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thanks everyone 🙂

the thing I have a problem getting my head round is that where I drop A LOT when doing cardio workouts, if I'm under 10 I'll have to have glucose/calories to combat the dropping of sugar levels...which then effectively makes my workout pointless in terms of trying to lose weight! I'm trying to burn OFF calories and even drinking lucozade with no fat in it...I'll be drinking more calories than what I'm burning off! :confused:

I've asked my DSN about this several times and she's never been able to give me an answer on how to do both!

but thanks all, and I've taken on board what you've said about exercising if too high...I'll try that next time.

I know when doing cardio, my levels can be in the 20s and then drop to being hypo. and i know when doing training (muscle work and resistance) that there's something about it increasing adrenalin and that increases my sugar levels.....but then I have to inject more which also seems like it kinda defeats the point!

argh, this is all soooo complicated and makes no sense!!

In terms of trying to avoid hypos during/after exercise, I know pumpers set temporary basals.

I'm on MDI, and Lantus doesn't like change, so (like Robster suggested) I reduce my breakfast (or preceding meal) bolus. In my case it's 20 minute walk there and back and 30-45 minutes of mixed cardio and resistance. For me this involves reducing insulin by a third AND eating some rapid acting carbs (a few fruit pastilles) before and after.

As you probably know the effect lasts 24-48 hours and for me it can mean altered insulin:carbs ratios for the rest of the day.

Not sure what to suggest if you were able to skip your lunch dose entirely and still ended up low afterwards 😱 But maybe if you were on Levemir (which reacts more quickly to changed doses) you could reduce your basal on exercise days?

Have you come across www.runsweet.com? Lots of stuff there for T1 exercise etc.


In terms of trying to avoid hypos during/after exercise, I know pumpers set temporary basals.

I'm on MDI, and Lantus doesn't like change, so (like Robster suggested) I reduce my breakfast (or preceding meal) bolus. In my case it's 20 minute walk there and back and 30-45 minutes of mixed cardio and resistance. For me this involves reducing insulin by a third AND eating some rapid acting carbs (a few fruit pastilles) before and after.

As you probably know the effect lasts 24-48 hours and for me it can mean altered insulin:carbs ratios for the rest of the day.

Not sure what to suggest if you were able to skip your lunch dose entirely and still ended up low afterwards 😱 But maybe if you were on Levemir (which reacts more quickly to changed doses) you could reduce your basal on exercise days?

Have you come across www.runsweet.com? Lots of stuff there for T1 exercise etc.


thanks Mike 🙂

I'm on Lantus same as you and Novorapid.

when you say you reduce your preceding meal bolus...would this not make you too high to then exercise?? As I have to leave 2 hours after eating before I exercise (very slow time for food to go down) I would then be too high to exercise (if following the advice you have all given me)

Am i being too picky now? sorry, just trying to understand!

I'll check out that site now....thanks :D
Hi Katie is it possible that the balance you have between your background insulin and bolus is incorrect ? When I did the carb counting course they said it was quite common to find that the basal was too high and the bolus not high enough, but because you get them to appear to balance you are unaware of this.

It's only by looking at the pre, post 2 hour figures that you get a feeling for what is happening. If after 2 hours you are always a lot more that 2 mmol were you started and then it plunges, it could well be that the basal is too high and bolus too small.

Generally the advice they give on exercise is to reduce pre-meal bolus, to have a snack or a combination of the two.
Hi Amy like Shiv I have been walking about and making the breakfast at 2s and unconcious in the 3s, so it can be different everytime. But below 4 then its best to get some dextros or lucozade fruit juce things like that.
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