• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

weight loss

  1. I

    Type 2 Using Lingo sensor by Abbott

    Hi all new here, Was diagnosed type 2 last year advised to lose weight to control the diabetes. Although I tried start of the year just lost motivation, but in my mind not having any tools to guide I thought I had reduced my sugar/carb intake. To my horror my annual review this year showed I was...
  2. F

    Regular runner now struggling to exercise

    My GP advised I was pre diabetic (46 hba1c) and my blood glucose levels (started checking) / thirst / tiredness confirm this. I’ve been losing weight these last three weeks since the news steadily following a low carb intermittent fasting approach, but I’m really struggling with the cardio that...
  3. M

    Study: ‘gamechanger’ diabetes drugs cost up to 400 times more than needed

    Drug companies urged to ‘release stranglehold’ on medicines such as Ozempic and Trulicity, as millions are priced out of treatment https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2024/mar/28/drug-companies-diabetes-drugs-medicines-ozempic-trulicity Global Development section of The Guardian...
  4. M

    Has anyone been prescribed Mounjaro? - new drug for weight loss approved by MHRA for people with type 2 diabetes.

    Hello I am struggling to get my levels down and am sensitive to many drugs! I have tried to persevere with taking Metforemin twice a day but the stomach pains and associated problems have meant I have reduced it to once daily. I am taking quite a high dose of Toujeo every morning by injection...
  5. S

    Go from High to Low

    about 8 years ago I was told I had type 2 diabetes this based on mainly high blood sugar readings this from a HB1AC, I was subsequently put on Metformin. At this time I weighed over 21 stone. Subsequent HB1AC's suggested it was well controlled. About 5 years ago I lost a lot of weight very...
  6. U

    Ozempic plateau

    I started 0.5 Ozempic on the 15th of January. After four days I lost 10lbs and since then my weight loss has stopped. The doctor said a plateau is normal. I have pcos and type two diabetes. I've been eating a lot less and sometimes even one meal a day. Has anyone on ozempic experienced this ?
  7. U

    Type 2 Diabetic & Ozempic

    I'm a type 2 diabetic with pcos and have begun taking Ozempic for weight loss whilst eating low carb. I have binge eating disorder and normally eat a lot of high carb food and chocolate as well I'm now just eating salads or an omelette. I'm really wanting to have something higher in carbs or a...
  8. M

    Experiences with Dapagliflozin

    Hi, My name's Mikey, just turned 40 and was diagnosed with T2 in September 2022 (with a reading of 106!) Was put on max dosage Metformin, which I didn't react well to so i asked to go on the slow release version which worked better. Had an appointment a couple of weeks ago and hba1c now down to...
  9. S

    Gro Health weight loss plan

    My doctor has referred me to a weight loss programme Gro Health. 10 days ago I was phoned by someone from them and told to download the app, which I did and was given a zoom link for 2 weeks time. Now the confusion starts - l have no idea what I should be doing and then on Saturday I was sent a...
  10. D

    Night sweats and weight loss.

    My father developed T1D 8 years ago in his early 60s. Doctors never found what triggered it. For the past couple of years he's had worsening night sweats and weight loss. Doctors have been testing for cancers including lymphoma, but is this actually just poor diabetes management? He's always...
  11. DeathBySpaghetti

    Is it actually possible to lose weight with type one diabetes and how?

    Since starting the pump I have noticed that I have been gaining a lot of weight. I wasn’t expecting this and it’s made me very self conscious as I also lost my teeth (due to get dentures soon), and so my mental health has dropped lower than it has ever been. I exercise regularly, I barely eat...
  12. skippyinspace

    Hypnotherpy - Thoughts wanted

    My wieght loss journey has been a massive issue. As a kid I was tall and lanky and then the genitics hit at around age 25 and I ballooned in weight which mosy of my family did around that age. My ideal weight is around 14 stone, have been close to 21 stone, but seemed to settle at 20 stone...
  13. Scsusanne

    Need help ! HBA1C is going the wrong way

    My hba1c is 86, I’ve lost 5stone yes I have 5 stone to go it’s going down but I’m eating healthy any ideas what I’m doing wrong ! All I read is eat healthy, fitness and take your medication. I’m on the slow release metformin, anyone any ideas to help me ! So depressed I’m depressed about it !!
  14. Tafflin

    Struggle with weight loss

    I need to loose weight for two reasons, diabetes and OA which causes me mobility problems. It’s a constant struggle, but this last week I have gained enthusiam and doing pretty good having lost 1.75 pounds in the last week. For most of my adult life I have struggled with my weight so hopefully...
  15. C

    Newcastle Diet diary (to keep me doing it!)

    week one: Procrastination and Habits Such a simple notion but hard to keep on a straight line. Professor Taylor's kind and empathic book dedicates its first half to a fairly in depth explanation of the body's processes. I tried to summarise it in my head in ways that would help inspire me. My...
  16. KayAnne

    Newcastle/VLCD Advice Please

    Hello, I'm still unsure about using forums so please bare with me if I waffle unnecessarily! I began following the 'Newcastle Diet' on my own (it's not offered in my area on the NHS) on the 3rd January. I have so far been doing well and not feeling hungry, losing 15lbs in my first 4 works...
  17. marlonkirkham

    Hello everyone

    Hello , I have been a type2 diabetic since 2007. I've had a long relationship with diabetes and this has been exacerbated by other serious medical conditions along the way. I've been through a variety of stages with the condition, from trying to control my glucose and lose weight and control it...
  18. Lovinglife


    Yesterday Freshwell GP surgery in the UK launched a wonderful Low Carb app. Not for profit. Free to download. No ads, pop ups or premium membership. It should be available globally in the next day or so. What an excellent resource especially for those new to low carb. Very well thought out...
  19. I

    Ultimate debunk of Low Fat is free to view: Fat Fiction

    Features all the North Americans you might expect, plus Prof Tim Noakes: For some reason it won't allow the link. " https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUADs-CK7vl" I will try the link to the post in the other forum:"https://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/fat-fiction-is-now-up-on-youtube.184387/"
  20. LilyJeffery

    Opportunity to participate in research exploring T2D lifestyle behaviours for remission (short survey) (UK-based)

    Are you living with Type 2 Diabetes, in the UK, and interested in taking part in a short research study? My name is Lily Jeffery, I am a post-graduate student at Manchester Metropolitan University, completing a MSc in Human Nutrition. I would like to invite you to take part in a short survey...