• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. Ailsa d mumto 5

    Mum to 16month old newly diagnosed with type 1.

    Hey I'm new, daughter diagnosed after DKA on wed. Still in hospital and have absolute fear of going home and this being in my hands. Also returning to work, the thought fills me with dread. Has anyone felt it best to leave work?
  2. Sam_mumtoT1son

    Mum to newly-diagnosed 7 year old. ARGHHH!!

    Hi there, I’m Sam :-) I took my 7 yr old son to the docs on 5/2/19, his blood sugars were 18, got sent straight to the hospital and came home 3 days later with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes... My mind is totally blown!! I’m trying to settle into some sort of new routine, but he can’t go back...
  3. A

    PTSD in parents with type 1

    hi all my son was diagnosed with type 1 five years ago and is doing really well. However I had a break down this year and have been in counselling for some time. I have had high levels of anxiety which went in treated for three years. I am getting better however having read about PTSD I feel...
  4. Diabetes UK

    Type 1 bag for Parents

    Our Type 1 bag is specifically designed for parents who have a child who has been newly diagnosed. It’s a support pack and contains information, resources and stories from other families to help parents come to terms with what a new Type 1 diagnosis means. The Type 1 bag includes: A parent’s...
  5. Diabetes UK

    Welcome to the 'Diabetes in School' Board

    Welcome to the 'Diabetes in School' Board Getting the right care in school to support the management of diabetes can be challenging. The ‘Diabetes in School’ board is the place for parents or anyone else, to ask questions about getting the best care in school and ultimately getting an adequate...
  6. Sophie Mitchell

    Do you provide support to someone who has lost a limb?

    Would you be willing to talk about your experiences privately as part of a research project? I am looking for individuals who provide support to a partner, close friend or family member, who has lost a major limb (i.e. arm or leg) as a result of an illness, trauma or accident to talk about your...
  7. Type1mommy

    Why don't I feel unwell?

    For the last month or so, I've consistently had blood sugar readings above 25mmol with most being above 33.3mmol. I've also been doing urine ketone tests and that shows up so dark that the colour is almost black. For some reason though, I feel fine apart from sleeping for hours and hours and...
  8. S


    Hi there, My two year old daughter has just been diagnosed with type one diabetes, following a severe episode of DKA and a stay in a high dependency unit. Our specialist nurses recommended this forum for general advice and to chat to other people about their experiences. She's currently on...
  9. Frustrated Artist

    19, newly diagnosed, and sassy

    Hello everyone! Bit nervous about all this but here goes : my 19 year old daughter was diagnosed 6 days ago with Type 1. Her blood sugar was 22 and she had max ketones. The other funny reading thing was 148. Big big shock to us all. I have been reading, crying, worrying, crying, unable to eat...