3 meals a day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi all, I've always had real trouble losing weight. Been fat since I was a baby! My problem is that I don't eat enough! I frequently skip meals and go long periods without eating. This has shot my metabolism and now my body clings on to every meal i eat as it doesn't know when it's next meal is coming from and stores it as fat.

I need to eat more regularly especially in order to regulate my BS and start my metabolism again. I know many of you are on insulin therefore HAVE to eat regularly but, how do you have time? How do you remember? I can have breakfast on a morning and then not eat again until about 6pm when I'm starving. It's almost like I need to retrain my brain to eat MORE. Does anyone have any ideas or tips? I'm struggling and now I'm on the canagliflozin as well as the gliclazide I'm very worried and aware that if I don't eat properly, I'm goin to have lots of hypos! I desperately want to lose weight and help lower my BS but no healthcare professional apart from my DSN has entertained the idea that not eating much probably isn't a good idea

Any advice welcomed!!
Hi all, I've always had real trouble losing weight. Been fat since I was a baby! My problem is that I don't eat enough! I frequently skip meals and go long periods without eating. This has shot my metabolism and now my body clings on to every meal i eat as it doesn't know when it's next meal is coming from and stores it as fat.

I need to eat more regularly especially in order to regulate my BS and start my metabolism again. I know many of you are on insulin therefore HAVE to eat regularly but, how do you have time? How do you remember? I can have breakfast on a morning and then not eat again until about 6pm when I'm starving. It's almost like I need to retrain my brain to eat MORE. Does anyone have any ideas or tips? I'm struggling and now I'm on the canagliflozin as well as the gliclazide I'm very worried and aware that if I don't eat properly, I'm goin to have lots of hypos! I desperately want to lose weight and help lower my BS but no healthcare professional apart from my DSN has entertained the idea that not eating much probably isn't a good idea

Any advice welcomed!!

If I'm honest Rosie, I've found myself a bit baffled about your consistently high levels despite increasing meds and hopefully elimination of the possibility that you have type 1. But this explains it to some extent and I think you've answered your own question. I don't think you need to train your brain to eat more, I think you need to train Rosie how to be stricter about a regular eating pattern because if I went all day without food, I'd just grab the unhealthy contents of the fridge by 6pm because I'd be so hungry!

Is there any way you can try and force yourself into more regular eating patterns. Could you get up earlier or prepare yourself some breakfast the night before to take with you? Don't you get any kind of lunch break and why aren't you eating then? Small and regular will regulate your BG's and give your body something to use up to further your weight loss.

I'm sorry if this sounds a bit naggy but you seem to know the solutions but only you can implement them to keep you safe. Now you're on glic, you can't afford to go all day without eating because I can guarantee a starving person doesn't grab a salad to break the fast! 😳 You've got to give yourself a fighting chance girl! Lol
Ive learned that not eating enough is just as bad as eating too much for weight loss. I joined weight watchers 2 years ago and you have a set amount of "points" to use each day on food. Some people have thought that if you reduce the amount of points you use you will lose more, wrong! The body will store up what it gets as it doesnt know when the next meal will come along. I done shift work for years so eating at different and silly times during the day was the norm for me. I now do a more normal mon-fri job and work from 08.00 til 3.30. I have breakfast when I get to the office (usually porridge), then I usually take a packed lunch in with me (either a sandwich or homemade soup), then I have my evening meal about 7pm with my other half. Similar routine at the weekend but with out the work bit. I know that if i skip meals or dont eat enough I will not lose weight that week. I also start to feel light headed if I dont eat at regular times. If I am busy at work some days i do find myself eating at my desk, but I do try to avoid this if I can. Hope you manage to get your eating patterns sorted out and find what works best for you.
I think if I'm being truthful finding out I was diabetic has thrown me with regards to food. The meals that I DO eat I'm counting my carbs and trying to have mostly protein or low GI foods but part of me is scared to eat. Does that make any sense? Like I KNOW I have to but then if I forget I kinda just go oh well at least it'll lower my blood sugars. Which is a terrible way of looking at things. I keep getting told over and over by professionals to eat less and eat "starchy carbs" which I know since joining this forum is bad advice!

Stitch, did you find Weight Watchers helpful? If it'll encourage me to eat more regularly I might look into joining?
I also think I probably just wanted to post this to vent!
I also think I probably just wanted to post this to vent!

Venting is good...I totally 'get' that diabetes esp type 2 can make you fear food a bit. I'm presently sat in Costas watching people buy delicious cakes that I just know will spike me. Like a forbidden world! :(
And sometimes a little bit of what you fancy actually doesn't do you any good!

Rosie I'm confused about 'starchy carbs'...to me they are the bad ones.
My GP, the two general nurses at my practice and the DSN i saw last week all said that I should eat more starchy carbs like pasta and rice etc
I think if I'm being truthful finding out I was diabetic has thrown me with regards to food. The meals that I DO eat I'm counting my carbs and trying to have mostly protein or low GI foods but part of me is scared to eat. Does that make any sense? Like I KNOW I have to but then if I forget I kinda just go oh well at least it'll lower my blood sugars. Which is a terrible way of looking at things. I keep getting told over and over by professionals to eat less and eat "starchy carbs" which I know since joining this forum is bad advice!

Stitch, did you find Weight Watchers helpful? If it'll encourage me to eat more regularly I might look into joining?

Well if helpful is losing almost 7 stone then yep, very useful. And the new plan focuses more on healthier choices like reducing the amounts of sugars and carbs and going for healthier higher protein foods. I feel so much better for it. Heres my before and after pics (if ive attached them right!)
View media item 62
Apparently I don't have permission to view your album :(
Oh! Don't know what I done wrong there as i can see the pics! Lol. I'll have a look, might have to wait until I get home as I'm on my phone at mo.
I can't see anything in there. The message is that you haven't added any media. Have you hidden it?
Lol probably! Without knowing it! I'll have a look on the computer when I get home.
Hopefully (fingers crossed) you can see the pics now!
Yup - can see them now. You look amazing
Wow I can see them now! You look fantastic 🙂 well done
Thank you ladies.
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