10 pounds loss in a week.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I am trying to lose weight and lost over a stone since 29th June. I know you lose a lot in the first week but this last week I have tracked my loss and this seems a lot in one week. I want to be pleased but is this too fast and should I be worried


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I'm no medical expert, but that does sound quite a lot. I think I would mention it to my GP to make sure averything's ok. Just to be sure.


I don't think so.
You've been putting a lot of work in.
But keep hydrated, a lot of the loss is water, and the heatwave now will be adding to the loss, so drink plenty of water.
Thank you both for responding. I think it may be partly dehydration. Also on the 13th I weighed in the evening whereas the others were in the morning so maybe less loss

I do seem to have an extremely upset stomach after breakfast each day so may have to swap the porridge for something else ( I have IBS).
If you’re not weighing at the same time and in the same clothes every day that will explain a lot of it. Weighing in the evening one day and morning the next will give a few pounds weight difference, depending also what you wear. Things like going to the toilet and dehydration will affect it too.

If you feel well and don’t have other new symptoms then I would just start drinking plenty to make sure hydrated, start being consistent about time of day that you weigh, and see what happens. If it’s just a one week thing then slows down when you do that then no worries. If you keep losing at that rate then it’s too fast yes and would need to get medical advice.
You probably know this already, but if your wee is dark, then you're dehydrated. Just a simple check....
You probably know this already, but if your wee is dark, then you're dehydrated. Just a simple check....
Hi, yes I am not dehydrated, thats one major improvement I have made (never used to drink water at all and hardly went to the loo) now I am drinking 3-4 litres a day and always popping to the loo, not dark at all unlike before I changed all my habits. I weighed in at 13 stone this morning, I was 14 stone 4 20 days ago, but I have completed changed my life, with exercise and diet so its probably in shock 🙂
Well done for losing the weight! I'm losing slowly, just a pound here and there but it's going in the right direction
I am just concerned that diabetics can lose weight if not managed. How are you bg scores ? If fine I’d be thankful. I did well on 6 lbs but that was as you said fluids n restart after a long time. If you are feeling well bg not too different . Wait on next HbA1c test . If not there is only one questions that’s wrong then that’s the one you did not ask the professionals so seek advice even if they say well done don’t worry . Hope you are okay but my cousin lost weight due to not knowing she was diabetic and was very I’ll when they hound out . HSS they called it . I’m the opposite I’m always hungry always grouchy and low.
I always weigh first thing in the morning, naked, after going to the toilet and before eating or drinking anything, so I always compare like with like. I found weighing dressed and after eating and drinking could make a 7lb difference. Now I always refuse to be weighed at the GP surgery, and provide them with my own, honest, home weight.

I am trying to lose weight and lost over a stone since 29th June. I know you lose a lot in the first week but this last week I have tracked my loss and this seems a lot in one week. I want to be pleased but is this too fast and should I be worried. Good HbA1c I’m sure too. Do you feel better ? I hope yes . Wow
Well done you that’s huge . Well done I don’t smoke but giving up anything is not easy . Your weight loss is great too . Fabulous . So well done .
Well done you that’s huge . Well done I don’t smoke but giving up anything is not easy . Your weight loss is great too . Fabulous . So well done .
Its weird but stopping smoking was oddly not that hard. I started smoking when I was 50, when my 28 year marriage ended, I was so stressed with selling and splitting the family home, then I lost my job, and my dear mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and Ovarian Cancer and then died, this all happened the same year, I was offered a cigarette and that was it! I thought it would be really hard to give up and maybe this illness has some positives as I was hiding my head in the sand, thinking it wont affect me, I may never have given up if these fluke blood tests for something completely different didnt show this up.
I always weigh first thing in the morning, naked, after going to the toilet and before eating or drinking anything
Hehe that's exactly what I do. Also tried standing one one leg, but that doesn't help! 🙂
Well, Just got back from Ireland after spending Friday - Monday at a wedding for my son.

I tried to stick to the food plan - but there was on occassion a choice between eating nothing or something slightly wrong as they dont seem to cater for diabetes and high cholesterol at the luxury resort

I wanted either porridge or fruit and low fat, low sugar yoghurt or scrambled eggs for breakfast but the options on day 1 were:
  1. Fried eggs (not scrambled, poached or boiled)
  2. Fruit in syrup !
  3. No yoghurt and no porridge
  4. Sausages, black pudding, white pudding, bacon, fried bread, baked beans, grilled tomatoes
What I chose - 3 grilled tomatoes, 1 rasher of fatty bacon but removed the fat, and a fried egg (I was really hungry and no other food until the wedding)

Lunch/early afternoon at wedding - Canapes - all high carb and fatty, like mini burgers, vol- au vents etc so I had nothing.

Wedding meal was - small chicken Cesar salad followed by leek soup (gave away my roll) Roast beef (amazingly good but not sure I should have eaten it but was so hungry by then), I left the potatoes and the Yorkshire, but the veg were carrots and parsnips, pretty sure I shouldn't have eaten the parsnips but meat and 2 slices of carrot wasn't going to keep me going until breakfast and dancing to the early hours!

