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  1. B

    Youtube Series on Type 1 Diabetes - Help needed!

    Hello! I'm a 16 year old Type 1 Diabetic who is currently working on a youtube series on Type 1 diabetes. I've been planning this for over 10 months now and i've begun to work on individual videos. My audience for this particular series are young diabetics, newly-diagnosed diabetics and people...
  2. L

    9 months in, new to Diabetes UK forum

    Hi, I was diagnosed with Type 1 in September last year. 95% of the time I feel like I'm coping, I'm practical and just get on with it, but have the occasional mini-meltdown. People alternate between telling me this is natural and suggesting I see a counsellor to talk about it. I don't know what...
  3. C

    Very recently diagnosed with T1D? Can you help Cambridge Research

    There is a clinical research study going on at The University of Cambridge where we require the assistance of those aged between 18-40 diagnosed with type 1 very recently. If you are interested to help us please call or email the study team on 01223 762327 or email CamT1D@medschl.cam.ac.uk It...
  4. vicki.milne

    Cookery lessons at secondary school

    My 12 year old son has started cookery lessons at school which is throwing us a few headaches as to how / when to bolus (he injects) and I just wondered how other non-pumping parents managed it. He's very good and tells us in advance when he'll be cooking and what he'll be cooking so we're able...
  5. S

    Newly Diagonosed Type 1.

    Hi, I'm Sammie. I am 24 years old and I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on the 1st December 2016. I still cannot get my head around it all still. I am on humilin I, Nova Rapid and Metformin. I feel like a walking pharmacy now when I go out! :cool: Over the past few weeks I have found out so...
  6. C

    Type 1 & Veganism

    Hi everyone, I've had type 1 diabetes for about 2 and a half years now and have recently gone vegan (just under a month ago). I was wondering if anyone had any experience of being a type 1 vegan and the effects a vegan diet can have on your BG control. I know with going plant based, I'm eating...
  7. carbyourenthusiasm

    Contraceptive pill and high BGs

    Hi all, Haven't posted on here pretty much since my diagnosis - so hello again! I am wondering - have any women experienced BG control issues with the contraceptive pill? I am having an issue where my BG is dropping massively in my pill free week, and my insulin need the rest of the time just...
  8. T

    Days in the life of a T1 Diabetic...

    As part of Diabetes Awareness Month, I thought it might be a good idea to get as many T1 Diabetics together on one day to produce a "Day in the Life", that shows what a T1D does every day, how often they think about and act on their diabetes. I propose November 16th as the date. My idea was...