3 monthly check tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Full checkup at clinic tomorrow . Drive to station, 40min train journey then taxi or if I'm lucky a local bus.
Aren't we fortunate to have these monitoring clinics?
With all the moaning about lack of health care, I think that to have access to our various clinics is wonderful.
Wish my damned heel hadn't just split open and become infected. No doubt I shall receive a kind reprimand for not taking care.

Hopefully HbA1c has come down a bit more. Bs has been very stable for two months despite a few treats.

Oh goodness. Acute verbal (typing) diarrhoea has set in :eek::eek:
Good Luck John!!

Fingers crossed for your HbA1c :)
Thanks Viki.
Better hit the proverbial sack now.
Let us know how you get on - hope the clinic aren't too strict with you about your poorly foot......
Hope all goes well with your check up. I am off in a while to see the occupational health people cos I had a lot of time off work sick. I'm hoping it is instrumental in getting better diabetic care from my GP or transfre to clinic at hospital
Thanks for your support.

HbA1c 7.4 from 13.2 three months ago. Gliclazide reduced from 80mg to 40mg before breakfast.
Medic was delighted and has sorted out foot prob and given me antibiotics in case it flares up again.
Well done John!

Thats amazing! Well done :D
That's great news John. Your HbA1C is lower than mine and I'm very jealous :)

Tom H
That's a tremendous improvement John - well done you on taking such good care of yourself!:)
Well done you !!

My own check-up today brought mixed results. Hospital admission in Oct/Nov saw a diagnosis of Type 1, and when I saw the Consultant on 11th Dec - dire warnings with HbAlc of 11.5.

Today it was 8.5 .............but then he said the antibodies result was the highest he's ever seen (@ 1000 where normal is 0.1...!). He says I'm honeymooning since being on Gliclazide and Metformin and it's only a matter of time before insulin.......but at present "keep on taking the tablets" (BS was 25 on diagnosis - today 4.5 at breakfast). I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....!
Hi Vince13

Can I ask why you are on the tablets if you are a type 1. Bit confused.

Were you diagnosed type 2 a while ago and were on tablets then end of last year you were changed to insulin and you were told you were now type 1. Have I got that right or have I mis read your post.

If I've read it right unfortunately that is not correct. You are still a type 2 but on insulin. A type 1 diabetic is on insulin from day 1. The tablets will not help a type 1 diabetic.

So many GP's and other medical professionals who are not diabetic specialists get this wrong. They tell their patient that they are suddenly a type 1 as they are on insulin. The different between 1 and 2 is not about insulin injections. It is the result of what has happened to the pancreas in the first place.

If I have written out of turn and misread I apologise but if not, I just wanted to point out what should have been told to you and I hope that is ok, all written in good faith.

By the way getting your HbA1c down from 11 odd to 8.4 is fantastic.

Adrienne :)
Hi again Vince13

I've just your post again to see if I misread it and it sounds like you were diagnosed in Oct/Nov 08 with type 1 but they put you on tablets!!! That I don't understand at all, doesn't make any sense. If you get diagnosed with type 1 you go straight on insulin even if you are in the honeymoon period. This is why I am confused.

Adrienne :confused:
Well done you !!

My own check-up today brought mixed results. Hospital admission in Oct/Nov saw a diagnosis of Type 1, and when I saw the Consultant on 11th Dec - dire warnings with HbAlc of 11.5.

Today it was 8.5 .............but then he said the antibodies result was the highest he's ever seen (@ 1000 where normal is 0.1...!). He says I'm honeymooning since being on Gliclazide and Metformin and it's only a matter of time before insulin.......but at present "keep on taking the tablets" (BS was 25 on diagnosis - today 4.5 at breakfast). I don't know whether to laugh or cry.....!

That's a great improvement in your HbA1c. I'm guessing that the mention of the antibodies result means that you are LADA, and your pancreas is taking a while to conk out (I believe that's the medical term for it:))?
Thanks again for your encouragement folks.

I have my companion, Wendy, to thank for her almost obsessive checking of portion sizes and a very balanced diet which in turn lets us have quite frequent meals out.

She had pancreatitis about 6 years ago and was on a fairly controlled diet, now diagnosed T2 - diet controlled.

This means we can effectively share the same trough.
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That's a great improvement in your HbA1c. I'm guessing that the mention of the antibodies result means that you are LADA, and your pancreas is taking a while to conk out (I believe that's the medical term for it:))?

Yes you have it right Northerner........LADA I am - as from today's discussion.

I was diagnosed back in April 2008 as Type 2 on diet control only, being monitored by my DN and Dr. In Oct/Nov BS went to 25 - Dr panicked and got me into hospital. Endocrinologist says "I think you were misdiagnosed as Type 2 as I'm sure you're Type 1" - I was put on Glic and Metformin to "milk the pancreas until it gives up" when I will start on insulin - that's all I can say to explain it. All the time I'm being kept a good eye on both at home and at the Hospital, and I feel well and my BS are OK, I'm happy to go along with it. I have instructions to see DN/DR or phone Consultant at any time my BS rise above 10 - I really don't feel they are putting me at risk, even if it seems unintelligent on my part.

Thanks for that Vince 13, makes a bit more sense now. I hate not understanding things (you've probably guessed that). I don't know anything about LADA at all. It sounds like you have some great doctors around you which much reassuring.

Take care
I hope so - as I'm putting my health in their hands ! I really do feel I am happy going along with them as they seem to be giving me leaway for things to proceed towards insulin without me feeling they are taking over and they do talk to me as if I do have a brain of my own. I have very regular appointments with my DSN abd Dr and if my BS go above 10 I shall contact them again right away as I've been told - I'm too frightened of getting really ill to be silly enough to pretend things are OK when they're not and I want to be well enough to see my grand-daughter grow up (and she's only 4 at present !).

Thank you all for your input anyway - I've already learnt so much on here and the way you look out for each other is amazing.
Hi John,

Good luck for tomorrow. It's crazy how we all dread/look forward to attending our clinics. I am going on Monday, but have mixed feelings, feelings of apprehension, and also anticipation in the hope for the great HbA1c!! I must admit, I sort of fell like a little schoolchild, waiting to be praised or reprimanded , either for my good efforts or maybe, the could try harder line !!!! I'll be thinking of you. Hope your foot keeps in the " good " area!!!:)
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