I did eat one small profiterole and then left the remaining 2 items (some meringue type desert and a hot sponge type with custard (it was a trio of deserts)

In addition I had a glass of red wine with the beef and a prosecco for the toasts and 3 gin and slim line tonics over the course of the evening up until 3am

The following day we were invited to my sons new wife's family's home for a BBQ, i had a well done steak, chicken thigh and a burger (no bap, no cheese) and a small splodge of coleslaw. I had a postage stamp size piece of wedding cake and some fruit.

This morning I woke for the flight home and had 2 slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter for breakfast (all we had left in the place) a cup of coffee and an apple.

At Belfast Airport we chose to have lunch, but there was literally nothing low fat and/or low carb/sugar. I went to Boots at the airport and bought a yoghurt with strawberries and granola (not idea as not low fat or low sugar but with calories listed so should be within my limit, and also some cashew nuts for protein.

For my tea I have had a few pieces of chicken breast and a pot of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Oh I have missed out one day when my son cooked roast chicken, I had the chicken, broccoli, carrots, baby sweet corn, no potato's but a tiny portion of stuffing and half a small Yorkshire with a little gravy.

Basically each day I have been 1200 in cals food wise but possibly had about 400 cals a day in alcohol

So I have gained 2 pounds over the weekend (although weighed tonight and not my normal morning weigh in) but my fat lost is the same so not gained any fat and my visceral fat has gone down, my water has gone up 🙂

Survived it, but now back to normal again and hopefully none of this will show up on my liver scan next week 🙂
Well done for doing your best with difficult choices, I’d have been more slack and had the sausages for breakfast, especially if there were vegetarian ones available as those are usually lower in fat.
Thats me in the pink at the wedding (my daughter is bridesmaid in green, next to her is my eldest son, then my younger son who got married next to his lovely bride) 🙂
Well, Just got back from Ireland after spending Friday - Monday at a wedding for my son.

I tried to stick to the food plan - but there was on occassion a choice between eating nothing or something slightly wrong as they dont seem to cater for diabetes and high cholesterol at the luxury resort

I wanted either porridge or fruit and low fat, low sugar yoghurt or scrambled eggs for breakfast but the options on day 1 were:
  1. Fried eggs (not scrambled, poached or boiled)
  2. Fruit in syrup !
  3. No yoghurt and no porridge
  4. Sausages, black pudding, white pudding, bacon, fried bread, baked beans, grilled tomatoes
What I chose - 3 grilled tomatoes, 1 rasher of fatty bacon but removed the fat, and a fried egg (I was really hungry and no other food until the wedding)

Lunch/early afternoon at wedding - Canapes - all high carb and fatty, like mini burgers, vol- au vents etc so I had nothing.

Wedding meal was - small chicken Cesar salad followed by leek soup (gave away my roll) Roast beef (amazingly good but not sure I should have eaten it but was so hungry by then), I left the potatoes and the Yorkshire, but the veg were carrots and parsnips, pretty sure I shouldn't have eaten the parsnips but meat and 2 slices of carrot wasn't going to keep me going until breakfast and dancing to the early hours!

I did eat one small profiterole and then left the remaining 2 items (some meringue type desert and a hot sponge type with custard (it was a trio of deserts)

In addition I had a glass of red wine with the beef and a prosecco for the toasts and 3 gin and slim line tonics over the course of the evening up until 3am

The following day we were invited to my sons new wife's family's home for a BBQ, i had a well done steak, chicken thigh and a burger (no bap, no cheese) and a small splodge of coleslaw. I had a postage stamp size piece of wedding cake and some fruit.

This morning I woke for the flight home and had 2 slices of wholemeal bread with peanut butter for breakfast (all we had left in the place) a cup of coffee and an apple.

At Belfast Airport we chose to have lunch, but there was literally nothing low fat and/or low carb/sugar. I went to Boots at the airport and bought a yoghurt with strawberries and granola (not idea as not low fat or low sugar but with calories listed so should be within my limit, and also some cashew nuts for protein.

For my tea I have had a few pieces of chicken breast and a pot of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Oh I have missed out one day when my son cooked roast chicken, I had the chicken, broccoli, carrots, baby sweet corn, no potato's but a tiny portion of stuffing and half a small Yorkshire with a little gravy.

Basically each day I have been 1200 in cals food wise but possibly had about 400 cals a day in alcohol

So I have gained 2 pounds over the weekend (although weighed tonight and not my normal morning weigh in) but my fat lost is the same so not gained any fat and my visceral fat has gone down, my water has gone up 🙂

Survived it, but now back to normal again and hopefully none of this will show up on my liver scan next week 🙂

Sounds like you had a good time, and sensible choices of food.
You look fabulous in your outfit.
It sounds like you had a good time.
Thank you, it was a lovely day, and we all cried (even my son) his bride was so beautiful and the readings so touching, her younger brother played the keyboard as she walked down the aisle, very emotional x
You had a good time and looked great and you are back on the healthy way as best you can. Well done Id have totally gone wrong. The food sounded great. I know not diabetic friendly but a great selection nevertheless.
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