only i could not be jealous of rice, bread or pasta. Id really love a proper chinese meal with egg fried rice, a nice crusty loaf and well pasta anything was so quick n easy to rustle up.
4. I am Type 2 It is very different should be called something different.
5. Unfortunately I wish I was. To think so many are battling this and some a lot harder than ill ever imagine . Is life worth it ? One day Ill look back and say I achieved that so my life was worthwhile.
One day Ill look back and say I achieved that so my life was worthwhile.

It certainly is worthwhile @Nayshiftin 🙂 - you are a kind, friendly, and helpful person, with lots of friends here.
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