• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. L

    Hypos during late stage pregnancy

    PLEASE HELP... i had major difficulties with hypos during my pregnancy. It has got to a point I am now going through court with childrens services due to be accused of inducing the hypos. This is not true but I am struggling to prove this due to hospital staff (antenatal staff) saying they found...
  2. S

    High blood sugars before eating

    Don’t understand what’s going on! My sugar levels are high before I’ve eaten something and then when I test after I’ve eaten (after 1.5hours what my midwife says) they are in normal range. Only thing I can think of is that I have coffee (decaf) inbetween my meals so would that make it higher? I...
  3. S

    Care during pregnancy

    I'd quite like to hear other Type 1 diabetics experience, please. I'm 15 weeks pregnant and so far quite lost in terms of hospital care for us diabetics during pregnancy. I miscarried back in September, but before this I was offered a viability scan and met the consultants at 7 weeks. I then...
  4. I

    First pregnancy, worrying about highs!

    Hi all, I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and SO HAPPY to be pregnant but it is hardly a walk in the park. My preconception HbA1c was 6.5 which I was super happy about, but in the last week I've had two pump fails (Omnipod, Novorapid) and then last night I went for a Christmas meal with friends and just...
  5. M


    Hello, Not technically a pregnancy post, but I just thought I would post an update as I know when I was searching for similar posts it would make me anxious when I couldn’t see what the outcome was as I assumed the worst..! Well, after a stressful pregnancy (being diagnosed with T1 at 9...
  6. Grace Greenaway

    New Phase

    Hello! I've never been on a forum before, let alone posted, so I'm not sure how this goes but: I've been Type 1 for 21 years now (diagnosed at the age of 5) and I think I spent the majority of my teenage years and early 20's pretending to myself that I wasn't diabetic and feeling surprisingly...
  7. I

    Spiking blood sugars when TTC

    Hi all, Very new here so thanks in advance for your support. I'm Type 1, diagnosed in 2002, now aged 30. My partner and I are trying for our first baby. I have been using the omnipod patch pump system since December and have seen a dramatic improvement in my sugars (HbA1c has come down from 64...
  8. M

    Risk of gestational diabetes

    Hi everyone, I'm after a little advice. I had GD with my first baby, diagnosed fairly late at 33 weeks due to constantly measuring large. Never had any sugars in the urine dip tests. I wasn't particularly good at diet management then so ended up on metformin and had all my birth choices made...
  9. M

    Diagnosed with suspected T1 at 9.5 weeks. Really scared and anxious about HbA1c :(

    Hi there, I apologise in advance if this is a long winded post. I went for my booking appointment two weeks ago and they called me the next day because my random blood glucose had come back very high (15). I was then sent for a glucose tolerance test the following week which showed fasting...
  10. K

    Anxious and panicking

    Hi I’m type 1 on a pump, 16 weeks pregnant and feeling really low. I have history of anxiety but worked really hard with the preconception team for 5 years to become healthy enough with a good hba1c. It happened relatively quickly since we started trying but since finding out I have been feeling...
  11. Goher

    DKA in pregnancy research - your input and support please

    Researchers from the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, are planning a research project looking at Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) in people with diabetes during pregnancy. The team, lead by Prof. Marian Knight, really need input from people who have diabetes (any type) who...
  12. J

    Reflections on a type 1 diabetic pregnancy

    As a type 1 diabetic I have found pregnancy exciting and nerve-wracking, in pretty much equal measure. What has surprised me most though, is just how little has been written about the experiences of type 1 diabetic pregnant women - what you might expect to see, and some of the tips and tricks...
  13. K

    Feeling so unhappy

    Hi I have started with my Medtronic mini med 640g pump this morning, last chance saloon in preconception care after all else had failed and hba1c is still only 60. So far all ok blood wise today and in control. But I can't stand having this thing on my body. I've been holding back all day but...
  14. F

    Not had any contact with Diabetes team!

    Hello, I am type 1 diabetic and currently 7 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first baby - it's taken us 16months to get to this point! I had a routine appointment at my diabetes clinic when I told them I was 5 weeks pregnant. The dr I saw just said I needed to make an appointment with my GP to let...
  15. Brakersx

    Advice on pregnancy and diabetes !!!

    Hi ladies ... I am 32 weeks pregnant and a type one diabetic and have been since the age of 14 . My sugar levels have been well controlled all throughout my pregnancy ( first baby by the way ) I need abit of advice and I see all the time women being told they have bigger babies !!! On my 32...
  16. K

    Improving HBA1c but worried about retinopathy

    Hi, I'm new to the forum but really could use some help. I've had Type 1 for 25 years with varying control. I've been trying to improve control for pregnancy for the last 6 years with not much success but gave up work at xmas in order to give it one last try. At xmas my HBA1c was 103 but...
  17. M

    High hba1c unplanned pregnancy

    Hi there, I've found out in three weeks pregnant with an hba1c of 97. This pregnancy was not planned and as you can see my control has been shocking. Meeting with diabetic nurse tomorrow. She asked GP to inform me this pregnancy was incredibly high risk prior to meeting her. Any advice...
  18. R

    Worried there's nothing there....

    Hi, Six years ago I accidentally fell pregnant by an ex, my blood sugars were all over the place and unfortunately (or fortunately because the baby could have had problems because of this), when it came to the 12 week scan there was nothing there. I found out at the weekend that I'm pregnant...
  19. A

    Gestational Diabetes

    BACKGROUND INFORMATION We would like to invite you to participate in this original research project. We are interested in understanding the views of women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes GDM) in a current or previous pregnancy; the information from this survey will be used to help...
  20. Northerner

    Awareness of pregnancy risks needs to be part of routine diabetes care

    An audit of pregnant women with diabetes has found that 74% of have higher than recommended blood sugar levels in early pregnancy. Among women with diabetes, 46.7% of pregnancies are in women with type 2 diabetes, and in London, 60.6% of births were to women with type 2 diabetes. The figures...