21.7 at 3am this morning

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I want to tear my hear up and start wailing in the ways the women did at funeral processions back in ancient egypt

I had ANOTHER 2.8 last night before bed. I dealt with it as per (yes, with toast as well and everything). Two hours later I finally GO to bed and levels are still at 3.9. Ok I think, I'll have a couple more glucotabs. Two hours later and I'm 3.1 so more glucotabs go down my neck (not many mind I think I had three to be on the safe side.

3am rolls around and my oh wakes me up to test, due to the lows


I'm guzzling water and feeling like utter death.

Either everything kicked in at once to make my levels get high or my body was too stupid to let my glucotabs do their work and dumped glucose on me.

cant win 😡
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I want to tear my hear up and start wailing in the ways the women did at funeral processions back in ancient egypt

I had ANOTHER 2.8 last night before bed. I dealt with it as per. Two hours later I finally GO to bed and levels are still at 3.9. Ok I think, I'll have a couple more glucotabs. Two hours later and I'm 3.1 so more glucotabs go down my neck (not many mind I think I had three to be on the safe side.

3am rolls around and my oh wakes me up to test, due to the lows


I'm guzzling water and feeling like utter death.

Either everything kicked in at once to make my levels get high or my body was too stupid to let my glucotabs do their work and dumped glucose on me.

cant win 😡

Hi, I don't understand why you would just take the glucose, and not have a slow acting carb aswell? When Sophie was diagnosed six years ago, the DSN told me that the best way to treat a hypo, and not have it recur, and then shoot up the other way(!), was to give glucose in the first instance, wait five or ten mins, and then have a sandwich or bowl of cereal, otherwise we'd end up in exactly the same position that you found yourself in last night. Taking glucose alone will bring your levels up in the short term, but without something slower acting aswell, you then drop suddenly, so you take more, and then you end up high.......... I have been staggered at the wide variations of 'professional' advice that seems to be out there; I hadn't realised quite HOW wide, until joining this forum!! I'm sorry you had a disturbed night - I know how that feels! I can't remember the last time I had an unbroken night's sleep with Sophie being diabetic AND suffering from ME - and there was me thinking the 'baby days' are over lol!!! Hope you manage a better night tonight.
Hi, I don't understand why you would just take the glucose, and not have a slow acting carb aswell? When Sophie was diagnosed six years ago, the DSN told me that the best way to treat a hypo, and not have it recur, and then shoot up the other way(!), was to give glucose in the first instance, wait five or ten mins, and then have a sandwich or bowl of cereal, otherwise we'd end up in exactly the same position that you found yourself in last night. Taking glucose alone will bring your levels up in the short term, but without something slower acting aswell, you then drop suddenly, so you take more, and then you end up high.......... I have been staggered at the wide variations of 'professional' advice that seems to be out there; I hadn't realised quite HOW wide, until joining this forum!! I'm sorry you had a disturbed night - I know how that feels! I can't remember the last time I had an unbroken night's sleep with Sophie being diabetic AND suffering from ME - and there was me thinking the 'baby days' are over lol!!! Hope you manage a better night tonight.

I know how to treat a hypo thank you, I have had this for 14 years. Of course I had slow acting carbs too, I had some toast. I also know the science behind it.

Not only that, I have found that just having glucotabs works fine with me. I don't always need to have a slow acting
I know how to treat a hypo thank you, I have had this for 14 years. Of course I had slow acting carbs too, I had some toast. I also know the science behind it.

Not only that, I have found that just having glucotabs works fine with me. I don't always need to have a slow acting

I really wasn't trying to say you didn't know, it's just that there seems to be a wide variation in the professional advice that people are given, and, as you didn't mention that you had had slow acting carbs aswell, I was wondering if you were one of the ones that hadn't been told that, albeit you have had it for so long. I'm sorry for any offence, there was none intended.
I really wasn't trying to say you didn't know, it's just that there seems to be a wide variation in the professional advice that people are given, and, as you didn't mention that you had had slow acting carbs aswell, I was wondering if you were one of the ones that hadn't been told that, albeit you have had it for so long. I'm sorry for any offence, there was none intended.

none taken. It's taken me a long time to work out what hypo treatments work for me. Most of the time, I don't need a slow acting carb too and find that having slow acting on top of fast makes me shoot up even quicker. I am a backwards diabetic, I have always said so.

last nights hypo was one of those that just wouldn't come up DESPITE having bpoth quick and slow acting. I don't know WHY i shot up so high, I think it was probably a glucose dump rather than anything else

Hope you feel better now.

