28 Years of Type 1 Diabetes & Completely Fed Up

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One irritation - the chairs for patients in consulting room are huge - I could sit in one twice over. I know it's because some (only some, not all) adults with T2D are huge, but perhaps they're the ones who should feel uncomfortable, not those of us who are normal size?.

please clarify....what is 'normal size' :confused:

(I am quite short and wish i could put my feet on the ground when sitting on a chair)

I too am a type 1 that has it for 30 years - since the age of 4... Its good to know that there are others of us out there isnt it! Sorry to hear that you are on a downer with it all at the moment. I hope you find the support and encouragement you need in here to get you back on track.
Hev x
Welcome aboard NTIL, sorry you're feeling the way you are, hell I know I'm gonna have dark moments when I get to 28 years only just approaching my first year of this game! Still hopefully finding this place will help you turn that corner and grab the bull by it's horns so to speak.

Take care

Goodness! I've just worked out that the combined experience of diabetes of our long-diagnosed members here - NTIL, Flutterby, Flower87, shiv, Copepod, Toby, SamInnocent, falcon123, Hev - comes to a grand total of 239 years!😱

Sorry, I'm a geek!😉
Goodness! I've just worked out that the combined experience of diabetes of our long-diagnosed members here - NTIL, Flutterby, Flower87, shiv, Copepod, Toby, SamInnocent, falcon123, Hev - comes to a grand total of 239 years!😱

Sorry, I'm a geek!😉

Lol!!!! God I feel old.... 😛
Goodness! I've just worked out that the combined experience of diabetes of our long-diagnosed members here - NTIL, Flutterby, Flower87, shiv, Copepod, Toby, SamInnocent, falcon123, Hev - comes to a grand total of 239 years!😱

Sorry, I'm a geek!😉

Would be nice to convert that into life experience!! 🙂
Hi Flower87!
I'm not alone!! My rational, logical mind knows that I shouldn't be irritated about being the only young person at the hospital or heading off to my 10th appointment of the month (well, maybe a slight exaggeration!!), but it does!!

re "we're not a science experiment"... I know what you mean!! I find that I'm nearly always being observed by medical students in my appointments because I'm so "interesting"!! I think it's the only time in my life that I wished I was actually boring!!!!

Your post has made me smile... Thank you! 🙂

omg thats happens to me too as i am not a "normal diabetic" :confused: because i only have less then half my pancreas and no gallbadder as you can tell from user name i am a twin and am always asked is you twin diabetic too 😡 i used to work in a nursing home were there were lots of elderly people having type 2 and i was always there keyworker arrrrr as i have it too
i go to appointments and i am always the youngest there {by at least thirty years i am 30}

Welcome to the forum, great that you found us. From reading your first message to the last one you are sounding a different person. I guess you are now realising that you aren't alone, there are loads of people out there (on here) that are the same as you which is a good thing, if you know what a mean (not good that you have diabetes but good that you are not alone 🙂)

Like Bev has said I'm a mum of a girl aged 9 with type 1. She has been type 1 since 5 weeks old, she had her pancreas removed when she was 4 weeks old and so was made a diabetic ! By the time she is 21 she will have suffered from this most horrendous condition for 20 years, it doesn't bear thinking about. So for me to read the messages from yourself and all the others on here do actually help me to try and understand what she may go through and hopefully come out at the other end.

One post someone put was they were diagnosed very young and had a period of sweet binging in the teens but has come out the othre side, that is just great. I am dreading the hormones (which have started to kick in I believe) and the teen years. I know what I was like as a teen and I didn't have diabetes.

I hope this site helps you and I hope you get to meet up with some of them.
Twinnie and NTIL
Please remember that you don't have to agree to having medical students present during your examinations / consultations - you can say no. At my last annual review, the consultant was explaining to a medical student about how the effects of diabetic neuropathy is similar to the effects of Hansen's disease - and were probably unaware that I knew Hansen's disease is another name for leprosy.

omg thats happens to me too as i am not a "normal diabetic" :confused: because i only have less then half my pancreas and no gallbadder as you can tell from user name i am a twin and am always asked is you twin diabetic too 😡 i used to work in a nursing home were there were lots of elderly people having type 2 and i was always there keyworker arrrrr as i have it too
i go to appointments and i am always the youngest there {by at least thirty years i am 30}
Hi NTIL! Sorry to post to this so late, been off line for a while (about to go offline for another 5 days or so!)

Seriously spooky...I too have had T1 for 30 years (since diagnosed at 11 months in '79) and my younger sister (also T1) won't talk about diabetes with me! (Again, some flipping sibling attitude thing...I can't say anything without mortally offending...!!! 🙄 )

I totally, utterly know what you mean about fears regarding the future - since last year I've been treated for diabetic proliferative retinopathy - the one diabetic complication I have always dreaded above all others. It does sometimes feel like a ticking time bomb (will I lose my license this year, or next?! When do I get a dog?!) but I think actually that's just me being a bit negative. They've caught it early, so hopefully they can stabilise things. My control is ok (it's pregnancies that have wreaked the havoc) but my main frustration is that often I don't feel that the docs will do everything they can to help (eg give me a sodding pump please!!!! 😡) which when it's for fiscal reasons is horrifying....and as for the total **** that some of those so called specialists come out with...snarl!! I don't think they realise that they only have a few years at medical school - we have a degree from the uni of life with diabetes! (Not to mention 20+ more years experience lol!)

Anyway, I have found this forum fab for "meeting" other "veteran" type 1s - sometimes it's just good to know you're not on your own!

Hoping you're feeling better,

Twitchy x
NTIL and others... Well, I'm just so grateful to be able to read these posts, and begin to get a real idea of what all this is like so far down the line. We are a few days from the first anniversary of my son's diagnosis.

I dread him going through all this. But I know he will. I cannot begin to imagine the grind of living with diabetes day in and day out for 20 or 30 years. I really cannot.

I take my hat off to you, over and over!

Thank you, as Bev and Adrienne say, for being so open about all this. Just hearing it helps enormously with so much, now and in the future.

Good luck with the plans for meeting up. This can only be a good thing! And stay with this forum -- a godsend.

All best wishes.
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