18 hours fast and bloods 10

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Lyndsey lou

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Omg, been intermittent fasting for three days been for a nice walk and had nothing to eat since 6 pm last night. checked my bloods at half ten this morning and read 10, what am I doing wrong?
Last hba1 47 on the 14 th march 2024
T2 since dec 2022 hba1 was 120
2g metformin
10 mg forxiga
Are you carrying any visceral fat?
Omg, been intermittent fasting for three days been for a nice walk and had nothing to eat since 6 pm last night. checked my bloods at half ten this morning and read 10, what am I doing wrong?
Last hba1 47 on the 14 th march 2024
T2 since dec 2022 hba1 was 120
2g metformin
10 mg forxiga
Sounds like you didn’t eat regularly enough, when you haven’t eaten your body will release stored glucose to keep you going. Is there a reason you’re fasting?
Sounds like you didn’t eat regularly enough, when you haven’t eaten your body will release stored glucose to keep you going. Is there a reason you’re fasting?
Just trying to lose some weight, seem to have plateaued at fifteen stones, lost about six though
Yes I think so
So I’d suggest that clearing that is the top priority, if possible, as long term it will gradually make beta cell dysfunction irreversible and thereafter enslave one to insulin medication.
Really? Thank you so much for that, GP not much help, just gave me a bunch of meds and told me to lose weight
I was chatting to a friend of mine today who is a nurse and she said fasting can make things worse with blood sugars. I was a bit surprised at that as I thought it was a good idea. There do seem to be two schools of thought on it.
I was chatting to a friend of mine today who is a nurse and she said fasting can make things worse with blood sugars. I was a bit surprised at that as I thought it was a good idea. There do seem to be two schools of thought on it.
Yet we all fast for several hours per day, ie overnight while we're asleep. I don't eat anything after 9pm and when I test on waking it's usually after having eaten nothing for at least 10 hours.
I was chatting to a friend of mine today who is a nurse and she said fasting can make things worse with blood sugars. I was a bit surprised at that as I thought it was a good idea. There do seem to be two schools of thought on it.
We can’t win lol
I tried intermittent fasting and my AbA1C went up from 48 to 51, so it didn’t work for me . Went back to eating regularly and my latest AbA1c result was 47
This sounds like extended Dawn Phenomenon to me.
When we are not taking in any dietary carbs, the body generates glucose.
It generates more at certain times of the day.

It's not fasting that makes it bad, it's having a condition that stops the body from dealing with glucose in the blood, whether it's from the diet or from natural functions (And in T2s those functions are broken as well, as it may be producing glucose when it shouldn't.)

What if you fast from the morning to the afternoon?
This sounds like extended Dawn Phenomenon to me.
When we are not taking in any dietary carbs, the body generates glucose.
It generates more at certain times of the day.

It's not fasting that makes it bad, it's having a condition that stops the body from dealing with glucose in the blood, whether it's from the diet or from natural functions (And in T2s those functions are broken as well, as it may be producing glucose when it shouldn't.)

What if you fast from the morning to the afternoon?
Yes I might try morning to afternoon, see how it goes x
I find that eating at around 12 hourly intervals keeps my blood glucose from rising due to my helpful liver providing the fuel to go out and hunt down my next meal.
Sorry to hear you’ve been having some perplexing results trying to kick-start your weight loss. :(

But huge congratulations on your weight loss so far, and your amazing HbA1c reduction!

I hope you can find a way to gently and steadily restart your weight loss without extended fasting, which looks like it may have freaked your body out slightly?!
Omg, been intermittent fasting for three days been for a nice walk and had nothing to eat since 6 pm last night. checked my bloods at half ten this morning and read 10, what am I doing wrong?
Last hba1 47 on the 14 th march 2024
T2 since dec 2022 hba1 was 120
2g metformin
10 mg forxiga
I was diagnosed with T2 way back in 1994. In the last 18 months I have lost weight to a healthy BMI range and reduced my HbA from 78 to 48, following Michael Moseley's Fast800 at the suggestion of my GP. For this I stuck to 2 meals a day, skipping breakfast. Recently I took advantage of a free CGM and noticed that I have an extended dawn phenomenon - goes up in the early hours and stays high all morning, even when I exercise. For example, on Thursday I walked to and from the gym (5 miles) did a 1 hour strength training session and checked my blood at 8.3.
Has anyone who has tried fasting experimented with eating a small no/low carb breakfast? With what results?
Mine Sometimes goes up a little into the sixes after I’ve been up for a while, but if I eat some oats or have had carbs the night before I sometimes see lower levels.

Fasting sends it down into the 4s
Has anyone who has tried fasting experimented with eating a small no/low carb breakfast? With what results?

It is one of the things that are often suggested as techniques to try to help curb Dawn Phenomenon in those that get a strong BG kick on rising. Some people find that eating something low carb soon after getting out of bed sort of ‘switches off’ their liver dump, and helps reduce the overall rise.

Others who get DP in the early hours can find that a late night snack (again lowish carb with perhaps some protein and good fats) can help keep their metabolism trundling along overnight without going into caveman panic mode at dawn.

It seems to vary from person to person - but these can be worth a try to see if they work for you 🙂
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