Can I just say that I too would have suggested a slow carb as you hadn't mentioned it in your post.

Anyway I'm not having a go. I know you're too clever to have forgotten about the toast.

Have you managed to get a Continuous Glucose Monitor from the hospital yet? The results may be the ammunition you need to get a pump.

Do you fancy a Diet Coke this afternoon?

Hope you feel better now.

Can I just say that I too would have suggested a slow carb as you hadn't mentioned it in your post.

Anyway I'm not having a go. I know you're too clever to have forgotten about the toast.

Have you managed to get a Continuous Glucose Monitor from the hospital yet? The results may be the ammunition you need to get a pump.

Do you fancy a Diet Coke this afternoon?

But tez, just because I didn't mention it doesn't mean I didn't have it upon the original 'I had a hypo and treated it as per' as per meaning usual hypo treatment.

No I haven't. They are playing me around AGAIN. It would really help I think though.

I'm going to be doing h-work all arvo and writing complaint letters lol, and playing with new meters

edit: slow acting mentioned in OP to unconfuse anyone
Sometimes our bodies just play up and it doesn't matter what you do, what you eat, how much insulin you have - it just don't work. Maybe this was one of those occasions Salmonpuff, hope you get back on an even keel today. xx
Yes I know.

Sorry Sam, I just tried to help. Hope you feel better later. I'm going out for a walk.
Had you had a particularly large tea? I have had this kind of thing happen after a curry when it takes ages to digest so I have a hypo before bed then wake up high because the curry digested in the night after the insulin had gone. Splitting the dose about 3 hours apart helps.
Had you had a particularly large tea? I have had this kind of thing happen after a curry when it takes ages to digest so I have a hypo before bed then wake up high because the curry digested in the night after the insulin had gone. Splitting the dose about 3 hours apart helps.

hihi, i had spagbol, it wasn't a huge portion though. Split my dose buuuuut I think i overestimated the carbs hence the hypo later on :confused:

i'm so confused about it :confused:
Hmmm.....maybe it's DP? Also there's always the possibility that all the glucose was finally hitting your system whilst you were asleep? Since you don't burn as much energy when asleep, if it hit the system, it wouldn't go anywhere. Got an estimate of how much carb you consumed in trying to treat?
Hmmm.....maybe it's DP? Also there's always the possibility that all the glucose was finally hitting your system whilst you were asleep? Since you don't burn as much energy when asleep, if it hit the system, it wouldn't go anywhere. Got an estimate of how much carb you consumed in trying to treat?

I was thinking it could be epic DP mixed in with all the glucose hitting.

Carb estimate - to start with it was c 20-30g which is as per with me and hypos

the two hours later when i was still low I had about 4 glucotabs which is 16g carbs

It probably all decided to hit me at the same time as well as a bit of glucose dump...stupid body
I know I'm way more insulin sensitive than you, but that would then be possibly 46g carb hitting you? With a bit of DP? Might explain it. I think Tez mentioned the CGM.....you've got to read them the riot act over that! Let me know if you want help writing something - I know someone reading over stuff you're emotionally attached to can be helpful sometimes.
I know I'm way more insulin sensitive than you, but that would then be possibly 46g carb hitting you? With a bit of DP? Might explain it. I think Tez mentioned the CGM.....you've got to read them the riot act over that! Let me know if you want help writing something - I know someone reading over stuff you're emotionally attached to can be helpful sometimes.

Thank you lovey. I *did* inject a little to cover half the carbs as I'd had ALOT. This is a rather strange situation. I had 2u. Was this too much and sent me into another hypo and so glucose dump?

I think you're right re the CGM, when nursey rings I'll mention it to her. I was told that if come the end of 2 weeks levels were still playing up then we would have a chat about one. It's becoming paramount i think.
its pants i woke up in my sleep 1.4 lucky i did as im on the waiting list for a pump, maybe u should tell the hospital about how many hypos u are having maybe u could get a pump or need ya insulin changed keep your chin up hope you feel better soon

I know you've had D for 14 years and please don't think I'm trying to interfere. I just want to throw some ideas your way.

Pasta is a pain in the bum for all of us. I reckon your insulin ran out before your body had processed the pasta.

It takes different people different amounts of time to digest it.

Do you honestly know how long it takes your body to use/digest pasta? If you are not sure are you willing to try and find out? Don't be embarrassed if you don't know.

If you get the CGM would you be willing to try all your difficult foods while you have it?

The T1 teenager I know did that and worked out when his insulin was running out (pasta, white bread etc) and worked out how to space out boluses.
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