3 meals a day

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Brilliant achievement stitch! Well done 🙂 Incidentally why 'stitch?' Any special significance?
Brilliant achievement stitch! Well done 🙂 Incidentally why 'stitch?' Any special significance?
Thanks amigo.
I'm a huge Disney fan and one of my favourite characters is Stitch! I even wear Stitch ears when I go to Disneyland. My real name is Donna.
I have a certain sympathy here Rosie - I have always hated eating breakfast - unless I'm on my holidays, there's no rush, I can have a lovely choice and most important - someone else has got it for me!

However I discovered a LONG time ago that if I want sensible (ish) BGs for the rest of the day (every day) - then actually getting up at a reasonable hour and also, eating breakfast - are both essential. I can lie in and miss it sometimes - but not often.

I fought it for years - who ever wanted to be the melodramatic lets make a drama out of nothing, not even a problem really let alone a crisis - 'I Am Diabetic - I Must Be Fed!' old bat in the first place? Not me and that's for sure. BUT - if just doing that will shut it up and stop it being spiteful (it being my D) then swallow your pride and your annoyance Jen and just DO it. So I do.

Think you're going to have to too, Rosie!
Stitch - the avatar itself does you no favours weight-wise - I was gobsmacked seeing the bigger photo because I've always thought - God she must have been like a hot air balloon (that's me being polite LOL) if this is the slimmed down version. Whereas you are sylph-like really!

It must be to do with shrinking the photo to avatar size? Mine was a full length one, but with a black blouse (polyester), black stockings & shoes (patent leather) and a black mid calf skirt (suede; nice slit up one leg) the outfit wouldn't have told anybody much about me (except that I have nice ankles LOL) so we decided it wasn't necessary. (Oh - and that I like black!)
I keep meaning to sort out my avatar picture so it's clearer. I'll have a look at doing it tomorrow.
Hi all, I've always had real trouble losing weight. Been fat since I was a baby! My problem is that I don't eat enough! I frequently skip meals and go long periods without eating. This has shot my metabolism and now my body clings on to every meal i eat as it doesn't know when it's next meal is coming from and stores it as fat.

I need to eat more regularly especially in order to regulate my BS and start my metabolism again. I know many of you are on insulin therefore HAVE to eat regularly but, how do you have time? How do you remember? I can have breakfast on a morning and then not eat again until about 6pm when I'm starving. It's almost like I need to retrain my brain to eat MORE. Does anyone have any ideas or tips? I'm struggling and now I'm on the canagliflozin as well as the gliclazide I'm very worried and aware that if I don't eat properly, I'm goin to have lots of hypos! I desperately want to lose weight and help lower my BS but no healthcare professional apart from my DSN has entertained the idea that not eating much probably isn't a good idea

Any advice welcomed!!

You could be echoing someone I know on another forum who tried every diet under the sun to lose weight, but just couldn't. The Healthy Plate led to weight gain and the only way she has lost weight is going Low Carb, plus Enough Fat, and another big success, albeit a short term, kick start, was a Fat Fast. She only loses weight when she eats enough fat, and reduces her carbs.

Fat doesn't make us fat. Fat, in combination with carbs does make us gain weight. It's all in the digestive process of carbs.

Could you try even just eating a chunk of cheese during the day? That way you would be stimulating your metabolism, without the rise of anything carby.

Thankfully, I have never had to take long term medication for anything, but when I recently had a couple of back-to-back curses of antibiotics, post-surgery and to cover an open draining haematoma (I don't want another of those, thanks!), I set a repeating alarm on my phone, to remind me to take my tablets. OK, I mainly remembered, but it took moments to shot the alarm off in either case.

Could you set an alarm for yourself to eat at some point during the day? If it's not convenient to eat when it goes off, snooze it for a while?

I've done some fascinating (to me anyway) experiments with fat consumption and plotted against blood sugar scores. It was an extremely effective way of flattening the peaks and troughs.
Thanks everyone, I'm not normally like this. Think I've been having a bad few days and just needed a kick up the arse!!
Why not set yourself 3 meal-times (breakfast 7, lunch 1, dinner 7, for example) and eat pretty much the same food while you adapt (breakfast: toast, lunch: sandwiches, dinner: starchy carb, veg, protein in similar amounts, eg)? In no time, you'll be eating regularly...🙂 Good luck, Rosie. :D
It's so easy to get absorbed in what you're doing, so I use a kitchen timer to remind me that its time to do food.
Hi Rosie I think there's an amount of retraining involved to get you hungry at the right times, but the most important thing is to get organised! I prep all my food at least a day ahead, except sometimes my evening meal. I have a crazy busy life but I decided to make it a priority for me. I plan my meals to be eaten on the move - my snacks are quick and easy to eat without stopping what I'm doing. For example, I normally have a smoothie for breakfast with oats, chia, fruit and kale (super quick - I prep the fruit and kale a week ahead and throw in straight from the freezer), morning snack is an apple and some almonds, lunch is salad made the night before or soup made at the weekend, afternoon snack I make protein cookies at the weekend with oats and hemp protein and no sugar - if I haven't had time I go for something like veg sticks and hummus, and when I get home I have some kinda potato and fish or eggs with lots of veggies. That probably sounds like loads of food to you! The point is its all simple and prepared in advance. Even if you could make a wrap the night before with a load of salad in it and a bit of non-processed meat - that could be a great start and you could eat on the go. Hope that helps xox
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