17.7 reading...Is this dangerous?...Scared, please help!

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Hi Ellowynne , I hope you are feeling better today 🙂🙂
Sorry it's taken a while to get back....

Hi everyone, I am so Sorry it's taken a while to get back to post here...long story!

Anyway, I saw the Diabetic nurse last week and, well, I am confused :confused: He said that my blood sugar is high and my Liver enzymes, beacsue they are under extra strain, my cholestrial (spelling?) is also up and he told me that I need to be put on medication for this also!!

To be honest, the nurse went through so much information I ended up in a daze :(

So, after a long talk, it seemed he was ready to put me on Glicazide, he left the room to get me some information and when he returned he said that the consultant was in and would I mind waiting whilst he spoke to him about my case...So I waited, about 15 minutes passed and when he returned he said that because of my other health issues, Gall Bladder and Pancreus problems, that the consultant wanted to see me before I was put on 'any' medication at all!!

He said that is what still imperitive that I start medication for my Diabetes but that they will have to think carefully before deciding which therapy they could offer me. They are concerned that the medication may cause me other problems?...apparently, some diabetic med's work via the pancreus?...and they don't think mine would be 'up to it!'

In the mean time I have been asked to test in the morning, pre-lunch, 2 hour post lunch, 4 hour post lunch, the same routine for dinner and then lastly at night!!!....my fingers are so sore :( I must also list food.

I am more confused then before?...When I mentioned my Dr he said that, with all due respect, if your Dr had not halted the Glicazide treatment back in in May, she was worried I would gain more weight, that maybe my sugars may have been kept under control and not got to this level...I don't know if that is right or not?...I am just left now worried and just as confused as I was, if not more so!

My sugars have remained consistantly quite high. When I ate Cous Cous for dinner though after 4 hours they went down to 7.8!...lowest reading I've had since this all started....Is Cous Cous a protein food? When I have potatoes, 2 hrs post dinner my sugars are around 15 to 16...then go around 9.8 to 11, 4 hours post meal.

Anyway, that's all I can tell you so far, just got to wait to see the consultant on the 25th Sep....Oh, one more delightful bit of news that he said was that because of my Cholestrial reading coupled with Diabetes that I was at high risk of a stroke 😱 He said it in the nicest way and not to scare me (though it did) But that now I need to stop ignoring that I have Diabetes...wake up call a!!

I'll post back when I've seen the consultant...Thank you again, for all your support.

Hope everyone is ok, love to all, Lolly xXx
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Hello Ellowyne 🙂Thanks for letting us all know you are ok . Wow it does sound like an information overload !! Consultants ,Doctors and DSN's dont always allow for the fact that half the time we have no idea what they are on about !! I hope things get sorted out for you soon , you must be feeling lousy with high sugars all the time .
Why dont you write a list of the things you want to know or that you are unsure of and when you next see someone you can can ask and then write their answer down to go over at home later . When you are less stressed and you can then got back to it for reference .
I know exactly where you are coming from with regard to Carbs and sugar levels :(I am now a restricted Carber due to the fact that if I do have Carbs >> even though I am type 1 and can adjust me Insulin to "cover" them I still seem to zooooom sky high , I find it easier to avoid them in the first place. Obviously this is not suitable for everyone .
I hope you start to feel better soon . Keep us up to date on how you get on.
cous cous

Amidst all the information, I can help with one small part - cous cous. Rather than telling you the nutritional content, I'd suggest you look at the packet you are using. There are many types available, some with flavouring (I use these when camping as they're tasting, filling, lots of carbohydrate, but only need boiling water to make a bowlful) so it's important to know the contents of what you are actually eating. With cous cous, like many other foods, it's important to consider the nutritional content as it is made up "according to instructions", not the uncooked contents, as you'd never eat it uncooked, and to consider what size of portion you actually eat - in my camping example, each pack is supposed to be 2 portions, but I eat a whole packet myself after a day walking in the hills or kayaking on the river, and I don't add any fat, as instructed by the back of the packet, so what I eat is different to the nutritional information table on the packet.
I hope the diabetes team will explain everything else more clearly next time you see them - go prepared with a list of questions. It's more usual to consider liver and kidney function when deciding which medication to prescribe, as the breakdown products of most medications are excreted by either kidney (urine) or liver (ends up in intestine to become faeces). It's more important to find the right medication regime (pattern) for you than to rush in and then have to change later, but be prepared for changes of medication types (names of tablets, perhaps changing to injectable Byetta or insulin) over the weeks / months / years.
Blimey, Ellowynne, no wonder you're confused!!

I hope you manage to keep your BG levels down and impress everyone next time you go, and that they can get their acts together and get you on the right meds for your conditions.

hello Ellowynne so good to hear your doing fine now , was worrying as had nto heard back from you x take care
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