400 calories or an extra slice of pizza

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I saw Dr Rosemary talking about this on breakfast and she was saying it was only if you were in acceptable weight and if you increased your exercise.
I would be well annoyed if she was my GP never get an appointment as she's always on the tele!

I am NHS Glasgow and Clyde and was told by my practice nurse that a meeting with the dietician was mandatory (havent had my meeting yet as she is on maternity leave). Realise North Lanarkshire might be a bit different.

I was also told there was no need for me to test my bg levels but I stuck to my guns and have now been given a monitor and test scrips (allbeit 50 strips for 6 months 😱, but it is a start) so I would keep asking them. As regards weight I joined WW in May (before being diagnosed) and have lost 39.5lbs so far (averaging 1.5lbs a week) I still have about 8st to loose so know it will be a long journey. It is not easy and yes it is a complete lifestyle change but I am proof it can be done and I love my crisps :D.

You have made the hardest step by asking to see the dietician. You will find the knowledge on this forum invaluable. Good luck xxx

Wow! That's an incredible weight loss! Good on you, and keep up the good work. I have around 8-9 stones to lose and I know it's going to be a long hard road. I've done it before but never managed to keep it off for more than a year coz I was absolutely obsessed with food and eating and seemed to be hungry all of the time! Yo-yo is my middle name...


I am NHS Glasgow and Clyde and was told by my practice nurse that a meeting with the dietician was mandatory (havent had my meeting yet as she is on maternity leave). Realise North Lanarkshire might be a bit different.

I was also told there was no need for me to test my bg levels but I stuck to my guns and have now been given a monitor and test scrips (allbeit 50 strips for 6 months 😱, but it is a start) so I would keep asking them. As regards weight I joined WW in May (before being diagnosed) and have lost 39.5lbs so far (averaging 1.5lbs a week) I still have about 8st to loose so know it will be a long journey. It is not easy and yes it is a complete lifestyle change but I am proof it can be done and I love my crisps :D.

You have made the hardest step by asking to see the dietician. You will find the knowledge on this forum invaluable. Good luck xxx

50 strips for six months! Good grief, what use is that to man or beast?
hi there i live in north lanarkshire have you seen the dsn yet ?
i go to the david matthews centre next to monkslands and there when you go for appointment you can see the dietican just ask
i not sure which clinic you would go to but you can ask to see the dietican

Hi there! I haven't seen anyone other than my practice nurse so far. I got my diagnosis over the phone from the doc and then told to make an appointment to see the practice nurse for diet advice. As far as I am aware, I haven't been referred to a dsn or clinic yet..

that happened to me too dr phoned on the friday saw him and the practice nurse on the monday and was refered to the clinic that week
i also had a app to see the consultant within 2 months
i always have to ask to see the dietian but i am sure the dr can referr you
that happened to me too dr phoned on the friday saw him and the practice nurse on the monday and was refered to the clinic that week
i also had a app to see the consultant within 2 months
i always have to ask to see the dietian but i am sure the dr can referr you

That sounds promising! I'll try and be patient and wait and see... however, patience is not one of my strongpoints..

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