I started a new Libre 2 sensor yesterday at 6pm, this morning it was dead, the graph shows a sudden, rapid decline and stops at 6am. It looks rather sad, the app keeps telling me to start a new one. Has anybody had a sensor die so quickly?
Yes. I think sometimes they just don't insert correctly. Once the app's told you to start another one that's it: it's dead, so report it to Abbott and they'll send another one (and maybe ask you to return that one, so keep it).Has anybody had a sensor die so quickly?
Does the online support work for this or do I need to make the phone call?I started a new Libre 2 sensor yesterday at 6pm, this morning it was dead, the graph shows a sudden, rapid decline and stops at 6am. It looks rather sad, the app keeps telling me to start a new one. Has anybody had a sensor die so quickly?
I'm pretty sure it does, yes.Does the online support work for this or do I need to make the phone call?
And when I emailed them they told me to use the online form. So I guess it may be phone only, which seems a bit silly to me.it's when you have an issue with no comms or poor calibration that you need to phone/email them.
Yes, sometimes - especially if I put it on my left arm rather than my right one! Luckily I live in Scotland, where prescriptions are free .I started a new Libre 2 sensor yesterday at 6pm, this morning it was dead, the graph shows a sudden, rapid decline and stops at 6am. It looks rather sad, the app keeps telling me to start a new one. Has anybody had a sensor die so quickly?
People in England with Type 1 diabetes (and those with Type 2 who are prescribed medications for their diabetes) can also claim exemption. (It is necessary to claim the exemption, but it's a straightforward enough process to get the certificate.)Luckily I live in Scotland, where prescriptions are free .
I sometimes (but not always) get the full 14 days out of them when they're on my right arm - but never the full 14 days when they're on my left armCo-incidentally it was on my left arm but as I try to alternate arms and haven't had this problem before I don't think I can blame that, but you never know. I get them free as well so it's only the irritation rather than the cost, I think I'd give up if I had to pay for them. This is my third failure since April when I started using them which may or may not be a lot but it seems so to me.
Interesting, I've taken to emailing them irrespective as I don't really want to sit on the phone. I do provide absolutely all the data they will ask for in the phone call though, including telling them that I didn't need medical attention, etc. It seems to have worked thus far (half a dozen times I'd guess). It would be much easier if they simply allowed us to use the webform and provided further two options on their webform to report BLE failures and calibration failures (with relevant questions, etc.)And when I emailed them they told me to use the online form. So I guess it may be phone only, which seems a bit silly to me.
Mine was same on Saturday, scanned waited an hour then said was loose put another one on. Filled form on line, got email today to say sending replacement outI started a new Libre 2 sensor yesterday at 6pm, this morning it was dead, the graph shows a sudden, rapid decline and stops at 6am. It looks rather sad, the app keeps telling me to start a new one. Has anybody had a sensor die so quickly?
I've started a new sensor that was recognised but after an initial reading it refuses to see it anymore and just says sensor error. I'm starting to wonder if the latest micro update to the iOS is anything to do with it.
I received email from abbot about iOS 18, have you updated to thatI've started a new sensor that was recognised but after an initial reading it refuses to see it anymore and just says sensor error. I'm starting to wonder if the latest micro update to the iOS is anything to do with it.
That happened to me with new one on Saturday, did you change yours. I reinstalled app seems to be working now, but lost all my data, I’ve lost confidence a bit with sensor nowOnline form works everytime - I've had a few where it has had chronic signal loss (off more than on), and they have always replaced them with no question
I've always changed it, and kept it in case they want it sending back - I'm fortunate enough to have a little stockpile of them as they will send a new one even if 12 days in for example, so with the 2 I get per month on prescription, I've got a few spares! I've had to reinstall the app a couple of times as it was losing connection to healthcare team ("Connected Devices" it was all of a sudden greyed out), and another time was not pulling through any of the data from my Insulin Smart Pens and it is annoying that you lose the data on the phone, but you can still get all of it from LibreviewThat happened to me with new one on Saturday, did you change yours. I reinstalled app seems to be working now, but lost all my data, I’ve lost confidence a bit with sensor now
I've had no email, what did it say? The things started working but who knows for how long.I received email from abbot about iOS 18, have you updated to that