3 monthly check tomorrow

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Hi Vince!!
I think you are doing really well and should should feel very pleased with yourself, well done!! Also your healthcare team seem excellent. Keep in there, you'll be fine. Of course it goes without saying, on this message board, you'll get lots of info and support, something that we all need!!!!:)
You are SO right Ruby when you say you feel like a schoolkid, wanting to be praised etc. I can't believe how, at 61 and after a reasonably pressured job, running a home etc I have gone back to people telling me how I am to act. I know they mean it for the best but part of me wants to shout out "it's my body and I'm not daft" but......Thank you for your kind words.
Hi Faith
I do hope things progress smoothly. Sounds as if you have a good team supporting you.

I find it ood that all my medics are younger than my own 'long flown the nest' tribe.

Going out to celebrate my results today - can't miss National Chip Week!!!
Thank you, John, I was glad to hear you had a good result yourself......enjoy your chips - and to hell with the BS results tomorrow. Sounds as if the one thing which is good about going onto insulin (when I have to) is that you can adjust your doses to what you eat, whereas now I have to pretend to myself that Cadbury's Flake is full of goodness !

Take care of yourself,
Brilliant result John!

Whey! hey! All your hard work and Wendy's (!) has paid off. Am really chuffed to bits for you :D
I hope you are an inspiration to others:)..
Now keep it up - LOL!!!
So happy to hear your good news. You must feel great. It all seems to be going in the right direction, BGs and foot, well done!!!!:D
Well done John thats fantastic news. Enjoy your chips and have one for me!
The fish and chips were great!

Thank you, John, I was glad to hear you had a good result yourself......enjoy your chips - and to hell with the BS results tomorrow. Sounds as if the one thing which is good about going onto insulin (when I have to) is that you can adjust your doses to what you eat, whereas now I have to pretend to myself that Cadbury's Flake is full of goodness !

Take care of yourself,

Well done John thats fantastic news. Enjoy your chips and have one for me!

I appreciate your posts; they encourage me to keep the flag flying for so many of us.
The fish and chips was a great treat - a buffet setup including all sorts like spicy haggis balls in batter, banana fritters and custard .......I avoided the salad:D

To my delight, bs normal so far. Shows that the odd treat doesn't wreck the hard work.:):)

I am going South for a few days next week for a few days. Must be careful with hotel offerings.
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I am going South for a few days next week for a few days. Must be careful with hotel offerings.

ANYWHERE is "South" from you isn't it ? Enjoy yourself and remember SOME Southerners are OK you know !!
south or South?!?

Do you mean south or South? Round here, city in which British Antarctic Survey HQ is situated, is in the south of England, but people go South.
I'm south, nearly as south as you can go without having to go to Cornwall. I can see the sea from my house, the English Channel bit at the bottom!!

Adrienne x:)
I'm south, nearly as south as you can go without having to go to Cornwall. I can see the sea from my house, the English Channel bit at the bottom!!

Adrienne x:)

I'm a bit North and East of you and there is a lump of wet stuff - the North sea about 2 miles East of here and some large land lumps - Grampian mountains about 4 miles West.

I did go to School and two colleges in England and lived and worked in East Midlands/East Anglia for about 35 years post academic education.

Living is the true education and passing exams is no preparation for real life with all its highs and lows.
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