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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is this too low to go to bed on? I don't fancy a 2am wake up call for jelly beans :confused:

Is this too low to go to bed on? I don't fancy a 2am wake up call for jelly beans :confused:


Personally I'd have a slice of bread and peanut butter - slow release to keep your levels up. I wouldn't go to bed on 5.1 ever, I don't think 😱
what do you normally do, I'd be happy to go to bed at 5.1 but depends on how much I have had to drink and when I had eaten I guess. If in doubt I would munch a couple of biscuits? Just my thoughts...
I personally wouldnt let Alex go to bed on this - I would set a temporary basal of 85% for 3 hours if he was - but I know you cant so I would have something like a biscuit or full fat milk as this has a really slow release.🙂Bev
Had a little root around and found some bread (no peanut butter unfortunately). My levels before bed aren't usually this well behaved!

Thank you for your advice 🙂

I always get a bit of a spike with my lantus an hour or so after injecting - not a huge one, but that is why I would want to 'cover' it if bedtime test was below 6. Nutella is a good peanut butter substitute! Or butter - slows the digestion 🙂
I'm jealous that you can eat a whole piece of toast with peanut butter ! I'd wake up high.
Me too Katie!

Handful of no-added-sugar type muesli kinda works for me if I'm a bit worried at my suppertime level.
I'd wake up high too, but no problem as currently in the teens grr! Lager effect me thinks :(
Going to bed on 5.1 and feeling safe would depend on when I last had my novorapid insulin, if I was sure it was exhausted and four hours or more had passed then I would be perfectly fine with this level, but had I injected novo in the last 2-3 hours then I would eat a small 5-10g snack.

Northerner, why don't you move your lantus injection to earlier in the evening if it causes you a ''spike'', this way you would be more confident going to bed at levels in the 5's. Lantus insulin is a 24 hour insulin and can be injected anytime of the day providing that you stick to the same time each day. When I was on lantus I took mine at 6-7pm, and now I am on a split dose of levemir I inject 6-7am before work and 6-7pm after work, so it's maybe something you may want to consider.
Woke up to 11.1 :( so next time I'll try going without any food

teapot, sounds like this is a good cause for some night time basal testing if you're not sure going to sleep on 5.1 is okay! I would be happy with 5.1 if I didn't have too much active insulin on board and I knew my basals were set right, so I wouldn't drop.
Hi. I did ask my DSN what is good to drive and go to bed on and she said to go to bed don't be lower than 7 so I would have a bit of toast with butter or a cereal bar (whatever will send your blood up to 7 or 8 no higher) hope this helps.

Shell 🙂
I'd be quite happy to go to sleep on that. If I were really worried I'd set my alarm for a three in the morning test.

I agree with Shiv about the basal, if its right then you shouldn't move more that much overnight. When I was first diagnosed and on MDI, Lantus was relatively new. My own doctor said not to go to bed under 120, (6.6), the consultant said that applied to the older insulins but 'now', 90 (5mmol) was fine so I stuck with that and have done the same on the pump
Even if it is a bit lower I don't eat much. Last night I was 4.7mmol at bedtime, 4 hours after eating. I ate just 2 small sections of a peppermint aero, this morning it was 5.0 mmol. ....but my BG levels normally don't vary very much at night and I have done lots of night time tests and used a CGM for a couple of weeks.The one case where I do need to go to bed slightly higher is if I've exercised a lot , particularly within 5 hours of bedtime.
teapot, sounds like this is a good cause for some night time basal testing if you're not sure going to sleep on 5.1 is okay! I would be happy with 5.1 if I didn't have too much active insulin on board and I knew my basals were set right, so I wouldn't drop.

Me too, this is an ideal number for me to go to bed on nowadays, on mdi i wouldnt go to bed on less than 7 though.
I think I might try the overnight basal testing either this weekend or next weekend. My levels during the day aren't too bad because I'm active during the day but my waking levels aren't great :(
Personally, I would be fine on that result............simply because my background (mdi) would carry me steady through the night, but in reality its because I will always wake up double figures (12-18) due to dawn phenomonon.....

everyone is different............
Personally, I would be fine on that result............simply because my background (mdi) would carry me steady through the night, but in reality its because I will always wake up double figures (12-18) due to dawn phenomonon.....

everyone is different............

Indeed. I was 5.5 before bed last night so decided to risk it. Hypoed two hours later with a 3.7. Treated it with a couple of jelly babies. Two hours later (not much sleep!) I was 4.9 and woke to 6.7! I'm considering moving my lantus injection to teatime - trouble is I've always had it just before bed and am afraid I'll forget it!
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